Chapter 36

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Warning - alcohol abuse, mature language

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Warning - alcohol abuse, mature language.
{Sebastian's POV}

Three weeks had passed and Chris was, well, not in the best shape. Smoking two packs a day, inviting girls over to get drunk and fucking a different girl each night for the week. y/n really did a number on him, but I had managed to calm him down for a few days since Vito took her. It wasn't easy and I remember the day I got to his house as soon as the scene with Vito ended.

{Flashback - Three weeks ago}

I arrived at Chris' and walked in to find him already having his men scatter around the house and in low whisper. I found him in his office, talking to Eric.

"We will set men around the place, charging the bombs up. I will go in and get her, once I'm out..."

"Chris, you can't be making decisions that will put your men in harms way in a state that you're in. You need to calm down and think clearly" I said, closing the office door behind me.

"Calm down?" he slammed his palm on the desk "You fucking saw with your own eyes what he said and how he was even holding her! She belongs here!"

"Says who? You? She is his wife. You've been merely keeping her here as a prisoner" I took a seat on the couch, crossing my left leg over my right. "Legally, he has every right to take her. No matter what she says or what has happened between you for the past two years"

"She's mine and if you're not here to help me Sebastian, then you can leave"

"Just think for a second, what he's doing to her right now. How would you think she'd feel if you just crashed in there with a dozen of your men falling to his and then in the end, Vito kills her?"

"I don't even want to think what he's doing to her. Torturing her, abusing her. You have no idea.."

"I do, I know Vito. I have been the one in conversation with him about the fight club in his city and exchanging money with him. I know exactly how he treats woman. You thought you were the only one who researched him or y/n?" I took a breathe "You need to have a clear mind when dealing with him. He isn't the sharpest man and god only knows how he became who he is today. But you can not go in there, feeling this way. y/n wouldn't want to see you begging for your life"

"What do you suggest we do, then?"

I thought about it for a minute. If I have Chris backing off, I can go visit Vito. After all, he still owes me money for the club. I can look around and suss out where y/n is and plan my next move. "We need to think about having a plan that doesn't involve you or her or any of us getting killed. We do, exactly what Vito has done. Send men in there undercover and suss out his city and wait before attacking and burning his city down."

Eric spoke up and I had forgotten he was there all this time "I would have to agree with Mr. Stan on this. Going in there with nothing but anger will cost us more than what we're getting"

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