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"We're leaving, bye!" Before you could say anything, your two stepsisters already closed the door behind them.

Two years ago your dad remarried a woman. She already had two daughters, Scarlett and Ashley. After the wedding, they all moved in with you and your dad. At first, you were excited to meet your new sisters, you've always been an only child, but the minute you met them they were absolutely horrible.

Because every opportunity they got they would try to make your life hell. In the beginning, you didn't think much of it, maybe they needed to readjust to a new home and everything, but it didn't go away.

They would say mean things to you, 'accidentally' spill food on your new dress, turn the water of your shower freezing cold, break one of your necklaces or push you into the pool. Things like that.

Your dad was pretty rich. You guys were 'kooks' as the people on this island called that. But because of that, he was mostly away for work so he didn't notice the bullying. And your stepmother didn't look after you.

Even though you were a kook, you were great friends with Kiara and her friends. Just like her, you didn't care about money and status. You hung out with them pretty often. But of course, they didn't know about the bullying.

Today, you were supposed to ride with them to school. But since they already left, you had to take your own car.

When you were ready and had packed your bag, you searched for your car keys. But they were nowhere to be found. You started to slightly panic, if you didn't find them soon you would be late for school. Suddenly you thought of your stepsisters. Quickly you sent them a text.

Me: "Have you guys seen my car keys?"

Not much later Ashley sent you a picture of your keys.

Ashley: "Oops, looks like we accidentally took it with us"
Scarlett: "Woops sorry y/n"

You sighed deeply. Of course they weren't sorry. They did this on purpose. With no other option you had to take your bike, but you had to hurry.

You biked as fast as you could and luckily you arrived just in time. The first classes today were with none of your friends. It wasn't until lunchtime that you could speak to them again.

Just when the bell rang, ending the lesson, you suddenly got a text message.

Scarlett: "Y/n you need to come help us!"

Staring at it for a bit, you frowned. What was this? Were they in trouble? And why did they need your help?

Me: "Where are you?"

Scarlett: "Top floor on your right, hurry!"

Reluctantly you walked all the way up the stairs to the top floor. You walked the hallway in and when you rounded the corner you saw them near an open closet or something. "What's going on?"

"Thank god you're here. There is a huge spider in there, can you get him out?"

Are they serious? This is what was wrong? Jesus Christ. You sighed. "Fine, I'll help you." You wanted to walk in, but Ashley stopped you. "Wait let me hold your bag." You handed her your bag and walked in. It was a small room with a few racks filled with stuff.

"So where is-" you were cut off by a door slamming shut. Immediately you turned around and saw that they closed the door. You tried to open it but noticed it was locked.

No, no, no. Please no.

"Guys? Open the door!"

You heard giggling. "Good luck loser!" Then footsteps walked away. "No come back!" You pulled at the door handle but it didn't move an inch. When you reached for your phone, you remembered you handed your bag to Ashley.

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now