Dating a Kook

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"So are you really not gonna tell me who the mystery guy is?"

"JJ, you can keep asking but I'm never gonna tell you," you answered JJ's question. He let out a deep sigh. "Fine."

For four months you're dating a guy. You haven't told anyone who it was, because it's the one and only Rafe Cameron. And because JJ and Rafe don't have the best relationship, you decided to keep it a secret.

Your relationship went really well. Rafe was the sweetest guy when he was with you and since you've been dating he's been staying away from the drugs and shit. You've seen a different side of Rafe that you absolutely love. The problem is that the Pogues, your best friends, don't see that side. So you're actually kinda scared to tell them cause you don't want them to get mad, especially JJ.

"Well, one day I'll find out."

You laugh. JJ has been teasing you about him. He called Rafe 'mystery guy' and won't stop asking questions.

Standing up from the branch you were sitting on, you walk to the table with drinks. John B threw another kegger and you always loved those nights. You refilled your red cup with some alcohol and walk to where you were sitting with JJ. But to your surprise, he was gone. Looking around, you spotted him talking to John B. Except they were like whispering. John B laughed and nodded, then they high-fived. You frowned, what could they possibly be talking about.

When you walked up to them, they immediately stopped talking and looked at you.

"Hey, what are you up to?" You asked while taking a sip of your drink. "Hey Y/n, omg I've been looking for you." John B put an arm around your shoulders and turned you around. "I was thinking, do you think I should cut my hair? I asked Kiara and she said it would look good." Confused by his words, you frowned. Why the hell was John B talking about cutting his hair? He never talks about stuff like that.

"Uhm, well if you want to you could-"

You stopped when you felt something sliding out of your back pocket. Instantly you turned around and saw JJ with your phone in his hand. Your eyes widened and you wanted to take it back, but JJ ran off.

"JJ!" you called out. But he was already too far away. You started panicking. If he unlocked it, he could see all your photos and texts with Rafe.

You ran after him, even though he was way faster. "Maybank give it back!"

JJ was not planning on giving it back. He was thinking about this for a while. If he could somehow steal your phone, he could unlock it and finally find out who the mystery guy was.

Still running, he typed in your birthday and luckily it unlocked. He smiled and immediately went to your gallery and searched through your photos. Suddenly he stopped. He saw it. You bumped into him.

"JJ what the fuck?!" Then you noticed that the other Pogues and even Sarah joined you. Of course they wanted to know what was happening.

JJ turned around. "You're dating Rafe?" He showed a picture of you kissing his cheek and him smiling.

You froze. Fuck. This was the moment you were so scared of. The moment they found out you were dating a Kook.

"What?" Kie said. "Wait you're dating my brother?" Sarah asked confused.

"No. Yes. I mean, yeah b-but I can explain." You looked hopeful at JJ, hoping he would give you a chance to explain yourself. But he just shook his head. "How could you do this to us? Did you forget about all the things he did?"

Immediately, you shook your head. "Of course not, but he's not who you think he is. He's actually really sweet and-" you didn't get to finish your sentence cause JJ cut you off. "I'm sorry, sweet? You think that psychotic addict is sweet? Have you lost your freaking mind?!" He practically screamed in your face.

Now you were getting angry, it was understandable that JJ was mad, but he didn't have to talk about your boyfriend that way. "No he is actually a really nice guy, JJ. You may not see that, but yes he is sweet, he is nice to me, he cares about me, and above all he loves me!"

JJ was speechless. He couldn't believe you talked about his worst enemy this way. "You're unbelievable," he muttered and walked away. "No JJ, wait." But he didn't listen to you.

Desperately, you looked that the other Pogues who were still standing next to you. "How could you do this to us?" Pope asked. "No guys, I'm sorry." Tears started to form in your eyes, you didn't want your friends to hate you because of this. "Sorry Y/n." John B walked away with Pope.

With tears in your eyes you looked at Kiara and Sarah, hoping they would understand.

"Kie please, can you please let me explain? I have to tell you that-"

"I understand."

Shocked, you stared at her. "What?" She swallowed and stepped closer. "I said I understand. He may be psycho but Sarah and I were just talking about how you've been so happy these past few months. We've never seen you like this. So the guy you're dating must be really nice."

Sarah nodded, agreeing. When they both embraced you in their arms, you lost it and let all the tears fall. "I'm so sorry." You hugged them tightly, afraid that somehow they would still let go.

"And especially you Sarah. I know I broke the girl code cause I'm dating your brother but-"

"No girl it's okay. I actually don't really care. As long as you're happy." She gave you a small smile which you returned.

"Thank you."

When you let go of each other, you wiped over your wet cheeks. Remembering you were still at a party and people were probably looking weird at you.

"What do I do about JJ? I can't lose him. He's been my best friend since forever." You looked at the girls desperately.

"We'll help you."



Thank you for reading! I'm so sorry for not posting for a long time but I've been so busy with school and I got a job recently. But I hope you like this imagine even though it's more about Rafe lol. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips!

Bye <3

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