Pregnant (Rafe)

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this imagine is mainly with Rafe, but JJ also has a small part at the end

With anger, you walked into Tannyhill. "Rafe?!" You called out. "Here!" You heard after a second. Following the sound, you saw Rafe standing against the kitchen counter nervously biting his nails. "Thank goodness you're here. We need to talk." You sighed, not wanting to have this conversation with him. "I already told you, I'm not keeping it."

A few days ago you found out you were pregnant. It was an absolute shocker. Especially after you found out it had to be Rafe's. A little while back you two had a thing. It wasn't a serious relationship. Just some flirting which ended up in fucking. But after you found out who he really was, an addicted psycho, you immediately ended whatever you two had.

So finding out you were pregnant with his child broke you. You were absolutely not ready for a kid, mentally and financially. But to your surprise, Rafe wanted you to keep it. He wanted to be a father. You laughed when you heard it. Rafe and a kid, do you believe it? No way you were going to have a child with this psycho.

"Will you at least think about it? It's also mine." He tried convincing you. "Yeah but you don't have to carry it in your body for nine months and then give birth to it. Who says you're not gonna ditch me when it's eventually here!" You said loudly, getting angrier with the second.

"I promise, I won't leave you. We can raise it together. We can at least try." Stepping closer to you, he placed his hands on your shoulder. But you shrugged them off. "I'm not trying anything with you, Rafe. It's a child we're talking about not a goldfish" you said.

"Rafe, you're a psycho. You're not ready to be a parent and neither am I. It doesn't deserve a life with one of us. We just can't do it." Rafe was getting mad.

"You're not listening! I told you I am ready. I can do this, believe me! Just give a chance!" You shook your head. "No."

Rafe clenched his jaw. "You can't make this decision on your own. Stop thinking about yourself for one second!" He yelled. Your eyes widened. Thinking about yourself? Did he really think that?

"I am thinking about the child, Rafe! What's best for the kid. It can't have us as parents!" Rafe sighed angrily. But before he could say anything, you opened your mouth.

"We can't have this child, I'm sorry."

With that, you walked out the door. Tears welling in your eyes. Even though you knew you didn't have a choice, you still felt sorry for Rafe. He was right, it was part his, but he isn't ready for child right now. This was the best decision.

When you walked around the corner you immediately stood still. You stared at the five pogues standing in front of you. They all looked at you in shock. Right away, you figured they had probably heard the whole conversation. You knew you had to tell them eventually, but this was not the right moment.

Kiara broke the silence. "You're pregnant?" She asked in disbelief. "With my brother?" Sarah asked. You swallowed the tears. "Not for long" you said as you quickly walked out the door.

"Wait, wait, Y/n. Please stop." You turned around and saw JJ running after you. "What?" You asked ruder than you wanted. JJ struggled with his words. "For eh, how long did you know?" He asked. You looked down. "Not long, just a few days." He nodded.

"He uhm.." JJ rand a hand through his hair. Clearly hesitating to say something. "He didn't force you or anything, right?"

Exhaling deeply, you shook your head. "No. Not long ago, we had some sort of thing, but was nothing." He nodded, feeling relieved.

It was silent for a moment. "So you're not gonna keep it?" JJ asked eventually. You swallowed and shook your head. "I'm not ready to have a child right now and neither is Rafe." JJ nodded understandably.

"But look, I'll explain everything to you guys later. But right now I just want to go home" you said. "Yes, yes, of course. Call us if you need anything. We'll be there for you. You can always count on us."

You smiled. "Thank you." JJ gave you a quick hug before you hopped into your car and left.



Thank you for reading! Hope you like that Rafe was included. I just had this idea and it didn't fit with JJ, so that's why I chose Rafe. Also, do you maybe want a part 2 where Y/N makes the final decision? Let me know what you want to see in that part (if she keeps it or not). And let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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