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Kie and I found out we were having a boy and we were both so excited. The next few months flew by and before I knew it, our son was laying on my wife's chest. He was only a few minutes old and he was perfect.

"Welcome to the world, Liam Jackson Maybank" I said as I kissed Kie's head

Kie was crying and so was I. Our son was finally here. She held him for a few minutes and then it was my turn. I don't think I've ever held a baby before. I had no idea what to do. Kie placed Liam in my arms and it was all instinct. He was so perfect. I had my shirt off so it was still skin to skin. Kie took pictures and she said, "My two favorite boys"

Eventually, Kie's parents and the pogues all came in to meet our son. They were all overjoyed and we spent the next two days in the hospital and it became time to take our son home. This involved a car ride and a boat ride. 

Kie's parents drove us to the boat and I drove the boat to our own private island. I carried the car seat inside and placed it on the floor and took our son out and said, "Welcome home, Liam"

Kie kissed me and we went and sat on the couch. Kie held the baby and I held Kie. Liam was sleeping and I said, "I love you both so much. I never thought that this secret island where I felt so alone would one day have my dream house on it and that I'd be married to the love of my life with a son"

"I love you, JJ and our life together" 

The next few weeks took forever but also went by so fast. 

Kie's POV:

JJ was the best dad in the whole world. I loved watching him be a dad to our son. Today, we were at my parent's for dinner and Liam was now two months old. The doorbell suddenly rang and Luke was standing there. 

"Luke, what are you doing here?" I asked

"I heard you had the baby. I just want to meet the baby, he's my grandson" Luke said

JJ came to the door and said, "That's going to be a hell no! I couldn't protect myself from you but I sure as hell can protect my son from you"

"JJ, please" Luke begged

"I wish things were different between us but you made your decision to beat me countless times. I can't ever let my son risk having what happened to me happen to him"

"I would never hurt him, he's my grandson"

"Yeah, and I'm your fucking son!" JJ screamed 

"Luke, you should go!" I said firm

"You know where to find me" He said leaving and JJ was pretty shaken up

I hugged him and said, "It's okay, don't feel bad. You do whatever you feel is right. If you want to let Luke meet Liam, it's fine with me. If not, I respect that as well."

"Thanks, babe" He said fighting back tears

"I know... We'll talk later tonight" I said giving him a quick kiss before going back in and we told my parents what happened

That night, we went home and JJ was emotional about what Luke said and I don't blame him. We stayed up late talking about Luke and I reassured him that he was nothing like his father. 

A few days later, Jessica and her husband, and two kids showed up to meet Liam. They were staying in town at a hotel. This time, JJ's full biological sister Kayla showed up with them. She looked just like him. It was scary.

"Hey, big brother" Kayla smiled

"Hey, little sis" JJ said hugging her

The two clicked instantly and JJ introduced me to her. She was the girl version of JJ. I loved her and she was great with Liam. My parents came over the next day to hang out with JJ's family. I was sitting next to my mom and she smiled at me, "He really is amazing, darling and so is his family"

"I know, I told you that in high school" I said smiling

"I've never been so happy to be proven wrong. You two better give me more grandkids"

"Don't worry, mom. JJ already said we aren't stopping until we get a girl"

My mom laughed and said, "He's such a good dad. Just like your dad was with you"

"Pogues make the best dads" I smiled at my dad

"And the best husbands" My mom smiled 

My mom and I never agreed on anything when I was in high school. Now, I realize how much we have in common. I'm so happy we are able to get along so well now.


I didn't forget about this story! Just awful writer's block. Sorry, this isn't the best chapter but I have ONE LAST chapter for this story that will be out in a few days.

Thank you for all the support and love! 

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