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Crying and bleeding, you ran for your life. The houses passed as you kept your legs moving. Hoping you would reach the Chateau soon. But you were still so scared that he would find you, so you kept running and running. Even though your feet burned, your lungs almost exploded, your head throbbed and your wounds hurt like hell.

Just a few minutes ago you got into the biggest fight with your dad. Of course he was drunk and on drugs. But his money was gone and he blamed you. He kept screaming that you were a failure and weren't worth anything.

Then he started beating you. You were used to a few punches and slaps, but this had never happened.

He threw you against the kitchen counter, which caused your head to bang against a kitchen cupboard. A massive wound was placed on your head and a big bruise was just above your hip. Then he threw you on the ground, climbed on you and just started hitting you. He was furious.

With the last strength you had in your body you pushed him away and kicked him in the balls, making him fall on the ground so you could run away.

It hurt so much but you had to keep going.

After what felt like forever, you arrived at the Chateau. You ran up the porch and started to bang harshly on the door. Hopefully, someone would be home and open the door.

"John B?! JJ?!" You cried.

Luckily JJ was home and opened the door. His eyes widened at the sight of you.

"Jezus Y/n. What the fuck happened?!"

"Uhm I- He was- I-" you sobbed out of breath, not being able to form proper words. JJ grabbed your shaking hands and pulled you inside, closing the door behind you.

"Come here." He wrapped his arms around and you snuggled in his chest. Finally you felt safe enough to let all the tears go. So you did. You cried for what felt like hours. JJ gently stroked your hair and pressed small kisses on your head.

"It's ok. You're gonna be ok" he sweetly whispered in your ear. After some time, you let him go. Wiping over your cheeks with your hands still shaking. "I'm sorry" You said with a quaky voice.

"No, no. It's fine. Don't apologize." JJ cupped your face and wiped the last tear away with his thumb. Then he moved you over to the couch.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go get a first aid kit." You nodded, taking a seat on the couch. Your legs bounced up and down. When JJ returned he sat next to you.

"Just try to relax, this might hurt."

He cleaned the wounds in your face cautiously, which didn't hurt much at all. When you glanced at him, he was very focused. It was hot, seeing him concentrate like that.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

You swallowed and looked down. It hurt to think about all the events that happened. "You don't have to if you want," he quickly said. You shook you head. "I want to." So you started

"My dad lost his money and blamed me. I didn't do it of course but he wouldn't believe me. So he threw me against de kitchen counter and started beating me."

A tear rolled down your cheek that JJ gently wiped away.

"It's okay, you're safe now." You looked at JJ and nodded.

"Do you have any more?" He asked when he was done with your face. You swallowed and carefully lifted your sweater. A big bruise just above your hip appeared, along with some other bruises but they weren't as bad.

You almost teared up again, seeing your body like this. You hated it. It made you hate your body.

"Wait I have something for that." JJ rummaged in the first aid kit and took out an ointment. He bent down a bit and gently applied it on your skin. The touch of his big hands made you shiver. They were hard, yet gentle.

"All done princess." He looked up at you. You nodded and silently thanked him. You were so grateful that JJ helped you, you had no idea what you would've done without him.

"Let's get some sleep, it's already late." You nodded again and followed JJ to his bedroom. Then the realization hit you that you had literally no clothes here. You didn't have time to pack anything before you left.

"I- uhm- I don't have any clothes here." You looked down in embarrassment, hoping JJ would not find you a total idiot.

"You can wear my shirt, it's clean." He showed you a shirt. You knew this was his favorite, so you were surprised he let you wear it.

JJ left the room so you could get changed. You carefully undressed, avoiding hurting your body, and put his shirt on. It was too big for you but somehow it was perfect.

When you were done, JJ returned to the room while you lay down in his bed. He sweetly tucked you in.

"Good night." He stroked your hair. You smiled. He started to get up, but you grabbed his hand.

"Wait. Can you stay?" He smiled and nodded. "Of course." He lay down beside you and pulled the covers over you. Putting your head on his chest, you closed your heavy eyelids. You were so tired of today that you almost immediately fell asleep.

"Goodnight princess."



Thank you for reading! I really like this one, so I hope you do too. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips!

Bye <3

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