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idk how i feel about this one :(

Getting pregnant at 17 started like a nightmare.

When you told the father, your boyfriend at that moment, he didn't think twice about leaving you. But it became even worse when you told your parents. You were scared of their reaction and unfortunately, you were proven right. They threw you out of the house, calling you a slut and saying that they were ashamed of you.

The only people you could rely on were your friends, the pogues. You lived with John B and JJ at the chateau for a little while after your daughter, Emma was born. But when you turned 20 you figured you and Emma needed a place of your own. So you saved up some money and finally bought your own little cottage.

You've been living with your daughter for a year now and a few weeks ago she turned four years old. Time flies by way too fast. Having your daughter was the best thing that could happen to you. She brought you so many happy memories. But also with the pogues. They supported you since the beginning and were always there for you. You're so happy Emma gets along well with them.

But there were also fewer happy moments. Like today. Emma was sick. She had a high temperature, a headache and had been sneezing all day. And on top of that. You were getting sick too. You've been throwing up this morning and it felt like your head was exploding.

Unfortunately, you couldn't catch your rest in bed because your daughter needed you. Of course your motherly instincts were putting her before you. You've been taking care of her all night, you made her some soup this morning, put her in front of the tv, made sure she drank enough water, and that she took her medicine. You're already exhausted and it's not even noon.

Suddenly, your doorbell rang. With reluctance you walked up to the door. You didn't want anyone to see you like this. But when you opened the door, you were surprised to see JJ standing there.

"Woah are you okay?" He asked concerned. He probably saw what kind of wreck you were today.

"Yeah I'm fin-" you were cut off by a heavy cough that was stuck in your throat. JJ immediately put his hand on your shoulders. "Y/n I think you need to lie down for a minute." You shook your head. "No I said I'm fine."

He reached out and placed his hand on your forehead. "Damn you're burning up. Y/n you definitely need to lay down and get some rest."

"I can't I have to take care of Emma." He frowned, not following. Then it clicked. "She's sick too?" You nodded.

"Mommy!" You suddenly heard. Without thinking you ran back to the living room. Emma was still sitting on the couch. "What is it baby?" You asked. "I'm hungry" she whined. You nodded. "I'll make you some food. Some sandwiches and fruit maybe?" She nodded, agreeing.

When you walked back to the kitchen, you felt your stomach rumbling again. Before you knew it, you ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet again. A hand rubbed your back and another held your hair back.

"Shh. It's okay. Let it all out."

When you were done and flushed the toilet, a few tears rolled down your cheek. "Hey, don't cry. It's okay." JJ pulled his arms around you. "I'm so tired" you cried. JJ's hands continued to stroke you.

"How about you go get some sleep and I'll take care of little Em?"

"You'd do that?"

"Of course I'd do that."

You nodded. "That would be so great J, thank you so much." This made him smile.

"Let's get you to bed princess."

With JJ's help you got up from the ground and while leaning on him you walked toward your bedroom. He gently laid you on your bed. He put the covers over you and sweetly tucked you in. "Sleep tight" you heard but were too tired to respond. Before you knew it, sleep already took over you.


When you woke up and checked your phone, you noticed that it was almost 5 hours later. Damn. That was a long nap. You slipped out of bed and walked toward your living room. When you entered, the biggest smile appeared on your face.

JJ was peacefully sleeping with Emma in his arms who was also fast asleep. They looked very cute together.

Maybe this horrible day turned into something good after all.



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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