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I was going to explore the hotel room with John B who was telling me how into Kie he was.

She also was acting weird around him lately, like kissing him on the cheek and telling him to be careful. She didn't ever do that to me. I wondered why.

"I know that door is closed because I've tried it.." I admitted to John B

He looked at me and laughed. That door was closed with Kie, but I missed when we were together. I suddenly thought about last night. Did Kie want to talk about it or did she want to pretend like it never happened. Now John B is falling for Kie and I'll be pissed if she ends up with him. He's my best friend, that's just messed up.

I played it off as I didn't care.

After a crazy day of almost getting caught in the hotel room, getting a gun, and so much more, we were all back at John B's.

Kie hasn't brought anything up so I'm guessing we were pretending nothing ever happened.

A few days passed and we had went to the lighthouse and hit another dead end.

John B asked me to come over and I did. He was acting weird so I called him out on it.

"I kissed Kie.." He said looking down at his beer

"Dude, you broke the rule.." I said seriously even though I was way more guilty than he was

"I know, but she pulled back instantly. I feel so stupid. I really thought there was something there."

I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "We've all been there. She'll forget about it. All is forgiven."

He laughed and said, "Don't tell Pope, he's going to flip over the rule being broken."

"Deal." I said as we finished drinking our beers and just talking about the gold until he brought my father up

"So have you heard from your old man? I know you said you were delaing with some of his shit." John B asked

"Nope... He's off across the country somewhere. I don't know if I will ever see him again and I'm starting to be okay with that"

"I'm sorry, man.."

"Eh, it's probably good he's not here. I have a lot fewer bruises and I'm much happier.." I said sipping my beer

Kiara's POV:

Since John B kissed me, he's been acting awkward around me. I felt awful, but he is like a brother to me. We were out surfing and I asked, "Do you remember when you kissed me?"

He got all awkward and replied and I asked, "Did you tell JJ?"

"Yeah, I mean I had to. Pogues don't lie to other pogues.. Why?"

Of course, he told JJ. Great. I'm sure JJ was pissed at me. I came up with the no pogue on pogue macking rule and I've kissed two out of three boys.

"I was just wondering.." I lied

John B gave me a look like he didn't believe me. We surfed for a little longer and then I went home and went to school the next day and then went to work at the Wreck.

Work was so boring today as it was dead. I sat there doing little odd jobs trying to pass the time. I sat in mine and JJ's booth and my dad asked, "How is school going?"

"It's going good, It's so much better than the kook academy.." I said smiling

"I'm glad you like it. Your grades are still great, I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad." I said as he left to go back to the kitchen

I was sitting there and suddenly we got a huge customer rush. I got home late and I crashed. I was tired for school the next day, but I went anyway.

I found it odd that JJ wasn't there. Pope and John B always made sure he got to school. I found them at lunch and asked, "Why isn't JJ here?"

"I have no idea, he didn't spend the night last night." John B answered

"He's probably still sleeping or getting high.." Pope answered

I wondered why JJ wasn't at school and it worried me that the three of us didn't see him yesterday and we weren't able to get ahold of him. JJ always stormed off and did his own thing when he was in a mood. The only thing I could think of was he was pissed about the John B kiss thing. But that happened a while ago, so he should be over it by now.

After school, we went to his house and it was empty. So we all went and hung at John B's house. I couldn't stop worrying about JJ. He didn't show up to school the next day either. I tried texting him and calling him. He didn't respond to the texts and the calls went right to voicemail.

John B and Pope were a little concerned. They had no idea where he would be. It hit me in the middle of history class, the island.

I left school and I got on the HMS Pogue and spent about an hour on the water and when I got close to the island, I realized it was flooded enough to the point where JJ couldn't have been there. It hurt seeing it mostly underwater from the hurricane.

I turned around and went back to John B's. I went to JJ's house and I walked in calling his name and I was stopped dead in my tracks. Luke was home.

"What do you think you're doing in my house?" Luke questioned coming towards me

"Where the hell is JJ?" I practically yelled

"How should I know?"

"HMM, I don't know but you are his father so you'd think you'd care." I said

"I haven't seen him since I got home.." He said approaching me

Luke walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder and I pulled it off.

"Don't fucking touch me.." I said

I noticed Luke's knuckles were bruised and he had scrapes and cuts. I wondered what JJ looked like. Shit, I hope he wasn't hurt badly.

"You're in my house, that makes you mine.." He said putting his hand on my waist

I punched him right in the face. I didn't even know I was going to do it until it was too late. I ran out of the house and to my car. Luke watched me leave with a smile on his face.

I had to work at The Wreck today and I went home and went to bed. I was laying in bed and I couldn't sleep. I was worried about Luke coming after me and I was worried about JJ.

There was knocking on my window and I freaked out. I couldn't believe it. My whole body tensed up.

Closed Door • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now