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"Oh my god, I love it already!" You said excitedly as you, Kie, Pope, and JJ took a seat in front of the movie screen. Tonight was movie night in the Outer Banks, one of your favorite nights. Just you and your friends hanging out and watching a movie on a big screen.

Kie went to get drinks, but when she returned she had a strange story about Rafe. That he came up to her and said 'tell your boy we know exactly what he did'. You noticed that JJ and Pope glanced at each other. There was obviously something going on that they didn't tell you about.

"It's nothing" JJ mumbled. Kie gave you a look and rolled her eyes. Boys...

The movie started and everything seemed normal. You were drinking Pepsi and eating your favorite snacks. That was until JJ and Pope decided to go to the bathroom. Except they didn't go to the bathroom but walked to the trees behind the screen. You looked at Kie again and frowned your eyebrows.

"They're so weird." You chuckled, that was certainly true.

Suddenly, you saw Rafe, Topper, and Kelce walking toward the same trees the boys just went to. You tapped Kie on her arm. "I think they might be in trouble again, let's go."

The two of you got up. You quickly took JJ's backpack with you, just in case. With these boys, you never knew.

When you arrived, your eyes widened. Topper was practically strangling Pope. Kelce held JJ
back tightly while Rafe was punching him. Kie immediately jumped on Toppers back, hoping she could stop him from hurting Pope.

You saw that Rafe was hurting JJ badly but you were frozen. You didn't know what was smart to do. Obviously, you weren't as strong Rafe, but you were so scared that they were gonna hurt JJ even more. "Where's your gun now, Pogue?" Rafe yelled in his face.

Something clicked in your head. The gun. You carried the backpack with the gun. So without thinking you decided to do something probably incredibly stupid.

"It's right here, Rafe!"

Rafe turned around and saw you pointing the gun right at him. His eyes widened in shock. "Woah." Then everybody seemed to notice you and froze.

"Let JJ go or I swear to god.." Kelce let JJ go slowly. He fell to his knees, weak from all the punching. Then you turned to Topper. "You too Topper, let Pope go." He let Pope go and held his hands up.

"Sweetheart don't try to play with a gun" Rafe chuckled while stepping slower. You clicked the safety off, causing Rafe to immediately stop.

To be honest, you didn't know if the gun was loaded. Probably not, but Rafe didn't have to know that.

"Walk away, Rafe. Now." You ordered. He hesitated but nodded. He beckoned Topper and Kelce and eventually, they walked away.

For some reason, you were still pointing the gun at them. "Y/n" you heard someone say. JJ was standing up and walking towards you. Noticing his face was full of blood, you looked at him with a scared look.

"You can put it down now. It's okay." He carefully lifted his hand and placed it over the gun. He slowly pushed it down and took it out of your hands.

Suddenly, you became aware of your actions. How could you think this was a good idea? What if the gun was indeed loaded and you accidentally killed someone.

You were still in shock, so JJ gently rubbed your arms. Comforting you.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

JJ smiled. "Don't be, princess. That looked hot as fuck. But please don't ever do that it again."

"You okay?" He nodded. "Just a few scratches." You knew he was lying, his face was covered in bruises. But it was probably not the best time to argue with him.

"Damn Y/n don't scare me again like that. I really thought you were gonna shoot him." You looked at Pope and smiled. "Don't worry. Hopefully it'll never happen again."

"Let's go home."

You all gathered your stuff and made your way back to the Chateau. Hoping you could rest after this weird evening.



Thank you for reading! Hope you like this one. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips!

Bye <3

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