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I just asked Kie what she had to lose and everyone was annoyed with her stubbornness. There was no way I wanted her with me and my dad in case things got ugly. I then kicked John B off the boat as I didn't want him there either. He had Sarah to worry about now and I would feel awful if something happened to him.

Kie got all teary-eyed and she looked right at me.

"You.. You are my everything, Jackson James Maybank and I can't ever risk losing you again. So I am going with you.. Because now I have something to lose and that's you and I can't live without you.. I love you" She said walking into the ocean towards me

Holy shit. I knew Kie loved me, but not like this. I didn't say anything but she got closer and I pulled her into my arms and whispered, "I love you, Kie. You know this could be really dangerous, right?"

"Yes, I'm going.." She said determinedly

No one argued and John B walked back to Sarah. I helped Kie onto my dad's boat and he looked annoyed by the delay.

"You two sit there.." He said pointing

We sat down and I put my arm around Kie and my dad sped the boat up and the island and our friends grew smaller and smaller.

Kie looked at me and said, "Thank you for letting me come."

"You didn't give me a choice. But I'm glad you're here." I said kissing her

Our kiss was interrupted by my dad.

"I'm glad you found someone who loves you but just know that the second you get off that island she'll go find a kook and leave you.." Luke shouted

"No, I won't. I love your son and I plan on marrying him and spending the rest of my life with him. There is nothing you can say or do that will change the way I feel about your son." Kie said to my dad

"Really? I bet I could tell you some of his secrets that would make you terrified of him." Luke challenged

"Really. I'm not ever going to leave your son."

"JJ, do you want to tell her about your sister? Or should I?" My dad asked looking at me

Fuck. Of course, he was going to bring this up. It wasn't my fault but he blamed me. I didn't say anything and my dad said, "He murdered his sister..."

Kie looked at me and she didn't react. I whispered, "We'll talk later.."

"I'm ignoring you, Luke.." She said laying her head on my shoulder

Kie grabbed my hand and it was taking everything inside of me, not to break down crying.

He walked over to me and said, "You fucking idiot!"

"Dad, she isn't even dead. She's with mom, remember?"

"You made your momma leave and she took my favorite kid with her.." He yelled at me as his fist connected to my face

I got up and pushed him against the rail of the boat and hit him back. I wanted him as far away from Kie as possible.

"Kie, go below deck!" I yelled not wanting her to see this

My dad and I were throwing punches back and forth. My dad pulled a knife out of his pocket and Kie was suddenly between me and my father. Shit. Why would she do this? I expected him to grab her and hold the knife to her, instead, he backed up and put it away.

"Better thank your little girlfriend." He said walking away

We had been on the boat for a few hours and Kie was asleep on my lap. I was playing with her hair and looking out into the ocean. My dad moved to below deck and he passed out. I took control of the boat and continued toward the small island on the boat's GPS.

Kie sat up and looked around and asked, "Where is your dad?"

"Below deck passed out.." I said embarrassed

She wrapped her arms around me and I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"I didn't kill my sister.. She was a year or so younger than I was. When my mom left, she took my sister. Ever since I can remember, my dad told me that my mom left because I murdered my sister.." I said crying

Kie held me tighter and said, "I knew as soon as he said it that it wasn't true. We can talk about this later when your dad isn't around."

The sun was starting to set and my dad came back up.

"We are going to anchor here on this island for the night and continue the trip in the morning." Luke announced

"I'm fine to keep going." I said wanting to get off this boat as soon as possible

My dad walked up to me and he was pissed. I agreed to stop once we reached the island and he calmed down.

I anchored the boat near the shore and my dad got off and started building a fire as it was cold out. I grabbed a blanket for Kie on the boat and we sat there. My dad had a nice going and he said, "Come join me, kids!"

"No.." I called back

"Come on, JJ.. Let me get to know Kiara and see if she's anything like her mother."

"Come on, it'll be fine. I have the keys to the boat in my swimsuit top. He won't get far without them." Kie whispered and that made me laugh

We got off the boat and went and sat across from my dad. I was scared for what shit he was going to say to Kie. I could take it, I have all my life. I just didn't want him to say anything awful to Kiara. I never wanted her to see this much of my life.

"So, Kiara, you seem to be keeping my boy in line. He's never listened to anyone in his life before you." My dad

I was shocked by this conversation. It was going somewhere and my dad was somewhat sober.

Kiara laughed and said, "He's amazing.."

"You know, when JJ was little about three years old, it was just the two of us, and I got him this little remote control car. He played with it for hours and hours. He told me it was the best Christmas present ever. I think that was the last time I've seen him so happy until now and I guess you are thank for his happiness."

Kie was trying not to cry and so was I. I couldn't believe my dad remembered that.

"You remember that Christmas?" I asked him surprised

"Of course, I do. It was the first one without your mom and sister."

"It sounds like a perfect Christmas.." Kie said

"It was beautfiul." Luke added

We sat there and my dad talked and Kie got to see the dad I remembered when I was a kid. It was late and Kie had fallen asleep on my lap again. She hasn't been sleeping well lately.

My dad and I sat across the fire from each other and I lightly rubbed Kie's back with one hand.

My dad looked at me and he started talking. I couldn't believe how this night was going.

Closed Door • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now