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Kie and I were sitting on the surfboard and we had been flirty all day. It started raining and she just looked so beautiful so I leaned in for the kiss. My lips touched her and she didn't react so I pulled away. 

I started to panic unsure of how I was going to talk my way out of this one. There was a mosquito on your lips? Sorry, I blacked out for a second? Jump in the water and swim away? Fuck..

I looked at her and said, "Shut up and kiss me.."

My heart started racing as she leaned in and this time she pressed her lips to mine. I could feel the sparks from the kiss in my whole body. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Our bodies moved in sync in the pouring rain.

When we parted, she brought up the stupid question about the island again.

"Kie, it's not important.." I said annoyed

"You've been here before, right?" 

"Yeah.." I admitted as I couldn't hide that

The rain was slowing down to a drizzle. Almost as if it were meant for us and our special moment.

"Shit.." She said suddenly pissed off

She got off the board and swam back to where she could touch and walked back up to the beach.

"Kie, where are you going?" I questioned as she got further away

"Away from you.. Come on, let's go back home.."

"Fine, give me a second.." I said pissed off

I came back to shore and I turned on my flashlight and I put the fishing pole back along with the surfboard. The fire was still somehow alive even after the downpour we just had. 

Luckily, everything we had stayed dry that was in my backpack. I grabbed my backpack and kicked sand on the fire. Kie was waiting in the HMS Pogue.

I was pissed because I somehow fucked up this perfect night. I walked to the boat and she wouldn't even look at me.

I went to turn the key and the boat wouldn't start. This got her attention and she said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me.."

"Fuck.." I mumbled remembering John B had told me that the keyhole can't get wet and to keep the tarp over it

"So, the funny thing is that this isn't a luxury boat that you're used to and John B kinda has a few parts missing. The keyhole can't get wet because it does something to the engine shit and it just doesn't start until it dries.. So looks like we're stuck here tonight.."

"You're such an idiot JJ." She said rolling her eyes 

"Really, Kie? What the hell? You kissed me too and I don't know about you but I wanted to kiss you again. You are the one person that truly cares about me and can love me. Now you go and start saying shit my dad would say. If I wanted to hear shit like that, I would have brought him.." I shouted

Kie was trying not to cry and said, "You brought me to your damn hookup spot.."

She walked away before I could even respond. 

Kiara's POV:

I got off the boat and went back over to the fire that was now completely out. I was freezing. Thankfully, there was a blanket on the boat that stayed dry. I had my clothes on over my swimsuit and was wrapped in a blanket in the hammock on the beach near the fire.

I felt guilty for my behavior towards JJ. I never meant to sound like his dad. He's been through hell with his dad and the last thing I wanted was to turn into someone he couldn't trust.

Truth is, I was falling for JJ. He came over and started the fire again.

"Thank you.." I said from far away

"You look cold.." He said

"I'm warming up.."

JJ sat next to the fire and I stayed on the hammock. I laid there and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't wait to wake up and get the hell off this island with JJ.

I suddenly became curious as to how many girls have been on this island with him. Or in the hammock, yuck.

I tried not to think about anything but I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss JJ and I shared on the surfboard watching the sunset in the pouring rain.

It was magical and felt too good to be real, turns out it was.

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