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Kiara's POV:

I woke up to JJ kissing me on the forehead. He whispered, "Good morning, sleeping beauty"

I smiled at him and said, "Good morning"

I sat up with the blanket around my chest and he handed me my swimsuit and I slipped the top on. He tied the back of it for me and we both got dressed. JJ started loading his backpack, the cooler, and the blanket into the HMS Pogue to head back home.

"Come here, there's something I want to do." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the hammock

He pulled out his pocket knife and a blunt. We both took turns inhaling and he carved out initials into the tree.

JJ + K and he drew a heart around it. We got in the boat and JJ headed back home. It was super windy so the ride was very quiet. Neither of us had said much since last night. I didn't really know what to say to him.

He pulled into John B's and we went to my car. I dropped JJ off at his dad's and I said, "Thank you, JJ."

"Of course, I'll text you later."

I drove home and I knew my parents were going to murder me for not coming home last night.

I walked into the house and my mom stormed over to me, "Kiara, why didn't you answer my calls or texts? We have been worried sick about you."

"Sorry, I was with a friend and my phone died. It was late and I just decided to spend the night."

"You're working a double today." My dad said

I went to my room and took a shower and I couldn't stop smiling thinking about last night. I got dressed for work and I headed to The Wreck.

I started waiting on tables and most of them were families that were visiting the Outer Banks. The day was passing by so slow and my feet were killing me.

I checked my phone and I had a text from JJ.

I miss you ❤️

I smiled and I missed him too. He was right, that island was pure paradise. I texted him back and it was so annoyingly cheesy.

I miss you more ❤️

He replied and my heart started racing.

Meet me at the beach to surf tonight?

I'd love to but my parents are pissed I didn't come home last night so I have to work a double. I won't be done until 10 tonight. Tomorrow morning?

Sorry for getting you in trouble. Yeah, see you tomorrow

I put my phone away and got back to work before I pissed my dad off even more. My day got a whole lot more interesting when John B, Pope, and JJ came in an hour later. JJ looked at me and smirked and held his finger to his lips. I gave him a small smile and they sat down at a table. I walked over and said, "Hi, I'm Kiara and I'll be your waitress. What can I get you guys to drink?"

"Hey, I'll have coke, please." Pope said

"Okay." I said

Pople smiled and said, "Thank you"

"I'll take a beer.." JJ said

I laughed and said, "Nice try."

"Damn, I'll just have a water." He said

"Lemonade, please." John B spoke up

"I'll get those for you guys" I said excusing myself from the table

I went back to the kitchen and I filled up the three glasses and I brought them back out to the three boys.

I got called over to another table and I got really busy. About ten minutes later, I went back and they all ordered the same thing, fish and chips. The place was packed and I was running orders back and forth. I was in a small hallway heading back to the kitchen when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to the left into the bathroom.

My back was against the bathroom door and I saw JJ standing there. I laughed and asked, "What are you doing?"

He smiled and said, "I needed to see my girl.."

He leaned over and he kissed me. We were making out in the bathroom and it had been a few minutes. I pulled back as I knew I would never stop if we kept going.

"I need to get back to work.." I said smiling

"Don't tell anyone about us quite yet. I'm enjoying this sneaking around thing." He said kissing me again before he left

I stood there still in shock with what just happened. I left the bathroom and saw the three plates of fish and chips were ready. I walked over to their table and put their plates down in front of them.

"Thanks, Kie." JJ said

"Kie? You already gave her a nickname?" Pope asked

"Yeah.." JJ smirked

"Ignore him.." John B said

I laughed and said, "All good"

I left the table and I got back to work and waiting on my other customers. I gave the boys extra fries and free refills on their drinks.

As I walked around, I noticed JJ's eyes were following me. They stayed for two hours and when they left, I walked over to their table and there was a fifty dollar bill with a note.

I picked it up and it said, - I'm sorry for getting you in trouble. I just had to see you today and I can't wait for tomorrow. I love you. p.s. you look hot af

I laughed and put the money away. That night, it was 10:30 by the time I got home and showered. I snuck out and I drove to JJ's place. I knocked on his window very quietly to make sure I didn't wake his dad up.

He came to the window and he crawled out. He lead me away from the house and I said, "I can't accept this."

I handed him the fifty dollar bill back.

"Come on, you deserve it.." He said

"I don't want money.. Use it for our next date or to get gas for you bike so you can come see me.."

He looked into my eyes and said, "Damn, you're really not a kook.."

"Not at all.."

JJ leaned in and kissed me and he pulled back and said, "I should get back to bed before my dad catches us out here.."

"Goodnight.." I said

"Goodnight.." He said

He crawled back into his bedroom and I walked back to my car and drove home.

I snuck back into my house and went to bed.

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