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I woke up to Kie sweating and saying, "no.. help.."

"Kie, it's okay.. I'm here.." I said waking her up

She sat up and looked around and I said, "It's okay.. Come here.."

She fell back asleep and when we woke up the sun was shining.

"Good morning.." She said smiling at me

"You seem happy.." I said back to her

"I am.. I'm in bed with the boy I love."

She kissed me and said, "Come, let's go downstairs."

We went downstairs and her parents were up and had a huge breakfast made.

"Good morning, how did you two sleep?" Mike asked

"Great, thank you for letting JJ stay last night." Kie said

We sat down together and at breakfast. This was a foreign concept to me as one there was never food for breakfast and two my father didn't give a shit about me.

Kie was in a really good mood today and I was shocked. She acted like nothing has happened.

"We called both of you into school for the next two days. I hope you don't mind, JJ but I didn't want you getting in toruble for not being there and get detention." Mike said

"I appreciate it, thank you Mr. C." I said

"I want to go surfing." Kie said after we finsihed breakfast

She brought me up to her room and she grabbed a swimsuit and went into the bathroom to get ready. We left her house in her car and went to my house. I ran inside and changed and came back out and we went to the beach.

We surfed all day long. The day was beautiful and we went to the Wreck for lunch. Her dad gave us a free meal and then we went back out on the waves. This was the definition of a perfect day.

"I wanna go hang out with Pope and John B.." She said leaving the beach

"Okay, what do you want me to tell them about why we skipped school?"

"Please don't tell them about Ben.." She begged

"Your secret is safe with me. I'll just tell them I was dealing with my dad's issues and you've been M-I-A for two weeks so tell them it's a girl thing or something or that you were on a kook vacation."

She laughed and said, "Then let's not show up together. You go over first and invite me over."

Kie brought me back to her house and I got on my bike and went to John B's.

"Yoooo, why'd you skip?" Pope asked when I walked in

"My dad called and sent me on a fucking wild goose chase. Now tomorrow I have to talk to the sheriff about him and money issues." I said making up a lie

"I'm sorry.." Pope said feeling bad

"Have you heard from Kie?" He asked me

"No, have you guys?"

"No, I'm worried about her." John B said

"Let's call her.." Pope said pulling out his phone

He called her and when he hung up he said, "She's on her way over."

A few minutes later, Kie walked in the door. John B went and gave her a hug so she then hugged Pope and then me.

"Nice of you to finally answer us.." Pope said

"Yeah, sorry about that. It's a really long story. My rich aunt flew into town and my mom had everything planned out for me to hang with them."

"Dang, it's okay. We just missed you.." Pope said

"I missed you guys too." Kie said

We just hung out and talked until it got late and then Pope was heading home.

"Can you drop me off, Kie?" He asked

"Yeah.." Kie said

They left and I stayed with John B for another hour before I said, "I gotta get home and sort through some bills."

"See you later, bro!" John B said

When I got home, Kie was sitting there waiting for me.

I got off my bike and she walked up to me and kissed me.

"Welcome home.." She said

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm trying to be. He's in jail. I have you and my parents are happy. They even allowed me to spent the night here."

"There is no way they let you stay alone here."

"I might have told them John B and Pope were here." She said kissing me

I carried her inside to my bedroom and we started making out. Kie and I were up for hours. We both skipped school the next day and we surfed.

Then we had to go to school the next day. Being back in school sucks. I loved just hanging out with Kie all day. After school, we went to John B's and hung out on the dock, and fished.

Kie was laying in the hammock far away from us and he said, "Okay, so Kie is hot,.."

"Dibs.." Pope said

No way, I brought it up first." John B said arguing

"I called dibs.." Pope argued back

"JJ, are you seriously not interested? You flirt with her all the time." John B asked

"Hell yeah, I'm interested in Kie.." I said loudly

Kiara looked up at all of us and John B said, "Nice one man."

Kie got up and she walked over and said, "Not gonna happen.."

As she said that she hit the hat I was wearing off my head and Pope laughed.

The sun was setting and I built a fire. We all sat around the fire and talked. These were my favorite nights. Kie went home and I was there with the boys.

"So we all have a thing for her. How do we decide who get's her?" John B asked

"We don't decide. She get's to decide." I said

"That seems fair.." Pope said

We talked about girls until Pope had to leave and then it was just me and John B.

I crashed at his palce that night and it was finally Friday. Kie skipped school again and I decided to take off early.

I went to the Wreck and there Kie was with another guy. He went to the kook academy. His name was, Adam. I walked in and Kie came over to me.

"Hey, why aren't you in school?" She asked

"Why aren't you in school?" I asked her

"Personal day.." She said

"Who's the kook over there?"

"That's Adam. He was one of my only friends during my kook year. He heard about what happened with Ben."

"How?" I asked confused as she told no one

"I told him... I was working here today and he stopped in and we just started talking." She said

"Okay, have fun.." I said leaving

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