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Kie and I got in our clothes and I started the fire and cooked fish on it. 

"This is kinda like the surf trip.." Kie smiled as we ate the fish

"Practice trip before the real one. The real one, just you and me with our surfboards in some country with a shit ton of money."

"I like the sound of that.." 

We sat there after we finished eating and I said, "This is probably going to be the only time we're going to be alone like this so I need to tell you that I am so sorry for the Kylie shit. I know that is what made us break up."

"It wasn't just that, JJ. We had been fighting over stupid things and it was too hard keeping our relationship a secret. You got jealous with the whole Adam thing and then you macked Kylie and we just drifted. You had so much going on with your dad, the gold, and it got to be too much for both of us."

"Kie, I was never jealous of Adam. I trusted you one hundred percent. I know you were just friends with him and that you loved me. But seeing you with him hurt. I felt like I was ruining your life. Your parents loved Adam and they got tense and annoyed when I was around. I'm from the cut. I have a dad who is abusive, an alcoholic, and a druggie. My mom is MIA in fucking Yucatan. I'm not someone who is good for you. I have some issues from my dad's abuse, I have anger issues when I go storming off, I'm not capable of giving you the life you deserve, someone like Adam is. Kylie was a girl in my league. You are so far out of my league, Kie. I just want you to be successful and happy and Adam is someone who you should be with."

Kie ignored everything and questioned, "Your mom is in Yucatan?"

Fuck. I didn't mean to let that slip out. 

"Uhh yeah.." I said scratching the back of my head

"Is that why you are so obsessed with wanting to go to Yucatan?"

"I don't want to talk about my mom right now, but yes.. You can't tell anyone that. I just found out when I gave you that necklace."

"JJ, you're right... Adam is the dream guy. He's tall, has sandy blonde hair, and is a good surfer. His dad is a bigshot lawyer and his mom is a doctor and owns her own clinic. Adam wants to go to law school and it's already paid for. He got accepted to Harvard on a full scholarship. He drives a big fancy truck and wears expensive and fancy clothes all the time. He respects me and cares about me. He is an incredible man who is going to be super-rich and have a fancy house on Figure Eight..."

"Yeah, I get it. You don't need to keep going. If you like Adam so much go be with him when we get back. You have nothing to lose."

"There's a problem.." Kie said grabbing my hand and putting it on her chest over her heart

"My heart doesn't beat like this for Adam."

Her heart was racing. I looked at her and pulled my hand away and she said, "You deserve better than Kylie. You might have had an awful childhood and home-life, but you aren't a drunk druggie. You are smart and so loyal and caring. I'd pick you over Adam every single time.."

"Kie..." I whispered as I was crying

I didn't want to cry. But I couldn't hold it in. Kie wanted me. She could have Adam but she wanted me. I have no idea why but I wasn't going to question it.

It was getting late and it was cold. We got in the hammock together and Kie's body was pressed up against mine. I held her in my arms and she laid her head on my chest.

"Thank you for always being there when I need you. You've always been there for all the shit with my dad. I never meant to hurt you when I grabbed you by your dad's truck."

"Hey, no you didn't hurt me.." She said reassuring me

"What did you mean when you said 'you're it to me?" She questioned

"I meant that you're it. You're my everything." I said 

"J.." She whispered not knowing what to say

"Kie.." I whispered back

"Goodnight.." She said

Damn. Not what I wanted to hear but I don't think she was ready to jump back into a relationship. 

"Goodnight, Kie.." I said kissing the top of her head

I woke up to Kie screaming in the middle of the night. An apple had fallen off a tree and hit her in the side of the face. She was okay but it left a huge bruise.

We woke up and packed the backpack and walked a little further. There was a grass hut and then we saw a skeleton of a person. Kie hugged me and looked away. It was a woman, we could tell by the clothes left on her.

We walked away from it and Kie was crying.

"What if we don't get off the island and we end up like her"

"I promise you, we will make it off the island.. Come on, let's go back.." I said 

We walked a few miles back to our home base and we were the last one's back.

"What the hell did you do to her, JJ?" Pope asked getting in my face

"What the fuck, man?" John B asked

"Kie, come here.." Sarah said hugging her

She had a bruise on her face from the apple and she was crying about the corpse we found. John B and Pope both walked toward me and Kie said, "No, he didn't do anything. It's JJ you're talking about. He would never hurt me. We were sleeping and I got hit in the face with an apple. Then this morning we found a dead body.."

Sarah let go of me and asked, "Are you sure, Kie?"

"Yes, seriously?" She asked pissed that they would really think I would hurt her

She walked over to me and hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around her and John B apologized and Pope shot me a glare. 

"Guys, you know I would never hurt anyone right, especially not Kie."

"I know, I just saw her eye and her crying and worried. It was wrong and I'm sorry."

"It's all good." I replied to John B

"Like father, like son." Pope said looking me in the eyes

Kie walked up to him and said, "Fuck off, Pope. Yes, JJ and I dated but that's over now. We're just friends."

"Really? Nothing happened last night?"

"No.. Honest." Kie spoke 

"She's telling the truth" I added

"Good, because you can't go back and date JJ."

"You have Cleo now." She said walking away

Pope didn't want us together. Why should he get to decide? Why did he even care? 

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