Movie night

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"You still in for tonight? If so, I'll take care of the snacks :)"

You read JJ's text message on your phone. He asked if you were still in for tonight. Of course you were.

"Ofc! I'll be done with work at 7 so I'll go straight to your house"

The two of you did a school project together for English. The assignment was to read a book and watch the movie and then answer some questions about the differences. You had practically forced JJ to choose The Notebook. You've read the book and watched the movie tons of times so this assignment would be easy. JJ however wasn't the biggest fan of reading, so you decided that he would at least watch the movie.

Even though it was just for school, you've been looking forward to tonight. A night where you could just hang out with your best friend. The problem was that you had to work all day long so it would be an exhausting day, but still worth it. And his dad was out of town so there wouldn't be a better opportunity.

"Y/n put your phone away and get back to work!" Got you out of your thoughts. Your shitty boss was looking at you annoyed. "Yes, sorry" you muttered and went back to work.

After what felt like forever the clock struck 7 o'clock. You quickly grabbed all your stuff and texted JJ that you were on your way. It was about 20 minutes by bike to his house. So when you finally arrived, you were really exhausted. You knocked on the door and smiled when JJ opened it.

"Yo Y/n, come on in. How was work?" You let out a sigh as you stepped inside. "Boring. Exhausting" In the living room you saw that JJ had already set up the movie. "Have you eaten?" You shook your head. To be honest, you only ate one sandwich today during your 15-minute lunch break "Thought so, I'll make you something."

"Is it okay if I take a quick shower though?" After work, you were all sweaty and really wanted to freshen up. JJ nodded. "Yeah of course, take your time".

This obviously wasn't the first time showering at JJ's place so you knew your way around. After 10 minutes you walked back to the living room while wearing JJ's clothes, you knew he wouldn't mind. "Here I made you this, it's not the best but all I could make." He shoved a plate in your hands. "Well if I die of food poisoning, I'll kill you" JJ laughed.

The movie started and immediately you felt relaxed again. You silently ate and watched the movie while leaning against JJ. You always felt comfortable in his presence. Maybe it was because you've been best friends since like third grade and that you could talk about anything.

Halfway through the movie, your eyelids began to get heavy. You tried really hard to keep them open and focus on the movie but you were so tired after today that you slowly drifted off to sleep.

At first, JJ didn't notice that you'd fallen asleep. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked, but when you didn't respond, he noticed you were sleeping with your head on his shoulder. He smiled, adoring you while you were sleeping peacefully. He knew how hard and tiring your work could be so he understood.

He carefully put a blanket around you without waking you up. Then without hesitating, he gently pressed a kiss on your head and put some hair behind your hair.

"Sweet dreams." He whispered.



Thank you for reading! I'm sorry this is so short, but it's fluff so i wanted to post it anyway. Let me know what you think and if you have any tip!

Bye <3

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now