Chapter 40

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{Sebastian's Pov}

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{Sebastian's Pov}

"We need to be ready for anything now. Vito isn't as stupid as we thought he was, he'll come here with an army looking for her and doesn't care who he kills in the process. We need to take the fight to him before it even reaches the border" I told all my men.

"Should we get Mr. Evans involved with this plan?" Nick asked.

"We will need his help and men power. Considering this is his fucking mess, letting her stay here and fucking her. He will need to clean up his fucking mess that he has caused us."

"What about the girl? What if Mr. Riveria finds her again and it comes down to a showdown between him and Mr. Evans?" Nick questioned.

I really never thought about that. But I guess if it really did come down to it, I would let them kill each other. Easier for me to claim everything and everyone. "We'll come to that, when we do. But for now, we must survive this. y/n, must not be found by Vito"

"Where would you like us to keep her and should we tell Mr. Evans"

"I will be the one to tell him in good time. You have your orders, as of right now. Gather intel, the men and keep y/n safe at all time" I waved them away.

I picked up the bottle of whiskey and poured myself a glass, drinking it in one shot. I shook my head and sat down in the chair. Lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the door opening. I looked up to see y/n standing there.

"Mr. Stan?" she whispered.

"Come in, y/n and call me Sebastian" She closed the door behind her and made her way to the seat next opposite me. I raised in my chair and interlocked my fingers together and placed them on the desk. "Are you alright? Would you like a drink?"

"I wouldn't mind a glass of whiskey" I nodded and went over to pour it for her "And also to see Chris. I want to go and see him"

I stopped and put the bottle down. "I don't think that would be wise, given what you just did. Again"

"You can not keep me here"

"I didn't say you can stay. I just said that, with what happened a few hours ago, you can not be going to see Chris. Vito will come for him and if he sees you there, you might not make it through what is about to happen between them"

I turned and saw her face. She was thinking, her head bowed and deciding on what to do next. I walked back over and gave her the glass. I sat on top of the desk and took another sip from my own glass.

"Listen, stay here for now. Get some rest and I'll get one of my man to gather some new clothes for you. We can talk over breakfast and come to a conclusion on what you would like to do"

"I know what I want to do, I want to go see Chris. Now!"

"It's nearly midnight. You can't just walk into his house and demand to see him" I took a moment before rubbing my temples and getting off the desk, kneeling in front of her "y/n... I wasn't lying about what Chris has been up to in your absence. He hasn't been himself and if you were to see him or get hurt by him..."

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