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"You guys seriously can't do anything without us" Kie said annoyed as she hopped on the boat JJ and John B were 'stuck" on. You followed her. "Big tough guys need to be rescued by two little girls" you said with a grin.

Kie walked toward JJ and John B. "What's the problem?" They pointed and told her something. "Y/n can you help me real quick." You nodded and walked over to her. "Here can you... Wait, are they serious?" Kie wondered. Suddenly, you heard 2 people jump into the water. Surprised you looked up. Kie and you shared a look and walked over to the back of the boat.

"John B, let me out!" You heard someone say. Looking back you saw Kie opening something to below deck. Sarah Cameron walked out. What the fuck?

Looking back to the boys you saw that JJ and John B made it back to the HMS Pogue. You sighed deeply, finally understanding their plan. Assholes.

"Get your asses back here, now!" Kie yelled at them. "John B I'll kill you!" Sarah screamed. You looked over at your boyfriend JJ. He had a wide grin on his face. Did he really think this was funny?

"There is food somewhere, have fun!" John B said as they drove away. You sighed irritated. Did those boys just leave you there? "I'm not gonna be on a boat with her." Kie looked at Sarah with a dirty look. "Me neither." You rolled your eyes. You were stuck with two fighting girls all night in the middle of nowhere. Wonderful.

When night fell, everything became dark around you. Quietly, you sat further away from the girls smoking a joint JJ had left you. Leaning your head on the side of the boat and closing your eyes you dreamt of laying in your own bed next to JJ.

Your eyes opened after a giggle from Kie. The whole evening they had been talking together. Obviously, they had something to make up. To be honest you had no idea what you were doing here. You had nothing to do with their problems.

"Alright, I'm tired. I'm gonna head for bed." Kie stood up. "Yeah me too." Sarah followed her. "I think I'm gonna stay here for a bit" you said. The girls nodded. They cleaned up a bit and walked toward the beds. A few minutes later Kie came back outside.

"Hey, there are only two beds. Do you mind sleeping here?"

Your eyebrows shot up. You knew you didn't really have a choice, so there was no point in arguing. "Uhh no it's fine" you sighed. She smiled and walked away. Perfect. Let's just sleep on an abandoned boat in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. You were scared of being somewhere remote, especially at night and JJ knew that.

You knew you wouldn't get much sleep so you stayed up as long as possible. But after a while, you felt your eyelids get heavier. You grabbed your backpack and used it as a pillow along with your jacket as a blanket.

Early in the morning, the three boys arrived back. You were still sleeping on deck. JJ jumped first on the boat. He frowned when he saw you sleeping in a corner.

"Hey, pretty girl." He walked up to you and carefully woke you up. Not that you were in a deep sleep. "Why are you lying here? Aren't you cold?" You rolled over and rubbed your eyes.

"Well, 3 assholes decided to dump 3 people on a boat with only 2 beds in it. Guess who was lucky enough to sleep outside."

Even though you didn't mean it as a joke, John B and Pope still laughed. You looked at JJ who grinned a bit too. Unbelievable. "I'll look for the others." John B said while JJ helped you up. Your body hurt from lying on a hard ground. But you wouldn't let anyone notice.

The ride back home you were silent. Angry and tired at the same time. Everyone was talking but you kept yourself quiet. Staring at the ground and the water most of the time. You felt JJ's eyes on you practically the whole time, but you were too irritated and tired to react.

When you made it back to the chateau you got out of the boat immediately and walked straight to the spare room you and JJ used a lot. With a sigh you sat down on the edge of the bed.

Seconds later you heard a knock. "Baby, can I come in?" You hummed in response and JJ stepped into the room. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked as he sat beside you.

"Why did you leave me there? You knew I had nothing to do with their problems" you said as you glanced at him. JJ swallowed. "I'm sorry, we thought that a girls night would be fun."

You looked down. "You also knew I'm scared of being in the middle of nowhere at night and you didn't even check the beds. And did you know how annoying it was to listen to their conversation the whole time? Hearing them talk about stuff that happened when they were younger." You paused. "They never even said a word to me" you let out quiet.

JJ felt really bad. He didn't know it was this awful. He pulled you close to him and lay your head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He kissed the top of your head. "How can I make it up to you?" He mumbled. You sighed. "Promise me you'll never put me through something like this again." JJ chuckled slightly.

"I promise."



Okayy so my first imagine published! I'm kinda scared. Hope you liked it. Please let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now