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"Okay so the plan is clear? Pope and Cleo go after the captain, JJ en Kie after the cross, I'll find Sarah, and Y/N tries to distract the other crew members and possibly Rafe" John B stated.

Everybody nodded. You guys were stuck on a big ass ship where Ward held the cross and Sarah. So of course you had to get both of them. Luckily, Cleo joined the group so you had an extra set of hands.

"You gonna be okay?" JJ asked you softly while stroking your hair with his hand. Even though you weren't quite sure, you still nodded. To be honest, you had literally no idea what you would do if you'd bump into Rafe, but you had to figure it out.

"Of course baby," you pressed a kiss on his lips.

One by one you climbed out of the small window. "Good luck everybody." And with that, you all parted ways. You walked into some narrow hallways and didn't see anybody. Suddenly, you heard the captain speaking that all crew should go to a certain point. Pope and Cleo apparently succeeded.

You saw a few people walking by and hid behind a corner. When you were positive everybody was gone, you slowly emerged from your hiding spot. While walking, you didn't notice anyone. It seemed that everybody was already gone.

You wanted to make your way to the place where you guys agreed to leave when suddenly a man appeared in front of you. Your eyes widened. Fuck. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He asked very angrily.

"I- I'm just l-looking for uhm-" you had no idea what to say.

"Are you with those other little shits?"

Before you could say anything to defend yourself, the man forcefully grabbed you and pushed you against the wall. You let out a grunt. "I'll show you what happens when you're trespassing on this ship!"

He grabbed a knife and your breath caught in your throat. He's gonna stab you. He's gonna kill you. You were panicking. All of a sudden you remembered a few moves JJ taught you to defend yourself. When the guy lunged at you, you put your arm in front of you to protect yourself. After that, you kicked him in the balls.

Immediately you ran away, but the man was quick to catch you. "Not so fast pretty girl." He pushed you against the ground and got on top of you. He put his hands around your neck and strangled you. Fear set in and you had to come up with something fast.

You kicked him from behind. It worked. The man let go and you could push him to the side. "JJ!" You screamed. He probably didn't hear it but you could at least try. You successfully took a few steps, but again, the man was quick to follow.

He had his knife again. He threw you against the wall and before you knew it you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. When you looked down, you saw blood streaming down your skin. Fuck. You lifted your shirt carefully and saw a nasty cut.

Holy shit

Fuck. This is bad. You tried to calm yourself and told yourself that it was just a cut. He didn't stab you. You could survive this.

When you looked up, the man was gone. Your hands pressed against your wound, trying to stop the bleeding. And you slowly took a few steps. It hurt, but you had to keep going. After about a minute, your legs gave out and you slid down the wall.

You took a few deep breaths. Looking down, you saw that your shirt was soaked. Leaning your head back, you closed your eyes. Your mind wandered to all the beautiful moments you had with JJ. Your first date, the first kiss, a lot of nights on the beach, surf dates, and many more.

You were ripped out of thoughts when you heard a faint voice. "Y/n!" You tried to ignore it until you heard it again. "Y/n! Wake up, baby!" Someone was shaking your shoulders. Slowly your eyes opened. JJ appeared in front of you.

"J?" You asked confused. "Yes it's me baby, what the hell happened? Who did this?" He asked with worry all over his face. "Uh- a guy attacked me. I'm fine though it's just a cut."

His eyes widened. "Just stay awake for me okay? The others are already on the boat. I'm gonna take us to them okay?" You nodded. JJ lifted you. He put one of your arms around his shoulder and helped you walk.

After what seemed like forever, you finally got outside. You walked to the side of the boat. JJ shouted something to John B, but you couldn't focus on what he was saying. "Baby look at me." His hands cupped your face. "We're gonna jump together. We have to. It may seem scary, but I'll be by your side okay?" You nodded.

You trusted JJ. You knew he would never do anything that brought you in danger. JJ climbed over the edge and helped you do that too. "Okay. One... Two... Three..." While he held you tightly, you guys jumped off the boat.

When the water surrounded you, the cut burned like hell. You couldn't focus on swimming anymore and had a hard time trying to reach the surface. Arms wrapped around you and dragged you up. You finally took a deep breath. JJ helped you up and John B steered the boat toward you.

"Oh my god, Y/n!" You heard Kie shout. They lifted you and lay you down in the boat. You were finally safe.

"Jesus are you okay?" Pope asked. "I'm fine. It's just a cut. Not a stab wound."

"It looks deep tho. Wait, I think we have a first aid kit" Sarah said and rummaged through some stuff. JJ grabbed your hand and rubbed it softly. "You're gonna be okay" he whispered.


She knelt next to you. "Okay girl. This shit is gonna hurt like shit. Squeeze his hand, alright?" You nodded. Sarah poured some liquid on it. She was right, it did hurt. You let out a grunt and squeezed JJ's hand.

After she cleaned it, she put a big band-aid on it. "You're all done."

"Thank you so much." She smiled. "Of course."

"Guys! Land." John B said. Your heads turned to see an island. "Finally" Kie sighed. When you came ashore, everybody jumped off the boat. You tried to stand up, but JJ stopped you. "Absolutely not princess." Before you could say anything, he lifted you, carried you to the sand, and put you down on a log.

"We'll take care of you alright?" He said reassuringly. You nodded

"I love you" you said with a smile.

"I love you more."



Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think and if you have any tips.

Bye <3

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