Dating a Kook 2

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"Okay I just send the text" Kiara said and showed her phone.

'Fuck JJ can you help me? Me and Sarah took Heyward's boat but something is wrong and we're stuck. Can you please come and help?'

"It's perfect, he'll definitely show up soon" Sarah added.

You, Sarah and Kie came up with a plan to make amends with JJ. A few days ago he found out you've been dating Rafe and he was far from happy about that. You had been best friends since forever so you needed to make it up to him.

After a few minutes, Kia got a reply back.

'Dumbass, I'll be there in 10 :)'

"Perfect. All we have to do is wait" you said. And that's what you did. After 10 minutes you saw JJ in the distance on the HMS Pogue. You quickly hid in the back and Sarah and Kie prepared themselves.

"Okay good luck girl, you got this." You nodded at them. "Thanks."

You heard JJ talking and laughing and the girls saying something. Then suddenly JJ walked in and you locked eyes with him. His eyes widened a bit. But then his expression changed from surprised to confused. "Wait what?"

All of a sudden a splash was heard. JJ walked back out and saw Sarah and Kie on the Pogue laughing. "There are food and blankets guys" Sarah yelled. "Good luck and don't kill each other" Kie said before they drove away.

"No what the fuck? Come back!" He screamed. When he realized they weren't going to turn around, he sighed deeply and looked at you. "You knew about this?" You nodded. "I'm sorry this was the only way."

JJ sat down and leaned against the railing. "JJ you have to listen to me, please let me explain myself." He rolled his eyes, not wanting to hear your story again about how you loved his worst enemy.

"Fine don't listen, but we have the whole night so I'm gonna say it anyway."

You sat next to him and began to tell the whole story. About how you and Rafe met, talked a lot, hung around a few times, how you had your doubts about him but also how he was acting around you. You had a feeling JJ was really listening. When you were finished, it was already dark outside.

"You have to understand that I wasn't planning on any of this. And that I was so scared to tell you cause was afraid to lose you J. You're my best friend and I hope you'll give me another chance."

JJ looked at you, staring into your eyes. He saw how bad you felt and you really wanted to work things out. He figured you were still his best friend and couldn't lose you either. Maybe Rafe wasn't the best choice but if it made you happy, so was he.

"Well, you have to understand that if he breaks your heart I'll break all his bones."

You chuckled, there was the JJ you knew. "Of course." It was silent for a moment. Both of you didn't know what to say. "So... we're good?" You asked carefully. JJ nodded. "We're good." You hugged each other. "Thank you" you whispered. JJ let go and stood up.

"So did y'all leave some weed here?"



Thank you for reading! This is reallyyy short I'm sorry, but I'm almost finished with another imagine so I wanted to finish this quickly so I can post that one. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips!

Bye <3

JJ Maybank ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon