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Kie left with her parents and I went with Pope, Cleo, Sarah, and John B. They dropped me off at my house and I was all alone. I didn't see anyone for a few days. They were all caught up in their relationships and Kie was locked in her house. I didn't even have the motivation to sneak into her room.

I started cleaning the house and I had bags full of beer cans and bottles from my dad. I was airing the smells out of the house. I was determined to make this place look much nicer. A place that didn't remind me of my father.

It was been one week and two days since I've seen the pogues. By now, Kie probably was over me and into some kook. She probably only got back together with me because the whole we are stranded on an island situation. I was totally overthinking everything when there was a knock on the door. I hoped it wasn't the police for child protective services.

I opened the door and there stood Kie. She looked so happy and so beautiful.

"Hey.." I said disappointed I didn't see her sooner

"I've missed you so much.." She said hugging me

I didn't say anything as I had no clue what to say to her. She said, "I'm sorry, my parents had me locked in the house. I talked to my mom and she let me come over tonight. They want to have you over tomorrow night."

"Your mom let you come here?" I asked shocked as her mom hated me

"Yeah.." She smiled as I kissed her

"How have you been?" She asked

"I'm okay now that you're here.." I said kissing her

Our kiss broke and she looked around and said, "You've cleaned up.."

"Yeah, I don't want to remember that side of him."

"I'm really happy I got to see the dad you remembered. When we get the gold, the first thing I want to do is find him and try to help him get sober because I like that side of your dad."

I started crying the second she said that. She loved me enough to want to help my dad.

"I'm glad you were the one with me. I haven't seen him like that since I was three years old. Thank you for coming with me."

She smiled said, "I'll always go with you, no matter where you're going."

"So everything that happened on the island was real? It wasn't just a you thought we were going to die or didn't want to be the only single one?" I asked to confirm this as it worried me

"No, it was real... It will always be real." She said

We went to John B's and him and Sarah were already trying to figure out where the gold and cross went. Cleo and Pope came over too.

Cleo has been working with Pope's dad full time and it was going great. I was happy to see them happy. I realized I still was wearing the ring on my necklance that my dad gave me. John B and Sarah seemed so happy being married and I wanted to marry Kie. I just don't think she's ready for that yet. I also know that would make her parents hate me even more.

It was getting late and we were leaving John B's to go back home. Kie said, "I love going home with you."

I drove her car to my house and we watched a movie and went to bed. The next day, I took Kie surfing and she loved it. We haven't surfed with a real board in months. Her leg was now all healed and her mom brought her to the doctor and made them run all sorts of tests.

We went back to my house and she picked out an outfit for me. It was just a simple pair of cargo shorts and a plain t-shirt. She had on a simple black dress and I drove to her house.

"I'm so nervous.." I admitted to her before we went in

"Don't worry, it will be okay." She said kissing me

We walked into the house and her parents came and greeted us.

We sat down and her mom made this huge meal. It looked amazing. I've never been good at this family dinner stuff.

"JJ, senior year is coming up. What are your plans after you graduate?" Mike asked me

Shit. Here came the huge disappointment because I wasn't going to college.

"I'm going to travel and go on a surf trip." I said

"And I'm going with him." Kie said with a huge smile

Her dad laughed and said, "I thought you were going to college.."

"I will, but I'm taking a year off to travel and see the world."

"I wish I would have done that." Anna smiled at her daughter

The rest of the night went good and it wasn't that exciting. I thanked her parents her mom said, "I mean this as a compliment JJ, you remind me so much of your dad when he was your age."

"Thank you, Mrs. C.." I said

"What are you two planning on doing tonight?" Mike asked

"Nothing.." We both said at the same time

"How about you both stay and we can play a game?" Anna suggested

"Yeah, that would be fun." I said smiling

Anna went to grab a game and we went and sat on the couch. We were playing a board game and it was really fun. Her parents seemed so relaxed and for a while, I forgot about the cut and my father.

It got to be really late and we helped clean everything up and I went to leave and Anna said, "You're more than welcome to stay here JJ."

"I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome.." I simply replied

"Come on.." Kie said grabbing my hand and leading me up to her bedroom

We got in her room and she shut the door and kissed me. I kissed her for a second before I pulled back and said, "This feels wrong.. your parents are literally probably standing right outside your door.."

She laughed and went and brushed her teeth and handed me a new toothbrush. We got ready to go to bed. I got into her bed in my boxers and she wore my t-shirt. She laid in my arms and said, "I could get used to this."

"So could I. I love you, Kie.."

"I love you, JJ.." She said kissing me goodnight

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