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"Bye see you at school!" JJ waved you goodbye as you stepped out of the Chateau. "See ya Maybank." You waved too.

Since a few weeks, you have been tutoring JJ. Mostly math but lately history and a little English too. To be honest, it was just so you could spend a little more time with each other.

JJ was a Pogue while you were more a Kook, you weren't super rich but still lived on Figure 8. However, you both enjoyed your time together. You just had the same humor and could really get along. You didn't know what it was but you loved being in his company.

It was a pretty long walk to your house but you didn't mind. It was spring already and you loved the warm sunshine on your skin.

When you arrived at your house, you noticed a car in your driveway. Fuck. You knew exactly who that car belonged to. Your boyfriend, Noah. But you weren't happy about that.

You've been in a relationship with him for a few months. On the outside everything looked great and you seemed a happy couple. But in private, it was quite the opposite. When he got mad, Noah would hit or use you. It could go from a slap against your cheek to forcing you to sleep with him. He didn't care if you weren't in the mood.

With a nervous feeling, you unlocked your door and stepped inside.

"Y/n is that you?" You heard from upstairs.

"Y-yeah?" You said cautiously.

You walked up the stairs and went to your room. There he was. He was laying on your bed with his hands under his head.

"Took you long enough."

You dropped your bags and everything. "Yeah I was studying." When you finished your sentence, you realized that probably wasn't the best thing to say.

"With that fucking Pogue again? How much have you been hanging out with him?" You rolled your eyes, finding it quite annoying that he got so jealous over something so simple. "It isn't hanging out, I'm helping him study."

"Yeah right." You sighed deeply. "Are you serious? He's struggling with some classes and I'm just helping him. It's nothing more."

Noah got up from your bed, angry. When he walked towards you, you immediately took a few steps back. Until your back hit the wall. He stood right in front of you, towering over you.

"Are you cheating on me, Y/n?!" Your eyes widened and you shook your head violently. "Do you want me to show you who your fucking boyfriend is?!" You swallowed, staring straight into his eyes. He was angry and when Noah was angry he was capable of anything.

"Answer me fucking slut!" He harshly grabbed your throat. It got harder to breathe. "I-I'm sorry. I know you're my boyfriend, Noah." You were really afraid of what he would do right now. It looked like steam came out of his ears and his lips curled inwards.

"I don't think you do."


JJ was just finished cleaning the Chateau when he noticed a few books laying on the table. He didn't immediately recognize them but when he looked a bit closer he saw those were your books. Shit, he thought, you forgot them.

He knew you probably wanted to study this weekend and he wouldn't want you to walk all the way to the other side of the island again. So he decided to bring them to you.

He put them in his backpack and jumped on his dirt bike. It was a sunny day so he didn't mind. Secretly, he liked the chance of seeing you again.

When he arrived at your house, there were no cars in the driveway. He hopped off his bike and pressed the doorbell. Suddenly, he noticed that the door was open. He frowned. You, and also your parents, didn't seem like the type to just leave the door open.

"Y/n?" he called out. But nobody answered.

"Is anybody home?"


He looked around and walked inside. He had been inside your house a few times for studying, so he knew where your room was located. 

He walked up the stairs. "Y/n?" When he walked inside your room, his eyes widened. The whole room was a mess. Your stuff was everywhere. It was literally torn apart. He sat his backpack down and looked around.

Suddenly, he heard a sob coming from the bathroom. He recognized your voice. He didn't hesitate and rushed toward the bathroom. When he entered, his heart broke literally.

There you were. Sitting on the bathroom floor with your legs against your chest. Crying and shaking. There was a bruise on your cheek and a cut on your lip.

"Oh my-" JJ walked up to you. He crouched in front of you. You didn't seem to notice him, you were too distraught.

"Y/n?" He placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up. Your teary eyes stared into his.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

You tried, but couldn't speak because your breaths were too fast and tears were rolling down your cheeks. "N-Noah h-he.." JJ interrupted you. "It's okay. Take deep breaths." He breathed with you. Deep long breaths. After a while, you seemed to calm down a little.

"Noah came a-and he was mad and then he tried to t-touch me. But I pushed him away and then he got mad a-and then he hit me" you cried. JJ clenched his jaw when he heard this. He knew Noah was your boyfriend. But he never thought he would try to force himself on you and hit you.

His fingers brushed against your cheek. You flinched a little and JJ immediately pulled his hand back. However, he knew he needed to clean your wounds.

"Do you trust me?"

You looked at him and without a second thought, you nodded. You trusted him.

JJ extended his hand. "Let me help you, alright?"

You carefully placed your hand in his. JJ lifted you and sat you down on the countertop. He rummaged through some cabinets and found a first aid kit. You quickly wiped your cheeks.

"What uhm- what are you actually doing here?" you asked while looking down at your hands. "You left some books at my place. I just wanted to drop them off but I noticed your front door was open, so I walked inside and then I heard you cry."

You nodded and JJ continued to clean your wounds. "All done" he said after a while. "Thanks" you said softly and hopped off the counter, still fidgeting with your hands.

It was quiet for a moment. Both of you didn't know what to say. Suddenly, JJ broke the silence.

"Has he done this before?"

You saw this question coming. With reluctance, you nodded. Of course you trusted JJ and you knew your secret would be safe with him. "It could go from a slap against my cheek to force me to have sex with him. Our relationship started well, but somehow he just changed."

JJ was shocked, he didn't expect this. Besides being shocked, he was also angry. Really angry. That some shitty guy would lay his hands on a precious girl like you. Just like you, JJ loved being with you and you've become pretty close. He has grown pretty protective of you, even though you were oblivious to it.

He wrapped his arms around you and embraced you. Instantly, you melted in his touch. You felt so comfortable. Your head rested against his chest and you could feel his heartbeat. Finally, you felt safe again.

The two of you continued to stand there for a while. JJ rubbed your back gently. When you let go after a while you stared into his eyes.

And without thinking your lips pressed against each other. 



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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