Crazy Motel

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"So, who's going in?" Kie asked as you arrived at the motel. Everybody looked at each other. "I'm not going sorry, they don't give scholarships to kids who do criminal stuff" Pope said while he held his hands up. You chuckled.

"I'll go" you said and jumped out of the boat.

"Wait, I'll come with you." JJ jumped out of the boat and walked after you.

You two walked over to the room. "28.. 29... This is it" you said. JJ knocked on the door. "Housekeeping" he said with a high voice. You chuckled. "Yeah, as if someone's gonna open this door." You grabbed the keys from your back pocket en unlocked the door.

"Ladies first" JJ said. You smiled and walked in.

The room was dark. There's wasn't much in it. You noticed a bag on the bed. "Check if there's a name on it" you said to JJ. You walked further through the room, checking if there was anything suspicious. In a closet, you found a safe. Randomly you started to press some numbers. Soon you realized that was gonna take forever.

You stood up and saw on the nightstand a piece of paper with a code on it. Maybe it could be useful. You walked back to the closet and pressed the number 61666. It opened. You smiled. Bingo.

Your eyes widened when you saw what was in it. "Wow JJ check this." He immediately walked over to you. His jaw dropped. "Holy shit."

There was a gun with lots of money and also an envelope. But before you got a chance to grab something, JJ grabbed the gun. "Oh my god, do you know what this is and how expensive these are?" He hold the gun in front of him and posed with it. "JJ put it back."

"Take a picture of me."

You looked at him with disbelief. "You seriously want me to take a picture with and make your own incriminating evidence?" You asked. JJ wanted to say something until you heard a tick on the window. You walked over en saw Kie and Pope signaling to the front door. "Cops!" They whisper-shouted.

You checked the window at the front and saw two cops standing there. "Fuck, the cops are here." JJ immediately grabbed some money and shoved it in his pocket. "Shit, what do we do?" You asked panicking. JJ looked around. His eyes fell on the bed.

"Go under the bed."

He practically pushed you to the ground. You rolled under it. JJ followed you and rolled on top of you. The moment the cops entered the room, he pushed his hand on your mouth.

Scared you stared into his eyes. JJ reflected the same feeling. Footsteps sounded through the room along with some talking. You tried to hold your breath. Making as little noise as possible.

"Check this." You figured they were looking at the safe, cause you didn't have time to close it. "Everybody's gotta dip their beak, right?" JJ frowned. You were just as confused. Were they talking about taking the money? "Right." You heard someone else saying.

"Alright, I think we're done here." You heard after a few moments. The footsteps went towards the door and soon you heard it closing.

You closed your eyes and sighed with relief. Glad that you didn't get caught. "Jesus." JJ released you and rolled off you. You two came out from under the bed and got out through the window.

When you walked back to the pogues you two burst out laughing. "Holy shit, what an experience" you said with a smile.



My second imagine published. Sorry, this one is kinda short, but I still liked it en wanted to post it. Let me know what you think about it and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now