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I sat by the fire and watched Kie on the hammock. She was trying to sleep but shouldn't. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking. I didn't want to say what I was about to say but I had to tell her.

"When I was about two years old, my mom took off. She left me with my dad and that's all I know. Life with my dad was pretty great. He taught me how to surf. There was one day that he pulled me out of school when I was seven and we spent all day on the beach. We got lunch together and he even bought me ice cream. All this was rare in my household as it was just my dad's income we were living off.

It was the best day of my life. That night, we went home and I took a shower and got ready for bed. My dad came into my room and he was mad. 'JJ, you piece of shit', 'worthless child', 'ruined my fucking life' were some of his main sentences. I started bawling. I told him I wanted my mom and then he hit me for the first time. It was just a slap across the face. He said ' you little piece of shit made your mom leave. She didn't love you' then came the shove to put my ass on the floor.

He left my room and cracked open a beer. I shut my door and cried myself to sleep. He lost his job that day and turned into the great old dad I know. I met John B in the third grade and he saved me. I'd spend so much time at his place and his dad would take care of me. It became my escape from my father.

They knew about the abuse but never how bad it really got. When I was twelve, I took Big John's boat out and I found this place. I pretended that I was rich and I had a fucking kook house here. It was my own private island. Kooklandia run by king JJ Maybank."

I was watching Kie and her back was still to me but I continued anyway.

"The older I got, the more this became my escape. I started smuggling things here. The pole, the hammock, the surfboard. I thought that if things ever get really bad with my father, I have a place where no one will ever find me. So no, this isn't my hook-up island. I've never brought anyone here before. No one even knows about this place, not even John B.."

Kie rolled over and revealed her face. She was crying and she got up and walked over to me. She gave me a hug and said, "I am a fucking idiot. I should have never said anything.. I fucked up a perfect night.."

"No, I should have told you when you asked. It just came with a story that I've never told." I confessed

She looked into my eyes and she kissed me.

"Kooklandia is perfect and I am honored that king JJ brought me to his secret hideaway spot.." She said smiling

"Your smile can fix everything" I said kissing her

We sat by the fire and talked for a bit about everything I just told her. She just made me feel at ease and safe.

She kissed me and I kissed her back. We were making out and she pulled on my t-shirt. I broke the kiss and asked, "Are you ready for that?"

"Yeah" She smiled at me

"I didn't bring you here to hook up or tell you that story to make you feel bad for me. I told you because I care about you and I trust you and I like being with you...Kie, I love you.." I said admitting my true feelings

She laughed and said, "JJ Maybank, I love you."

I kissed her and she broke the kiss and pulled my shirt off. I did the same to her and I started to kiss her neck and worked my way down her body. We were both pulling clothes off of each other and then we had the best night of our lives.

I laid there with my arms wrapped around her. Her head was resting on my chest/ shoulder and we were all wrapped up in the king-size blanket we brought.

We were looking up at the stars and she asked, "Why did you bring me here? You've known John B for years and he doesn't even know this place exists and you barely know me and you brought me here."

"Because I'm not in love with John B. I'm in love with you and this island is someplace where I feel safe and I know no one is judging us."

"Why would they judge us?" She asked concerned

"Because you're a kook and I'm a pogue."

"That's the stupidest thing ever."

"Kie, I'm not just a pogue. I'm from the cut. No one in town trusts me because they know my old man. You have everything. Two parents who love you, a reliable job, a college fund, people expect great things from you. Me? I'm lucky to eat two meals a day. Anything I want, it's my own money from odd jobs I can find. My dad would beat me if I said I wanted to go to college. I don't want to, I hate school so that's okay but I'm not expected to ever leave the cut."

She kissed my cheek and she said, "I don't care what anyone thinks. You're my boyfriend and I love you. This was the best date I've ever been on."

My heart started racing and I looked at her and said, "So that makes you my kook girlfriend?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Technically yes, but I want to be a pogue."

"You'll always be a true pogue in my eyes. Any girl who thinks this is the best date ever is a true pogue. I've some of the dates Rafe took you on."

"Yeah, those were miserable.." She said laughing

I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, JJ.." She whispered back

I fell asleep with the girl of my dreams cuddled up to me. I woke up the next morning to the sun rising and the sound of birds chirping.

I looked to my left and there was Kie. She looked so peaceful asleep and I kissed her forehead and said, "Good morning, sleeping beauty"

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