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Kie and I both agreed we had nothing to lose and we got into the shipping container with John B and Pope.

Pope and John B made me stay in the container with Kie. We were put on the B team. They left and Kie said, "Just me and you."

I was alone with Kie. We didn't say much so I started the conversation telling her about my surf trip. We were both dripping in sweat and she didn't seem intrested in the coversaton.

I told her to name a place and she said Spain. I told her about my dream. The simple life on the surf trip and she said it sounded perfect. It was perfect. It was a pogues dream. I imagined Kie's dream.

She would start her own business to help save the sea turtles and do things to protect the enviornment. I know she's a pogue, but she'd go full kook. I pictures her in her own private plane, flying all over the world to help save the turtles.

"Got room for one more?" Kie asked

I laughed at her comment. There was no way in hell Kie would want to go on a surf trip with me. We broke up for a reason and hurt each other doing it. I looked up at her and that's when I knew she wasn't kidding. But she'd want to go as friends. Pope came back ending the conversation.

Kie and I were locking everyone in the room. We were closing the door and they were pushing back. Kie had her whole body weight on the door and I had my arms around her pushing my body on hers.

We got to the cross! Kie and I did the pogue handshake and Pope was brining the cross up. We were interupted and got into a fight with the ships captain. He was going after Kie, I screamed her name and jumped on his back. He elbowed me in the chesst and swung the machette at Kie and I jumped and it hit me instead. Everything went black as I fell into the water.

Kiara's POV:

I jumped into the water after I saw JJ was facedown and unconscious. I flipped him over and tried to wake him up. I was crying, I couldn't lose JJ. I was getting tired really fast. I couldn't keep my own head above water much longer let alone JJ's whole body.

"J.. JJ.." I said bobbing up and down

"I'm sorry" I said crying more as I knew I was going to drown with him. There was no way in hell I was letting him drown to save myself. JJ deserved so much more in life. It broke my heart that we were both going to die out here. I would drown right now if I knew that he would be okay.

The second I was going to give in, I heard John B and the others calling my name. I felt so relieved as they helped us into the small boat that was more like a raft. John B was concentrated on getting away from the ship and I was sitting right next to JJ trying to wake him up. I was crying as he wasn't breathing.

"Wake up, please.." I said shaking him

He started coughing all the water he swallowed up all over my arms but I could care less. He was looking around confused by what had just happened. I had one hand on the back of his neck, in his hair and the other was his shoulder. He looked down at my hand then his eyes met mine. Time stood still.

"Hi.." I said just relieved and happy that he was okay

"Sup." He replied casually nothing had happened

I lightly shoved him and then I pulled him into my arms. I wish we could stay like this forever, but I had to let go. We arrived at the island and JJ was back to himself. I was keeping a close eye on him to make sure he was okay, especially since he hit his head.

We were all sitting together and John B helped Sarah up, Pope helped Cleo up, and that left me and JJ. He helped me up and we were walking next to each other when John B grabbed him.

We walked a little way down the beach and built a fire. We were planning on exploring the island tomorrow and talking more about logistics. Tonight we just sat by the fire and saw the pretty sunset.

I was sititng on the end and then it went Pope, Cleo, Sarah, John B, and JJ was across from me. My eyes met his and we both awkwardly looked away. We were making plans for tomorrow and we were all laying down and people were falling asleep. I couldn't sleep so I got up and I went and sat by the water. I let the water hit my feet and I thought about what happened earlier. I almost died in this water.

"Kie, are you okay?" Pope asked coming to the beach

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep. I can't believe we are stranded here. I was just heading back." I lied

I walked back to Pope and laid back down. I slept awful and when I woke up, John B had made a hommade fishing pole with a stick. He found a hook attached to fishing line on the beach last night.

JJ and Pope were throwing rocks at the coconuts to try to knock them off the tree. Cleo was close to the beach inspecting some berry bushes she found. Sarah walked over to me and said, "Come with me.."

She grabbed my hands and pulled me up and annouced, "We're going to go explore.."

"I'll come with you.." Pope said

"No, it's a girl thing.." Sarah said annoyed back

She brought me far away from the group and I asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"You're in love with JJ.." She said smiling

"No, I'm not.." I said defensive

"Kie, I saw the way you looked at each other yesterday. He loves you too. You look at him, like I look at John B."

"Sarah, he almost died.. Of course, I was concered."

"Yeah, he almost died for you. Kie, open your eyes.. Everything that boy does is for you.."

"It doesn't matter, no pogue on pogue macking. You saw how that whole mess with Pope almost destroyed the whole group. I'm not going to risk that again. Besides, all JJ wants on this island is someone to hook up with.."

"Kie, that rule is stupid now. I'm literally married to John B. Pope and Cleo seem pretty cozy. So it's just you and JJ.."

"I don't care. I can't talk about this now, Sarah." I said going back to the group

I went back and JJ brought me a coconut that Cleo had cut open with her knife. John B was in the water fishing. Everyone was so relaxed and happy and I was a complete mess. I had to hide it, but I was a mess. I almost lost JJ...

John B caught a fish and everyone was cheering. He gave the fish to Cleo and Pope was starting a fire with Sarah's help.

JJ walked over and he sat next to me and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah.." I said playing with the sand avoiding looking at him

"Bullshit.." He said

They were cooking the fish on the fire John B said, "This is the dream, our own lisland, endless surfing, cooking fish on the fire.."

I looked over at JJ and he was already looking at me, the surftrip.

We all shared the fish and berries. It wasn't a lot but it was all we had.

I tried to act normal and I joined the conversation with the group. Sarah kept looking at me like she was checking on me, as if I would break down at any given moment.

It was getting late and Sarah went and curled up with John B. I fell asleep in my own space and I woke up early and JJ was missing. I shot up and looked around for him and he was gone. My heart started to race.

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