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Kiara's POV:

It was my 9th-grade year at the Kook Academy and I felt so alone. I had no friends as I had NOTHING in common with all these spoiled rich kids. This was the life my mother lived and the life she wanted me to live. It didn't matter what I wanted. She didn't care. I just wanted to be a Pogue.

However, today the Kook princess herself asked me if I wanted to save baby turtles after school. Sarah and I got really close. We'd hang out at her house and make fun of her older brother Rafe, steal her dad's beer, and have sleepovers all the time.

She liked this boy, Topper and we'd constantly talk about him. 

One day, I was at the Cameron's to see Sarah and her step-mom, Rose answered the door.

"Sarah should be home soon. You can go wait in her room.." She smiled

"Thanks.." I replied going to Sarah's room

I was sitting on her bed and looking at my social media accounts when her older brother walked by.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked stopping in the door frame

"Just waiting for Sarah. Rose said she should be back soon.."

"I just talked to her and she is on the mainland shopping with Wheezie. It will be a bit before they get back. Want to hang until then?" He asked 

"Sure, why not.." I agreed as I had nothing to better to do while I waited

Rafe and I were playing some video game in his room and then he asked, "Wanna get lunch at Figure Eight?"

"Okay.." I smiled

We went outside and he handed me a helmet and I got onto the back of his bike. We went to the country club and got a table. Rafe and I both got fish and chips. The conversation was mainly about school, Sarah, and the Camerons new boat. 

Rafe paid for lunch and I said, "Thank you.."

"Of course.." He smiled 

We went back to the Cameron's house and he said, "There's a party tonight at Toppers place. Wanna go together?"

"I'm not dressed for a party.." I said trying to let him down easy

He walked into Sarah's room and went to her closet and picked out a skimpy sundress she had.

"Wear this." He smiled

"Okay.." I said smiling as he left the room

I got dressed and fixed up my hair and make-up. Rafe put on a pair of khaki shorts and a blue polo shirt.

"You look perfect, Kiara.."

"You clean up pretty nice too.." I smirked as we walked downstairs

Rafe grabbed the keys to his dad's truck and he drove to the party. When we arrived he got a beer for me and found a few of his friends. 

"Those stupid Pogues from the cut always have to show up to our parties.." He said annoyed as a bunch of Pogues were here

"We can just ignore them.." I said 

He grabbed my hand and lead me over to the beer pong table and his buddy grabbed him and pulled him into a game

"Kiara, will you go grab me another drink?" He asked

"Of course.."  I said

I went to the kegs and there were three boys there. John B, Pope, and JJ. They were Pogues and were known to have a good time along with stirring up trouble. 

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