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I stormed off into the woods and I kept walking. I punched a tree and screamed.

I called Kylie and told her whatever happened was a mistake. I deleted her number from my phone and I kept walking into the small town.

I went to Barry's and asked, "Got any cocaine?"

He said, "Hey, Luke's boy.. I got you.."

He handed me a small bag with a white powder in it. He laid it out for me to do a line. I looked at the coke and then I pictured Kie.

'You aren't your father', 'you turned into an amazing man'.

I backed away from the white powder and I ran from Barry's. I couldn't do the drugs. It would ruin me and I would never come back. I ran back home and I laid in bed. I eventually fell asleep. I spent the next two days on my own and then the storm was moving in. I headed over to John B's and Pope and Kie were there.

"Hey.." Kie said relieved to see me

"Hey." I said like it was no big deal

John B and I ran out to try and surf some of the gnarly waves. Pope and Kie stayed back as they were too scared. When we got back, the wind had picked up.

"I need to get home before my parents freak out." Pope said

"Yeah, me too. My parents would murder me if I wasn't home for the hurricane." Kie said getting up

She walked outside and it was too late. She almost got hit by a chair.

"Well, we're stuck here.."She said nervously

Pope and Kie moved back inside and we played card games. The wind was picking up and so was the rain. I notice Kie was tense, she must have been scared of the hurricane.

We were sitting on the couch, watching the news when the power went out.

It was getting late and Pope passed out in the chair. John B and Kie went into their bedrooms, John B in his and Kiara in the spare.

I laid down on the pull out couch and I couldn't sleep. I was in and out of sleep. I was woken up by someone lightly touching my shoulder. I was shocked.

Kiara's POV:

I was laying in bed and I couldn't sleep. The hurricane was insane. The house sounded like it was going to blow away.

I was scared. I've always been home for hurricanes. Safe, in my parent's big house. Knowing they were both going to keep me safe. I tried to sleep for two hours, but the shaking of the pictures on the wall, the rain hitting the roof, and the whipping of the wind kept me up.

I quietly got up and opened the door. I tip-toed into the living room and saw Pope was snoring in the chair and JJ was asleep on the couch. This was completely humiliating.

I lightly touched his shoulder and his eyes opened. I put my finger to my mouth and grabbed his hand.

He followed me into the spare bedroom where I shut the door. The spare room only had a twin bed, but we laid down together.

I didn't say anything. I was too embarrassed. I think JJ sensed my fear from the storm as he pulled me closer to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Just scared. This place might blow away."

JJ laughed and said, "I've spent many hurricanes here. I promise it's sturdy."

I gave him a small smile and said, "I'm sorry, this is weird. You can leave.."

I felt so humiliated. JJ put his hand on my back and said, "Relax, Kie. We're just two friends, laying in bed together during a hurricane."

"Yeah, because if I was John B or Pope, you would totally be holding them like this."

I laughed and she covered my mouth with her hand and said, "Shh, they'll hear us.."

"Kie... Trust me, they can't hear anything." JJ said smirking

I was laying more than half on top of JJ. He stopped and looked at me. I looked into his eyes and time froze. "We shouldn't.." I said

"No.. We shouldn't.." He said moving my hair behind my ear and moving his finger from my ear to my neck to my collarbone

"JJ..." I whispered as that gave me chills


Kie was laying half on top of me and she looked so beautiful. We both know that we should just go sleep but we also both knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Kie.." I said as I leaned in and kissed her

She kissed me back and she was on top of me as I lifted her shirt off. Things got heated fast and we were somewhat quiet, but we had the hurricane in our favor.

We laid there and she was in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and we both fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sun was shining. I saw Kie asleep on me. I quietly woke her up. She saw me and her eyes looked regretful.

"So about last night..." She started

There was a knock on the door.

"Shit.." Kie whispered

"One second.." She called out as I grabbed my clothes and hid in the closet.

Pope walked in and John B stood in the door.

"Have you seen JJ?" Pope asked

"No, why?" I heard her ask

"He was gone when we woke up."

"I have no idea..." Kie spoke

John B left and then Pope asked, "Why is JJ's shirt in here?"


"Huh?" Kie asked

"His shirt is on the floor." Pope said

"I have no clue. I went out there last night to grab another blanket. It must have been stuck to it"

"Oh, that makes sense." Pope said

"Okay, I'm going to change quickly and then I'll be out." Kie said

I heard the door shut and I came out and Kie was laughing.

"Go out the window and say you were walking around to see the damage. Say you couldn't find your shirt this morning." She whispered

We were both naked and scrambling to get dressed. Kie kept my shirt on the floor and I opened the window and crawled out. I ran away from the house way down by the marsh.

Kiara's POV:

I was dressed and I left the room and saw Pope and John B cleaning up the porch. They were clueless. thankfully.

"Morning, boys.." I said

"We should go find JJ." Pope said concered

"Yeah, let's go.." I said

We walked outside and I hoped JJ wasn't stupid enough to stay close. We were walking down by the marsh and there JJ was.

"Dude, where have you been?" Pope questioned

"I got up and you were all asleep so I went exploring."

"Without a shirt?" John B laughed

"Couldn't find it this morning.." JJ said walking back with us

We grabbed beer and went out in the marsh to explore and that's when we found the boat and the hotel key.

Closed Door • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now