Drunk at a party

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"Call me if you need anything, alright?" JJ said as he pressed a kiss on your forehead. "I will, thank you." Tonight, you were going to a party with Sarah and Kie and some other friends. JJ wasn't coming with you, because it was mostly Kooks.

Suddenly a honk was heard right outside. "I have to go." You pressed one last kiss on his lips. "Have fun baby" JJ said. "Thank you." You walked out the door. Kie's truck was waiting outside your house. Sarah was in the passenger seat so you climbed in the back.

"Hey girls, ready to have some fun?" You asked. "Yes!" They both shouted.

The drive to the party was short. When you arrived, you could already hear the music outside. When you entered the huge house the three of you immediately went for shots and other drinks.

After that, you went to the dance floor and caught up with some other friends. The night was filled with dancing, laughing, and lots of alcohol. You had a really good time.

After a few hours you could barely think properly anymore. You looked around and noticed that you lost both Kie and Sarah. You walked around for a bit but they were nowhere to be found.

Where the hell were they?

You felt yourself get dizzy and your legs felt like jelly. You were really wasted. Walking outside, you saw some lounge chairs around the pool so you let yourself fall on one. Pulling out your phone, you scrolled through your contacts until you found JJ.

Heeyyu babytt

JJ responded almost immediately, every time you went out without him, he kept his phone close. In case you ever needed him.

Hey babe, everything alright?

Ofcoursee allll goood

Mhm, how much did you drink baby?

Uhmm I donnt know? Not much, a lot hihi

Where are Sarah and Kiara? Have they drunk a lot?

I don't jnow where theu are me all bu myself

Did you lose them? Did they leave without you?

Me don't jnow, I misss yui

Alright, I'm coming to get you it's not safe for you, be a good girl and wait outside me alright? I'm on my way

Okty I'll waitt for youtyy love tuuy

I love you too

Reluctantly, you got up from the chair you were quite comfortable in. Walking through the house you saw a beer and grabbed it. You walked to the front yard where still a few people were and sat on the grass. While taking sips from your beer, you waited patiently for JJ.

Minutes later you suddenly heard a honk. Looking up, you noticed a van. A blond boy got out and walked towards you.

"Hey baby" he said.

"Sorry I have a boyfriend" you said back and looked away.

"Y/n it's me" he answered with a chuckle, finding it cute how you acted when you were drunk.

Turning your head, you looked closer and finally noticed it was indeed your boyfriend. "JJ!" you exclaimed enthusiastically. You tried standing up to throw your arms around his neck, but while doing so, you lost your balance. Luckily, JJ caught you.

"Careful there."

"I missed you" you said. JJ smiled. "I missed you too, let's get you home now."

Instead of letting you walk, JJ picked you up bridal style. You were pretty comfortable in his strong arms. JJ opened the door and placed you in the passenger seat. Then, he got behind the wheel.

While driving, you looked out the window. "J" you suddenly said. "Yes, darling?"

"Am I your favorite passenger princess?" you asked out of nowhere. The alcohol was still running through your system.

"You are my only passenger princess" JJ answered.

"But am I your favorite?"

"Of course you are, baby" JJ said while smiling. "Good" you answered. When you arrived, you were really tired. JJ, being the gentleman he is, opened the door for you, picked you up again, and walked inside. Feeling so tired, you almost fell asleep right there in his arms. "No Y/n don't fall asleep yet" JJ ordered. So you listened to him and opened your eyes again.

JJ placed you carefully on the bed you guys shared. "I'll be right back, don't fall asleep." He rushed out of the room and came back seconds later with a glass full of water. "Drink this, baby."

While sipping the glass, JJ rummaged through the closet to find some comfortable clothes for you. He grabbed one of his shirts and helped you strip out of your party clothes and into his shirt.

"Look it's empty!" You showed the glass happily.

"Well done" he pressed a kiss on your head.

"Now we need to do one more thing" he said before walking away. He came back with a few makeup wipes. He kneeled down in front of you and gently wiped over your face.

"All done" JJ said after a few minutes. "I'm sooo tired." JJ laughed. "Now you can go to sleep, baby." Immediately, you crawled into bed.

He threw the wipes away and crawled next to you. Instantly, you cuddled up next to him.

"I love you JJ, you're too sweet." JJ smiled. "I love you too baby."

After that, your eyelids got heavy and you drifted off to sleep.



Long time no story. I've been absent for a while, mostly because of school. I've been busy with exams and unfortunately I failed so I had to retake an exam (today actually) and 6 july I'll hear if I graduate or not. But anyway, while I wait I have all the time to write new stories :))
Hope you enjoy this one

Bye <3

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