Girlfriend 2

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After taking a shower you let yourself fall on your bed, breathing out deeply. Today's events still played in your head. Was it actually happening? Was your and JJ's friendships slowly coming to an end?

Somehow you always thought that your friendship was stronger. You never thought that something small like this would come in your way and break things. When you were younger you were convinced that you and all the Pogues, especially JJ, would stick together till you were old and grey. But if this was already happening, you didn't know how it would go on.

You wanted to close your eyes to stop overthinking until you heard a knock on your window. Surprised, you sat up. Looking at where the sound came from, you saw JJ's head popping up. You frowned. Why was he here and why didn't he use the door? It wasn't midnight or something so he could just walk through the house.

Walking over, you opened it for him. "JJ what the hell? Why don't you use the door?" you questioned. "Can we talk?" You hesitated a second but nodded. Easily, he climbed in. "Sorry, thought this was fun."

You nodded. Part of you was still mad at him. Well, more like disappointed but it's the same. "What do you want to talk about?" You asked while sitting on your bed. JJ sighed deeply and sat beside you.

"I need to apologize."

Instantly, you looked him in the eyes. You were surprised. So he figured out what was wrong? An hour ago he looked clueless.

"For..?" You questioned.

"For ditching you. And not just today. I see now that I almost completely forgot about you the past few weeks and you don't deserve that. I'm sorry I was most of the time with Emily. I guess I don't know how to handle a girlfriend and a best friend. And I want to give you both attention, I really do. But she just demands so much attention that I maybe got caught up in it. Sorry"

You were speechless. No idea where that came from. He sounded genuinely sorry. While you felt happy that he saw that in and apologized, you also felt bad for him. It wasn't JJ's fault that he didn't know how to divide his attention. It made sense that he was putting effort into his relationship.

"Why didn't you text me today?" JJ looked down and nodded. "I should've, I'm sorry, I told Em in the morning that I had be go back before lunch, but then she got mad and I didn't want to leave her and then I completely forgot the time and... yeah, I'm sorry."

You nodded.

"It's okay."

He looked at you, astonished. "Really?" You nodded. "It's not your fault. I understand that you want to make this relationship work and that it's new for you." JJ smiled. "Thank you" he said before hugging you tightly.

"So we're good?" You nodded.

"We're good."



Thank you for reading! I'm sorry this one is very short. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now