Drowning (Rafe)

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"You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out.

It's called voluntary apnea. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding.

But then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore. It's- it's actually kind of peaceful."
- stiles stilinski


With a happy face, you looked at the almost full bath. Thank god Sarah didn't mind that you were using her bathroom. She was out with Kiara and Rafe's bathroom didn't have a bathtub.

Rafe was your boyfriend of 6 months and it went really well. Of course does Rafe still has his anger issues and can be a little crazy sometimes, but he's really trying to be a better person. He was really sweet in your relationship.

Suddenly, a door was thrown open. You were startled and immediately turned around to see who it was. You were a little irritated that the person didn't knock, what if you were already naked? To your surprise walked Topper into Sarah's room. And he looked angry. Like furious.

"Oh sorry Sarah's not here" you said, assuming he was here for her. But you were wrong.

"I'm here for you bitch" he spat angrily.

You frowned with wide eyes. What? Why was he here for you? You two weren't friends and only talked when he was hanging with Rafe. So it was pretty weird that he was looking for you. And especially that he was mad at you.

"Uhm- I don't- I don't know what you mean?"

He didn't say anything but walked up to you and pinned you harshly against the wall. "Topper what the fuck?!" He looked at you with fire in his eyes. Whatever the hell you did, he was furious about it. It terrified you.

"You fucking bitch! You've been talking shit about me?!"

Before you could do anything he pushed you into the bathtub that was now full with water. At this point you freaked out. Topper was holding you down by your shoulders and was a lot stronger than you. You struggled and tried to push his hands away but it didn't help. With all the panicking, you run out of air quickly.

When he pulled you up, you immediately took in as much air as you could. "Rafe!" You screamed as hard as you could because you knew he was probably in his room.

"I hate you!" Topper yelled before pushing you back under.

You were still freaking out. He was drowning you and you couldn't do anything about it. With all your strength you tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. When you had no air in your lungs left, you slowly gave up. What was the point? There was no way out of this situation. Your last and only hope was that maybe Rafe heard you.

And he did.

Rafe was chilling in his room, waiting for you to come back when he heard his name. Instantly, he recognized your voice and by the tone, he could tell something was wrong. He walked to Sarah's room and heard water splashing and someone sort of struggling, he couldn't place it.

When he walked into the room, his eyes widened. He saw his friend trying to drown his girlfriend. Without thinking he punched Topper forcefully in his face. Rafe was stronger than him so he let you go. Rafe immediately punched him again, making Topper fall to the ground.

Rafe turned to you and saw you still laying in the bathtub. Panicking, he pulled you out. You took the biggest breath, trying to fill your lungs with as much air as possible.

You were shaking, your clothes were drenched, you were scared and couldn't focus on what was happening. Rafe's arms wrapped around you. "Shh shh, I've got you baby. You're safe now" he comforted you while stroking your hair.

When you realized what happened, you felt tears streaming down your face. You almost died.

Topper started to regain his strength and slowly got up. Rafe let you go for a second and hit Topper again. "You motherfucker! I fucking hate you!" He screamed angrily and punched him again.

He grabbed his collar so Topper was forced to look up at him. "If I see you near my girlfriend or my sisters one more time, I will stab you so many times you will never breathe again."

He punched Topper one more time and turned back to you. You were still shaking and crying. Rafe wrapped his arms around you again and took you to his room.

"Come on princess. Let's get you changed." You nodded but barely made an effort. Rafe did all the work. He took off your wet clothes, dried you and your hair, and changed you into his clothes. You hardly acknowledged anything, you were still in shock.

"Baby." Rafe cupped your face and made you look at him. "I'm with you now. Nothing can happen to you." You nodded and hugged him tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



Thank you for reading! I'm really proud of this one so let me know what you think and if you have any tips!

Bye <3

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now