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Requested by Slayyy_ANGLES

With a smile you looked in the mirror, you looked good. Today you were 2 months together with your boyfriend JJ. The relationship went really well and he was super sweet to you. It was all a bit new to you, a healthy relationship. Your previous relationship was a toxic one. Rafe Cameron, your ex-boyfriend, was an abusive, psychotic, drug addict so no surprise your relationship wasn't the very best. It was hard to get out, but when you did, you finally felt happy again.

So to celebrate today, JJ decided to take you on a date. He didn't want to say much about it, but knowing JJ it would be amazing.

Just when you put your shoes on, you heard a knock on your door. You frowned, JJ wasn't supposed to pick you up so who could it be? When you walked to the front door and opened it, your eyes widened. Rafe Cameron stood on your doorstep. What the fuck did he want?

"What do you want?" You asked nervously. "I just want to talk can you let me in?" You shook your head. "No Rafe I've said this a thousand times, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Leave me alone." You wanted to close the door again, but he stopped you with his foot and pushed the door open again.

"No Y/n listen to me!" He said angrily.

"What Rafe? What fucking part of leave me alone don't you understand?!" You started to get angry too. This guy was ruining your day while you just wanted to go to your boy.

"Just give me another chance, okay? I swear I will be nice and a good boyfriend." You rolled your eyes. Was he serious?

"No I'm with JJ now Rafe. He makes me happy."

This seemed to make Rafe mad. "You're with a dirty Pogue now? What the fuck do you want with him? Is that all you can get?" He asked. "He's far from dirty and he's way better than you, Rafe."

Rafe stepped forward and roughly grabbed your arm. "Your just a slut you know that? First dating a Kook and now a freaking Pogue? What's it next month? A fucking touron?" This scared you. He seemed really angry and you knew Rafe would be able to do anything. "Rafe please let me go-"

"No you're a fucking whore!" He screamed. "Rafe you're hurting me, please-" Suddenly you felt excruciating pain on the left side of your face while you hit the ground. The realization hit you that Rafe just punched you in the face.

"Slut" he muttered in anger before he walked away.

You stayed on the ground for a few minutes before carefully standing up and walking to your room. When you watched your reflection in the mirror, you gasped. It was only a few minutes and you already had big a bruise around your eye. How the hell were you going to explain this to JJ? Looking at the time, you saw you had to leave 10 minutes ago, so there was no time to cover up.

The only thing you could come up with was sunglasses. You didn't wear them often, but there was no other choice.

Stepping outside, you noticed that the sun didn't shine. Great. Now you look like an idiot. With every step you took towards the Chateau, your eye hurt more and more. You were scared to see how it looked but it already felt swollen. You couldn't let JJ see this, he would flip. Maybe the best thing was to cancel today. It wasn't your favorite option but you couldn't keep these glasses on the whole day.

Before you stepped into the Chateau, you took a deep breath. You got this. When you finally entered, you noticed only Kie was there.

"Hey girl, JJ went to the store to pick something up for your date. He could be back any minute" she said not looking up from her phone. "Okay" you said, but your voice was soft and a bit hoarse. Kie looked up.

"You okay?" You nodded. "Then why are you still standing at the door and wearing sunglasses? You never wear those and the sun doesn't even shine?" She said with a small laugh. You didn't answer and stood still. "Y/n?" Kie stood up and walked towards you. "What's going on? Take it off."

With a sigh you took the glasses off. Kie's eyes widened. "Jezus what happened?" She put an arm on your shoulder. You stared at the ground. Could you lie to your best friend? "Nothing. I fell." Kie obviously didn't believe this. "Yeah right. You need to tell me who did that."

"Who did what?"

Startled, you turned around. In front of you stood JJ with two bags in his hand. When his eyes fell on your black eye, he immediately dropped the bags and walked towards you. "Who the fuck did that to you?" JJ cupped your face and examined the bruise. "Nobody" you said before you walked away to the kitchen.

You leaned with your arms against the kitchen counter while tears started the form in your eyes. The bruise hurt and you didn't want to tell JJ the truth because maybe he would get mad.

Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Baby?" He turned you around and noticed your watery eyes. "Come here." He put his arms around you and held you close. You felt safe in his arms so you let all the tears go. JJ gently rubbed your back and pressed kisses on your head. "It hurts" you cried in his chest. "It's okay, I'm gonna take care of it soon" said. Then he cupped your face and made you look at him. "But first I need you to tell me who did this."

There was no point in lying. So you lowered your eyes, avoiding his gaze, and whispered, "Rafe."

"Rafe Cameron did this?!" He asked angrily. You nodded. "I'm gonna fucking kill this guy." This is what you wanted to avoid. JJ would find Rafe, and would try do fight him but would end up getting hurt. "No JJ it's fine, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Princess," He made you look at him again. "I don't care if I get hurt. He hurt you, so I'm gonna hurt him."

There was no way you could change his mind, so you silently nodded. "Now let's take care of your eye" JJ said.



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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