Chapter 31

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{Your POV}

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{Your POV}

I had just finished shooting the cans, when Sam came up to me and gave me the case for my gun to stay in. I remember the day Chris gave me the gun and how he showed me the right way to hold it, to shoot it. Since that day, I was out here in the backyard practicing.

"y/n, you must get ready. Mr. Evans is just finishing up and will be ready for your date" Sam informed me.

I nodded and smiled at him. I was grateful that Chris let Sam go and kept him in my service. it showed that Chris trusted me.

I had back towards the house and noticed Eric staring down at me. Talk about Chris being protective of me. I had been alright since the major incident, where I decided to change my life. That was until last week.

I can still hear the trigger being pulled back and the gun going off. It was deafening to say the least, but even more scarier that I was the one who pulled it. I shook my head, trying to forget it but every time I close my eyes for a split second I can see what I did. The blood of the innocent pooling around their dead body.

I lifted my head up and went to grab the handle of the back door, to open it but crashed into a solid figure.

"Oh... watch yourself, gorgeous" A deep voice said.

I looked up and saw someone that I never seen before. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Day dreaming" I said.

Our eyes finally met and i suddenly become lost. Something about his eyes made me feel a way that told me he was dangerous as well. I see him observing me and I straightened up. Noticing him, lifting his hand to brush my hair away and I felt his thumb gently brush over my forehead.

"Just a red spot. You'll be alright, gorgeous" he said, again calling me gorgeous.

"Sebastian! Man, what are you doing here?" Chris came over to the both of us.

I stepped backwards, giving us some space. Chris stood by my side and immediately wrapped his arm around my waist. Pecking me on the cheek. I could see Sebastian having a disgust expression.

"Chris, I better get to that shower and get ready. Don't want to be late" I mentioned.

I honestly, couldn't get away fast enough. That Sebastian person seemed oddly frightening, but then who am I to judge. Vito? Chris? I can't say I pick them well.

{Sebastian's POV}

Last night wasn't enough for me. I needed to see her again. I needed to touch, to feel her. I needed her.

I was heading over to Chris' for that sole purpose. What I found out last night was like a dagger to my heart and I needed her to heal me. I was driving fast, thinking of only her and everything that happened

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