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Kiara's POV:

Sarah and I got up and we went to JJ's. Sarah was waiting in the car while I went to talk to JJ.

"Where the hell were you all night?" He asked

"I was with Sarah at her house."

"Where is Rafe?"

"He is on the mainland in a mental institution" I answered

JJ and argued for a few minutes but then he got over it and realized why I did what I did. He came with me and Sarah to talk to John B.

John B freaked out and was screaming at all of us. Thankfully, JJ was there to calm him down before he did something stupid. Pope and Cleo took the news much better. We now had a lot more information about where the gold was.

The boys were strategizing a plan and trying to locate the gold and how we'd get there.

The next few weeks were very chaotic with school and the gold planning. Spring was here and I had to make a decision soon.

We were playing truth and Pope asked me about what I was going to decide. I took a deep breathe and said, "So with my ACT score, I ended up getting a nice scholarship and free room and board. My parents know that and basically said that I won't get a penny from them if I take a year off and I need them to help pay for my school, so I'm going to be going to college..."

"Roomies!" Sarah cheered as she got up and hugged me

JJ looked over and me and then looked away. The next day, I went over to his house and he said, "Kie, you better not be over here to make a big deal about last night."

"I'm here to apologize. I should have told you first. I want to go on the surf trip more than anything with you."

"It's whatever, Kie. You're going to go do the college thing and I'm going to travel, it's what I always was going to do. You were always supposed to go to college."

JJ was still in a mood so I left and said, "I don't want this to change anything between us. I still love you."

"I still love you, Kie, but this changes everything."


Kie just left and I felt like shit. The love of my life chose her best friend over me. I know I should be happy for her, but that meant her leaving. It meant we wouldn't get our surf trip. It means I wasn't proposing because that would make her not go to college to travel with me and I don't ever want to be the one to hold her back.

A few weeks had gone by and Kie and I were totally fine when we were with the group but we haven't been alone since she came to my house. She was packing and shopping with Sarah for their dorm. They were going to a college in Malibu, California.

Tonight, Kie came over and she said, "J, what happened to us?"

She was crying and I just looked at her and said, "I don't know, but we've drifted..."

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I don't want to lose you."

"You made your decision, Kie. I am so proud of you for all your hard work. You deserve everything and you're going to have an amazing future. I could never be mad at you for picking school"

"You can come with me. We can get our own place and surf the west coast waves."

"We both know we couldn't afford a place in California."

"I love you, J.." She said crying in my arms

"I love you, Kie.." I replied as I held onto her a little tighter

"We still have all summer together" She said trying to make the situation better.

There was no good solution to this. We were going to be on opposite sides of the country. Graduation arrived and after lots of pictures, Kie's parents were having a small gathering at the Wreck. Her extended family was there, the pogues, Pope's family, and of course their kook friends like Ben and his family.

Apparently, Ben has decided to go to college this semester and not travel. And of course, he was going to the same school as Kie and Sarah.

Kie was busy talking to everyone else. I just needed some air so I went out the side door to get some air and a few seconds later, Kie was there.

"Go back inside to your party" I said

"You think that I care about this party?"

"No, I know you don't but I can't be around you right now"

"Why? Because I'm going to college?"

Kie and I began arguing and the fight just got worse by the minute. It was apparently a built-up fight about many other things and of course, Kylie came up.

"Maybe you should invite Kylie on your surf trip with you" Kie said out of anger

"Really? We're back to Kylie? I thought we were over that. You know that meant nothing. You know I love you."

"No, I really don't because you should be happy for me ut instead you just start a fight or act like a child every single time I bring up Malibu."

The fight got heated and then I said, "You know what, then let's just be done. You can be free in Malibu, date Ben, the boy your parents always wanted you with anyways."

"JJ..." She said crying

"It's for the best. You'll be okay.." I said walking away

Kie was crying and she ran to me and hugged me. I've never seen her cry like this. I wrapped my arms around her and said, "Go kill it in Malibu. You're capable of so much."

"I can't lose you... I love you, J.." She choked out

"I love you, Kie, but it's for the best..." I said kissing her head as I broke the hug and I left on my bike

I went home and I started packing a bag. I strapped my surfboard to my dad's truck. I drove back to the Wreck and saw Ben. I called him over and I simply said, "Please take care of Kie in Malibu."

"You know I will.." He said

I was driving out of OBX. I didn't know where I was heading, but I was going on my surf trip. I looked to the passenger seat and fought back tears as Kie was supposed to be here with me.

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