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With a nervous feeling, you stepped into the Wreck. You took a seat at your usual table. Today was Saturday. And at lunchtime, you and JJ always had lunch at the Wreck. Every Saturday since you can remember. But today you were nervous.

Since the third grade, you and JJ had been best friends. You guys were inseparable and did everything together, also lunch on Saturday. When you were younger your parents took you and JJ with them, but when you grew older you guys did it without them. It was your favorite moment from the week. One on one with your best friend.

But that changed a few weeks ago. To your surprise, JJ came home with a girlfriend. A girl he met at a kegger once. You were a bit shocked at first, the JJ Maybank in a relationship, but then you were happy for him. If he was happy, so were you. But that didn't last very long.

Unfortunately, JJ became distant toward you. He didn't spend that much time anymore with the pogues and definitely not with you alone. He was always busy with his girlfriend named Emily. It was sad but understandable. You didn't blame him for putting effort into his relationship. But on the other hand, one day with his friends wouldn't be that bad.

That made you nervous for today. What if he didn't show up? He never ever ditched you for Saturday lunch. Never. Not one day in your friendship. And you never ditched him. No matter how busy you guys were, you always found a moment for lunch. And if one of you couldn't make it to the Wreck, you would do it at home or at the beach. So, he would definitely show up, right?

"What can I get for you?" You shot up from your thoughts. A nice waitress looked at you. Kie made sure she never had to work on a Saturday afternoon. Leaving the two of you completely alone.

You ordered your usual drink. Being a bit early you didn't order for JJ yet. While waiting for your drink you couldn't think about what happened if JJ didn't show up. What if he was with Emily again and forgot about it. No, how could he forget about your Saturday lunch? He knows how much this means to you. This was the fourth time having lunch with JJ while he was in his relationship, and every other time he showed up. But today you woke up with this strange feeling and you couldn't shake it off you.

Suddenly your drink was placed on your table. You smiled at the waitress. "You also want to order food?" She asked politely. You glanced over at the door really quick. No JJ yet. "Ehm, no thanks. I'm waiting for someone." She nodded understandably and walked away.

After a while, JJ still hadn't arrived. Checking your phone you saw he was half an hour late. He was never later than 15 minutes without letting you know, so this worried you. But maybe something with his dad came up, or his phone died, you tried to calm yourself.

Checking your phone again, you saw that he was now almost 50 minutes late, with no message or call. The reality hit you that he, for the first time in years, in fact ditched you for Saturday lunch. You felt tears welling in your eyes. You never expected this from JJ. You wondered if he did this on purpose or if he actually forgot about you.

Suddenly, a person placed a serving tray on your table. Confused you looked up. Kie was standing next to you. You frowned and saw that she had brought 2 big smoothies and 2 large pieces of cake. "Kie? What are you doing here?" You asked, trying to hide your disappointed and embarrassed feeling.

"Just got a feeling you would be here on your own. Guess I was right." She sat down and gave you a smoothie and a piece of cake. "Thank you" you said quietly.

"He didn't show up?" She asked carefully. With your head down, you shook your head. "He didn't even text." Kie sighed. "Ugh asshole." She rolled her eyes. A small smile appeared on your face. "Well, at least we have cake." You chuckled. Thankfully Kie was here to cheer you up. You hated the idea of going home alone after this.

"If he's with her, I'm gonna kill him."

"I'll help."

Together you and Kie arrived at the Chateau a few hours later. You two talked and laughed the whole time, eating more and more cake. You still had a good time. After thanking Kie for today, she smiled and hugged you. "Anytime" she said.

Pope and John B sat on the porch talking. When they saw you, they were quite surprised that JJ wasn't with you. "Where's JJ?" Pope asked confused. You swallowed and looked down. "The asshole didn't show up" Kie said and sat on the couch next to John B.

The boys looked at you in shock, they knew that this was an important thing to you. "Really?" You nodded. "Shit, I'm sorry, Y/n" John B said. You sighed. "It's fine." You tried to convince them, but they knew it hurt you. "But anyway, I brought Y/n cake and we had girl time which was much needed." You smiled at Kie.


After a while of talking and laughing you almost forgot about JJ. Almost. It was until he happily walked through the garden up to you. "Oh no." Kie warned and gave you a quick look. You swallowed, not really knowing what to do or say.

"Y/n, I've been looking for you" he said when he saw you. JJ jumped on the porch. "Oh really?" You said awkwardly. "Yeah, sorry I couldn't make it to lunch. But I took Emily to this amazing spot where you can look over the whole island and it took longer than I expected."

Your heart dropped. So he was with her. "Oh ehm, y-yeah of course. Doesn't matter. Glad you had a good time" you stuttered. JJ smiled and walked inside. It hurt you more that he didn't see what he did.

Sighing you stood up. "I'm sorry but I don't wanna be around him right now." The pogues nodded understandably. "Yeah, of course, I'll text you later" Kie said. You nodded and walked away.

A minute later JJ walked back outside with a beer in his hand. He frowned when he saw you were gone. "Where did Y/n go?" He sat on a chair and popped his beer open. "Home" Pope said without looking at him.

When nobody said something, JJ noticed something was wrong. "What?" He asked confused. It was silent for a moment. "Why would you drop your best friend like that for a random girl you've known since a few weeks" Kie said annoyed and a little angry. JJ frowned, not knowing what she meant.

"Y/n waited at the Wreck for you this afternoon. But you didn't show up."

"Yes, I know. But I told you I was with Emily." Kie rolled her eyes. "And you didn't even text her to let her know? You know how much this Saturday lunch thing means to her and you just let her down." She started to get pissed.

"Why are making such a big deal of it. Can I have one moment with my girl? Aren't y'all happy for me?" JJ said irritated.

Now Pope joined the conversation. "We are happy for you JJ, but you never hang out with us anymore. Not even with Y/n. You're always with Emily. And today you had one job and you screwed up." JJ clenched his jaw. He was really pissed of by what his friends said.

"We get that you're trying to make your new relationship work. And we're happy that you're happy, but your best friend can not suffer from that like this. Do you know how she felt when you left her sitting there alone? You had one job, JJ!" Kie said, now angry.

JJ pressed his lips together. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew his friends were right. He really let you down. Not only today but for the past few weeks. He felt the guilt wash over him when he realized what he did to you, feeling like an idiot.

"You need to talk to her, bro" John B said.

JJ looked at him and nodded.

part 2?


Thank you for reading. This one is a bit longer, hope you like that. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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