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"Guys, Merry Christmas, have fun, but I have to go like now or my parents will kill me. Bye" Kie said while standing in the doorway with a suitcase. She and her parents were going to their family on the mainland to celebrate the holidays. Except she had to be home ten minutes ago.

Everyone said their goodbyes and Kie left in a hurry. Tonight was Christmas Eve and you were really excited to celebrate it with your parents and little sister.

"I also have to go soon. I still have to buy some groceries for my mom" Pope said. You were laying on the couch at the Chateau. Your legs were resting on JJ's lap. You noticed he's been awfully quiet today. Yesterday, you asked him what he was doing tonight since there was no way he would be happily going to his dad. His answer was 'don't worry about me' with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

John B was going to Sarah's and Pope also to his family. So the Chateau would be empty. You hated the idea of JJ sitting here all alone on Christmas Eve.

After an hour Pope left. It was already 3 pm and your mother asked you to be home by 4. John B was dressing up with JJ's help. "Y/n tell me which tie to wear. JJ says the yellow one." John B showed you two ties. You frowned. "Ew no, wear the other one." John B laughed and thanked you.

After some time, John B walked into the living room fully dressed. "How do I look?"

"Like a fucking kook" JJ said. You laughed. "That's true, but Sarah will love it." John B smiled. "Thanks guys." He packed his things and left. It was just you and JJ remaining. When you glanced at the clock, you saw it was almost 3.40, and you had to leave soon. But something inside you didn't want to leave JJ all alone.

"What time do you have to go home?" he asked while grabbing a beer from the fridge. "I have to leave soon. But JJ," you started, making him look at you. "You know my door is always open, right? My family wouldn't mind if you had dinner with us tonight." His lips tightened and he looked down for a second. "That's very sweet, thanks. But you don't have to worry about me."

You didn't want to keep pushing him so you dropped the subject. "You know I would love to see JB sitting at that table surrounded by kooks, making a complete fool out of himself." You laughed at what JJ said. "Yeah me too."

At 3.50 pm, you put on your coat. JJ was sprawled on the couch looking at his phone. "J, I have to go now." He looked up at you. "Yeah, have fun tonight."

You wanted to say one more time that he could come with you, but you figured he already made up his mind. So with a bad feeling in your stomach, you left.


"Mommy when is dinner ready?" your little sister Ava asked. "I think in about 20 minutes" your mom answered while stirring through a pan. Your parents were standing in the kitchen, finishing up dinner for tonight. Ava was running around the house, patiently waiting for food.

You sat at the table, excited for tonight. But there was one thing, or rather a person, that couldn't leave your mind.


He was sitting alone in an empty house with nobody to celebrate Christmas Eve with. You detested that. There was a part of you that wanted to respect his choice to stay there, but you just couldn't leave him alone. So you made your final decision.

"Mom I have to pick something up at the Chateau, I'll be right back."

"No but dinner is ready soon."

"I know but I promise I'll be back in time."

Before she could say anything you rushed out the door. You hopped in your car and raced to the Chateau. When you arrived, you noticed a few lights were on. You opened the door and walked inside.

"JJ?" you asked while making your way to the living room. There he was. Sitting at the table eating a simple sandwich. Alone. It was an understatement that your heart broke.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to have dinner with your family?" he asked confused.

"Yes but I won't let you sit here all by yourself. It's Christmas. So get over yourself and come with me. My parents would love to have you over."

"What? No no, it's ok-" he tried to argue, but you interrupted him. "I won't accept no for an answer, you're coming with me."

He looked at his plate for a second, before standing up. "Let me get my things." You nodded with a small smile.

After a few minutes, JJ had grabbed all his stuff and walked with you to your car.

"But wait I don't have anything for your parents."

"That's fine, you don't have to bring anything."

"Are you sure?"

You nodded. The two of you hopped into your car and drove off. It was a short and quiet drive. When you arrived, you jumped out and walked to the front door. You unlocked it and stepped inside.

"I'm back!" you screamed. You dumped your jackets and walked into the living room.

"What did you- oh hey JJ, good to see you" your mom said. He smiled a bit uncomfortably. "Hello Mrs. L/n."

"JJ!" your sister yelled and ran up to him. Ava loved it when JJ came over. He was her favorite out of your friends. JJ liked being with her too. "Hey little Ava" he said while picking her up and hugging her. "I'm not little anymore"

"Mom, Dad, JJ is joining us tonight, if you don't mind."

"Of course not sweetie, our door is always open."

JJ smiled. A real smile. He felt welcome and loved. He didn't expect to actually enjoy Christmas for once. But he loved it here.

When everyone was ready, you all sat at the table. Ava kind of demanded JJ sat next to her, and he happily accepted.

"Thank you guys so much for letting me stay here" JJ said. You smiled. "Of course."

You looked at each other and you realized you were happy he was safely at your house. And that he finally had a family to celebrate Christmas with.



Merry Christmas everyone
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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