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Kiara's POV:

I woke up in JJ's arms in my king-size bed. Last night, we decided not to go back downstairs and we just stayed in bed and watched a movie. This was my favorite place to wake up, in his arms. It was 5 am and I kissed his lips then his cheek and then his neck and then his chest when he finally opened his eyes.

"Good, you're awake... I need you to go to the mainlands with me and pick out something for me to wear for Christmas."

"It's too early.." He said rolling over

"It's black Friday, my mom and cousins have been out since 3 am."

I got up and quickly got dressed and JJ soon followed. I took him to the mainland and we went shopping with Sarah and John B.

Sarah and I spoiled our boys and they had fun too. We all went back to John B's place took naps and then Sarah and I went to my house. 

Over the next few weeks, things were flying by. Christmas was approaching and JJ has been super busy. He's working at the Wreck, the country club, and some local auto shop. He's been exhausted from his three jobs and school. He was also becoming somewhat distant. I'm guessing it's just from all the stress.

It was Christmas Eve and my family was all over. JJ was busy working and my mom came over to me and asked, "Where's JJ?"

"He has to work."

"Is he coming over tomorrow?" She asked

"I'm not sure..." I said missing him as I looked at how happy everyone was with their significant others

I got up and I left our family Christmas. I drove to the country club to see JJ wasn't working. I knew the auto store was closed and obviously, he wouldn't be at the Wreck. I went to his house and saw his bike. I walked inside and I saw him sitting on the couch with a beer.

"So you lied to me.." I said angrily

"I didn't lie, I said I was busy working."

"Yeah, clearly you're not working and you're drunk.." I said upset

"I'm not drunk, Kie... I just can't do Christmas with your family."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because I'm working three jobs and I can barely afford basic living costs for myself let alone trying to buy a present for kooks."

My heart broke. He felt obligated to bring gifts.

"J, my family doesn't want anything from you other than for you to make me happy. I don't want anything from you, except you... I love you and I don't want to be alone on Christmas."

"I know it's not expected, but I feel like I need to do something to make a good impression."

"Things have been so much better with my mom. She dated two pogues. She told me before she left that she wishes you were here. She likes you, JJ... Please come over.."

"Okay.." He said as I kissed him

He took a shower and then got dressed and we went back to my house.

"JJ, Merry Christmas!" My mom said hugging him

"Merry Christmas.." He said 

"Sorry, he just got off work." I said lying for him

We hung out and had a huge meal together. Then, JJ and I went to bed around 11 pm. We woke up and my parents had made a huge breakfast. Each family just brought their gifts over here and we did gifts and stockings. 

The adults passed out the Santa gifts. This year all the cousins got apple watches. The look on JJ's face was absolutely priceless when he saw what he got. My parents had gotten him other gifts too and he thanked them over and over. He apologized for not getting anything.

JJ snuck outside and I followed him. He was wiping tears from his eyes and I asked him what was bothering him. He hugged me and said, "I've never had a real Christmas before."

I grabbed the back of his shirt and held him a little tighter.

"Do you think we'll ever get the gold back?" He whispered

"I hope so, but if not, I've got you." I said kissing him

Our kiss broke and he looked at me and asked, "Can we go over to John B's later? I feel bad that he and Sarah are alone."

"Yeah, let's go get dressed and go over there." 

We headed over to John B's and later on Pope and Cleo came over too. We all just hang out and talked. I was cuddled up to JJ and this moment was so perfect. There was no talk about the gold, the cross, our messed up families. It was just us, normal teenagers.

We all spent the night at John B's and the next morning, we went back to JJ's house. 

New Years Eve was approaching and the pogues were all making plans to go to a boneyard party. That meant dressing up and the girls already had our dresses picked out.

We were all getting ready at Sarah's empty house and JJ wasn't there. 

"Where the hell is JJ?" Pope asked annoyed as we were pretty much all ready to go

"I have no idea. He won't answer his phone." I replied 

Sarah finished curling my hair and I helped with Cleo's makeup. 

We kicked the boys out so they could be surprised. It took us a decent amount of time to get ready. Sarah was in a gold dress, Cleo in white, and I was in silver. We left the room and walked down the stairs to our boys. Well, my boy wasn't there.

We got in the van and John B drove to the party. I can't believe that JJ stood me up. We got there and I was all alone. Ben came over to me and asked, "Where is JJ?"

"Honestly, I have no idea" I said

"Well, since he isn't here and you are all alone. Would you dance with me just as friends?"

"Sure" I said not wanting to look stupid for being alone

We were slow dancing and talking about our plans for after graduation. Ben was going to take a year off and travel the world.

"That sounds amazing" I responded after he explained his dream trip

"You can come with me if you want.." Ben said smiling

I suddenly felt super guilty. I stopped dancing and said, "Thank you for the offer, but I already have plans to travel with JJ and I really should go find him."

I walked away from Ben and went to find Sarah. She walked away from John B and I told her what happened and she said, "Don't worry about it. You did nothing wrong. It's not like you kissed him. It would be just like you dancing with Pope or John B."

I looked into the crowd and spotted JJ walking towards us. He smiled at me and Sarah said, "Just tell him, it will be fine."

Sarah walked away and JJ walked up to me and he said, "I'm sorry that I'm late. I got caught up and lost track of time. You look so fucking hot.."

He said as he kissed me. I kissed him back and then I pulled back.

"I need to tell you something.." I said ruining the moment

A.N. THANK YOU for the motivation to continue this story. 

I just started a Jiara oneshot book also. So please go check it out and leave ideas for it!

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