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Kiara's POV:

I woke up in JJ's arms and he was sleeping so peacefully. I just laid there and let JJ sleep. I've never seen his body so relaxed. He was becoming one of my best friends. JJ started to slowly wake up and when he finally opened his eyes and I looked into them, he said, "I have a whole day planned for us.."

I smiled at the blonde boy and said, "You just woke up, how can you already have the day planned?"

"I came up with it last night after you fell asleep.." He smiled back at me

I got up and so did JJ. I lead him to the kitchen where we made pancakes together. I've never had so much fun making breakfast. JJ stuck his finger in the pancake batter and put it on my nose. So I tossed the flour-like mix at him and he threw some back. We ate together and cleaned up our mess.

I went into my room and put on a bikini and then my clothes. That was one thing about living in the Outer Banks, never leave home without a swimsuit. JJ and I went to his house and he said, "Wait, here and I'll be back.."

"Please, be careful.." I said nervous for JJ to go in and see his abusive father

"I'll be okay. I'm used to it.." He said leaving my car

He was back pretty fast and he got in and said, "He was passed out on the couch so I didn't have to see him."

JJ seemed relieved and he had brought a backpack with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked not knowing in which direction to drive

"Go left up here.." JJ replied as he continued to give me directions

We arrived at some house.

"Welcome to my best friend, John B's house also known as the Chateau. This is where we all hang out."

"And what are we doing here?"

"John B is off with Pope and his father all day doing grocery runs. So that means the boat is open.."

"That boat?" I asked looking at the water

"Yeah, come on.." He said

He grabbed his backpack and brought me inside the house. On the porch, he grabbed a blanket and his hat. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a cooler and threw stuff from the fridge in it. He got the key laying on the counter and lead me to the boat.

"Welcome aboard the HMS Pogue" He smiled proudly

I sat down and JJ started the boat as we headed out into the marsh.

We were a few miles from land and it was getting hot. JJ stopped and killed the engine.

"Wanna cool off?" He asked

I took my clothes off, leaving myself in my swimsuit. JJ was doing the same thing.

He grabbed my hand and we jumped in the water.

We hung out in the water for a few minutes. We splashed each other back and forth and then we climbed back in the boat.

JJ said, "You're driving now, Kie.."

I was reluctant at first but then agreed. He told me to head in a general direction. He went to the cooler and grabbed two beers. He opened his and handed me the other.

I took a sip and so did he. After about twenty minutes, there was a small island in the distance. JJ took over driving and we headed towards the island. We stopped and he pulled the boat up to shore and tied it to a tree.

He grabbed the cooler and his backpack and we walked on the beach to a small area that looked like someone had been here before.

"Where are we?" I asked looking at JJ

He laid the blanket on the beach and set everything else down.

"An island.." He replied as he laid a blanket out and walked a few feet back and grabbed a fishing pole

He handed it to me and we went out in the water and started casting.

I sat on the beach and watched JJ fish. He seemed so happy, He kept looking back and smiling at me. After about fifteen minutes, JJ pulled in a huge fish.

"That's what I'm talking about baby!" He said proudly

He cleaned the fish and started a fire. He seemed to be in his own little world. He was cooking the fish on the fire he made and I said, "Way to go all boy scout on me.."

He smiled and said, "This is the dream. Living my own life, without my dad."

"It's so relaxing here.." I said laying my head on his shoulders

We shared the fish together and drank another beer. He went back into the wooded area and he was holding a surfboard.

I laughed and said, "Of course, you have a board here."

"Let's go catch some waves.."

He brought the board out into the water and he let me go first. We continued to switch off.

JJ came in and the sun was starting to set.

"Come here.." He said still out in the water standing next to the surfboard

I walked out to JJ and he said, "Get on"

I got on the board and he pushed me out into the sea a little further so he was about waist deep. He jumped on the board and we sat there facing each other.

"Now, the best part of the night.. The sunset." He said looking out at the sun

It was just starting to set. It looked beautiful already.

"It's so perfect here. I love it."

"So do I.." He said looking at me

The sky was filled with colors. It was orange, pink, even some purple. There were some dark clouds with made it even more complex. It looked like a painting.

"Thank you for bringing me here today, JJ.." I said breaking the silence

The silence with him was never awkward. It was comfortable and relaxing.

"Thank you for coming with me. For all you knew, I was going to murder you or leave you here.."

I gave him a look and laughed and said, "I guess there is still time for that."

He looked into my eyes and he said, "Never in a million years would I do that.."

"I know.." I smiled at him

When I was with JJ, the whole world stood still. I haven't known him for long but I knew I could trust him and that he would never hurt me.

After a few minutes, I couldn't stop thinking about this island and how JJ had a board and a fishing pole here. He knew it all too well. He has been here many times before.

"JJ, what is this place?" I asked

The clouds were moving in and it slowly started to rain. We both got distracted and looked up at the sky. The rain drops grew larger and you could hear the sound of the rain meeting the water.

We both started laughing and JJ moved closer to me and I moved closer to him. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. I froze for a brief second and he pulled away.

"Uhh, I'm sorry.. Kie, I.. Uh.. just.." He said studdering and not sure of what to do

He put his hands behind his head and he was starting to panic. How was I going to tell him?

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