Chapter 13:

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*Warning - Violence (mention of blood) & Mature Language ahead*****{1 Year Later - July 13th 2021}

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*Warning - Violence (mention of blood) & Mature Language ahead*
{1 Year Later - July 13th 2021}

{Your Pov}

I was out performing on stage and doing my routine for the men who showed up every night. Over the year, I had managed to draw in a crowd that Chris was happy about as it made him money. I still never went to the private rooms with any man and having Chris constantly showing up every night, he wouldn't allow it either. The girls would make over five thousand dollars while I doubled that by just stripping on stage.

I had told Chris that I would give this thing between us a go and a year later, I've committed into a relationship that I never thought I could be in again. But something about Chris made me feel safe. He wasn't like Vito, who apparently is still looking for me. Chris made sure that I was surrounded by guards twenty-four seven. Even when he was around, I still had the protection that he promised me.

Probably why I have lasted with him for the year. I tried to keep out of his affairs and whatever business he conducted in the house and at the club. It wasn't my place to get involved and he made it very clear that day I agreed to all this.

Another thing, Chris never pushed himself on me. A whole year went by and he never made me do anything I didn't like. Sure, we cuddled and slept in the same bed but he never thrown himself on me.

I didn't know if it was because he was a gentleman and agreed for me to consent or maybe he felt like having me around and found me disgusting.

As I was dancing, I saw Chris in the shadow like always. Drinking and smoking with some guys around a table. He must be discussing something important. But it's what happened next that got my attention back on the stage. It was a hand that grabbed my thigh hard.

"Hey baby girl... Why don't we go somewhere more private" said the young man.

He was drunk of course, but over the year no one dared to touch me. Everyone knew they were to threw money on the stage at us girls and not physically touch. Well, not physically touch me. Another thing that kept playing in my head since he said them. He would kill anyone who touched or looked at me in a way he didn't like. This guy just made a big mistake. My head shot straight to Chris who's attention was strictly on what was happening with me.

I tried to remove the man's hand but he gripped me ever so tightly and I literally fell off the stage and onto his lap. "If you wanted me that badly, you could have asked whore" he said.

Getting off him was a struggle, considering he had both his arms wrapped around me. "Let me go. Please. This won't end well for you" I tried to warn him.

"End well for me? I know exactly how I want this to end. You on your hands and knees taking me like a fucking dog."

Suddenly I was grabbed by a strong arm and yanked off the man. I looked up to see Eric. He titled his head to the left and I followed it to where Chris was still sitting and watching. I sighed, knowing this was exactly what I had said. It wasn't going to end well.

The drunk guy got up and some of his friends followed in suit. "You have a problem with me touching one of the whores in this place?"

Eric replied back "If you want a private showing, you can pay for that with another girl"

The drunk guy pointed at me "I want that whore. I want her in a private showing then. I have something for her" he then proceeded to grab his cock which was in his pants.

"She is not trained in that. I can offer another girl, if you like"

"Fuck this shit! just give me the whore and I'll train her myself"

I was surprised with how well Eric was taking this. He stood his ground and some of the other guards then came up behind him. I was pulled back by Sam. He was my personal guard. He whispered for me to go to the back with the girls and wait there.

So I did. I run pass Chris without looking at him and just headed straight to my change room. I slammed my door shut, locking it and crowded myself in a corner. Sliding down and pulling my knees up, where I buried my head in my hands.

It wasn't like I didn't know how this played out. I was a stripper before I met Vito and the way I was treated back then and even throughout my stay with Vito, this didn't compare. But it felt oddly strange. I never felt those things for such a long time.

My door was banging and I knew by the voices it was the girls. Michelle telling them to shut up and stood at the door asking me to open it. I refused.

I don't know why but I was crying. Maybe everything got to me? The heat of the moment and now relaxing, my emotions were setting in. Maybe it was because I knew what was going to happen to that man. He was drunk and didn't deserve to be killed.

I felt two hands resting on my knees and his voice echoing through my ears "My love, look at me"

I slowly lifted my head, tears still streaming down my face and with his thumb he wiped them away. He cradled my head in his right palm and I sank into his hand. He felt warm and safe.

"Come on. Let's get you home" He said to me in a sweet and gently tone.

I nodded and he helped me get up from the floor. I looked over to the door, the door I locked. I didn't need to ask him how he opened it. He is the owner and the owner has keys.


"Shhh... Don't speak. Let's just get you home where you can rest and not think about what happened here"

He helped me walk out of the club and that's when I saw them. The four men, including the drunk one who had touched me and called me a whore. He was lying there on the cold hard ground, covered in blood.

I clapped my hands to my mouth, hoping to stop the sounds that would come out. But nothing was coming out anyways. No sound escaped.

"I told you, I would kill anyone who dares to touch or look at you in a way that displeased me. Not only did he touch you, but he called you a name that I don't like. He had it coming" Chris said to me.

We got in the back of his car and Eric drove off. My whole body was shaking with what I just saw. It's been a year that I was with Chris, but I had never witnessed him killing anyone. Though I still haven't. This wasn't the first time I had seen a dead body. Vito made me watch him kill, even just for fun. But right now all I could think about was how I would manage to get home without throwing up in this car.

Tiktok: EvansStanxx 🥰

Author's Note:
Two words to describe Chris in the chapter:
Protective and Dangerous.

Author's Note: Two words to describe Chris in the chapter: Protective and Dangerous

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