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warnings: mention of forced sex. not described ofc it's just mentioned!


You were startled by two arms wrapping around your waist. Immediately you acknowledged it was JJ, your boyfriend.

"JJ I'm making food" you said with a laugh. He gently placed his lips on your neck, pressing small kisses.

"The food can wait" he murmured against your skin. He turned you around so you were facing him. You took a moment to take in his features. He was so handsome.

"Liking what you see?" He smirked. You nodded with a chuckle. Then you felt his soft lips on yours.

Your relationship only started a few weeks ago so everything was quite new. You've made out a lot of times, but nothing further. You knew JJ wanted to, and you wanted to, except you've had a bad experience on that area.

Your last relationship was pretty toxic. Luca, your ex boyfriend, forced you sometimes to have sex with him. He said that you were his girlfriend and that it was normal to have sex in a relationship. That it would be quick and that once you started it would be good. He manipulated you. You tried to say no, but he didn't listen.

So you were scared. You knew JJ wasn't like Luca, but what if you had to do it against your will again? JJ didn't know about Luca and you wanted to keep it that way. He would probably think it was your fault anyway.

You were ripped out of your thoughts as JJ walked to the bedroom without breaking the kiss. He gently lay you on his bed and climbed on top of you. Kissing you with passion. It felt good kissing him. He moved his lips to your neck while his hand slipped under your shirt, touching your bare skin.

All of a sudden you were brought back to a night with Luca.

"Come one baby, it'll be over soon."

Luca was on top of you. You were making out in his room, but he wanted to go further. Have sex again. Except you were totally not in the mood.

"Can't we just cuddle and watch a movie?" You tried to change his mind.

"But you'll feel good. You love me right"?

You nodded.

"Then why don't you want to fuck me?"

Lowering your eyes, you thought about it. You did love him and were scared to lose him. You didn't want him to be mad at you. Hopefully it'll be over soon.

"Okay" you said almost as a whisper. Luca smirked.

"Good girl." He continued kissing you as he moved his hands under your shirt.

You froze in shock. You didn't know what to do. The scared feeling appeared again. Were you ready for this? Wasn't it too soon? Would JJ accept a simple no?

Apparently JJ noticed something was wrong because he pulled back. Removing his hand from under your shirt.

"Baby are you okay?"

You were surprised by his comment. Luca never asked you that. So you didn't know what to say. Could you tell him the truth? Wouldn't he be mad that you didn't want to have sex yet?

"Uhm- I-" you stuttered, not knowing how to word it.

"I know there's something wrong. You know you can tell me, right?"

He sat straight and you followed. Staring down at your hands and avoiding eye contact. JJ placed his hand on yours.


You decided to tell him the truth.

"It's just my ex Luca. He wanted to have sex even though I didn't. He would eventually convince me. Even if I wasn't in the mood he would threaten to leave me. I was scared so I agreed every single time."

JJ stared at you in shock. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that a boy would force his girl to have sex with him, even though she didn't want it. Why would some motherfucker do that?

"Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry."

He wrapped his arms around you and gently stroked your hair. You felt safe in his arms so you let all the tears go. Every single one you held back all that time fell out now. It relieved you.

After some time, you pulled back and wiped your cheeks. Immediately you felt embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry. This is so embarrassing."

JJ cupped your face and made you look at him.

"Don't ever apologize about this ever again. And promise me that if we're about to do it and you're not in the mood or you're scared or anything, that you tell me. We can wait as long as you want. You should never do anything against your will. Promise me?"

You nodded, surprised and relieved by his sweet words. You really loved him. "Good." He placed a kiss on your lips.

"Now how about cuddles and a movie?"



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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