Chapter 8:

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{Your Pov}

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{Your Pov}

Two weeks came around, I showed up to work, and so did Christopher. The girls were shocked on his attendance to the club since he never made an appearance except for the Saturday. I shook it off and tried to focus on what I was meant to be doing. I got dressed in my usual outfit for the show and did my own make-up

"He's here again... Something must be going on" Layla said.

"I feel nervous. What if I fuck up and he fires me?" Judy said, biting her nails.

Was I the only one who didn't care? "Girls, don't worry. Just do your job. Pretend it's like a Saturday when he normally comes in" I tried to reassure them.

I waited backstage as Michelle did her introduction to the crowd about me and just as the music started to play, I came out doing my dance routine. The money that these men threw at me was ridiculous. Maybe it's been so long, that I forgot how men just throw money away like trash.

I scanned the room and it wasn't hard to find him. Sitting at the bar, like he did every night. In his navy blue suit drinking his whiskey and staring straight back at me as I moved my hips to the music.

As I got off the stage, I handed the money that I was able to collect to Michelle and headed to my dressing room. Upon arriving to the room, I saw the door was slightly ajar and I sighed. I knew who was in the room waiting for me. Like every night and just like every night, I turned him down.

"Mr. Evans..." I began as I pushed the door open "I am afraid I need to..." I shut my mouth close as I saw a different man standing there. He turned around from my sudden apologise "I am so sorry, I thought you were somebody else"

He smiled at me and it felt warm and welcoming. "I am here on behalf of Mr. Evans. He would kindly like you to get dress and come with me" He said with a low voice.

I raised my left eyebrow in a questioning way "You may inform Mr. Evans, I will be declining his offer. Again"

"I am sorry Miss y/l/n. He really has insisted that you come with me"

I sighed and nodded. I waited for the man to leave the room before dressing. I honestly don't know how he can not take the hint. But if he insists of me doing it in a more private area in his face. Fine.

The man escorted me out of the club and into a private car. I rolled my eyes at this intrusion but kept my mouth shut. As he opened the door and I hopped in, he was there. I must admit, I have been trying to keep my emotions in check but it's hard to deny the way this man actually looks.

"Seat belt on y/n" He instructed me.

"I am not going anywhere with you, Mr. Evans. So, I don't see why I need my seat belt on. How many more times can I deny your intentions?"

I tried to not look at him in the eyes, but when he placed his hand under my chin and made me look into this blue eyes I seriously lost all my senses.

"You will put your seat belt on y/n. You will came with me tonight and stay with me." He sounded so sexual and his voice was deep, dominating. It was hard to not moan out by his words.

A tale of Two Mafia Kings {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now