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Kiara's POV:

Sarah and I had gone to the mainland and went prom dress shopping. My parents had decided to talk to Rose and Ward. They literally set me up with Rafe. Sarah didn't seem to mind as she was just excited that I was going.

We were getting ready for prom at Sarah's house. I was wearing a red dress and Sarah was wearing a black dress. Topper came over and Rafe came outside. We took thousands of pictures and my mom was beaming with joy.

We went to dinner at Figure Eight and then to the dance. We had been at the dance for about an hour and Rafe was already drunk. Sarah and Topper were in their own little bubble. Rafe handed me a drink and said, "Drink up, babe.."

I took a sip and the punch was for sure spiked. I had been brushing Rafe off all night long. After finishing the drink, my mind was foggy and I felt dizzy.

"What the hell did you put in my drink?" I asked him

"Nothing that will hurt you. I just want us to have a fun night.." He said grabbing my shoulders and leading me away from the group

He was helping me in the car when JJ appeared and said, "What the hell Rafe?"

"She just had a few too many drinks." Rafe lied

I was stumbling and slurring my words. I shook my head no and Rafe grabbed my arm and suddenly JJ was punching Rafe.

"What the fuck did you give to her?" He asked

"Just some drugs for us to have a good time.." Rafe replied innocently

I saw Rafe's car leave and I was left there with JJ.

"I've got you, Kie.." He said picking me up and carrying me to an old beat-up truck

He put me in the passenger seat and he started driving. I had no idea where we were going and I was so out of it.

"I can't go home like this.." I said crying

"I know.." JJ whispered in a reassuring voice

He drove me to a little white house.

"Wait here and I'll be right back.." JJ said leaving the truck

He came back a few minutes later and he said, "We're good.."

He picked me up and carried me inside his house. He brought me into his bedroom and he laid me on the bed. I noticed he locked the door. I passed out on the bed and that was the last thing I remembered.


Kiara just passed out on my bed and I went to my dresser and grabbed one of my t-shirts.

I unzipped her dress and then put the t-shirt over her body before pulling the dress off. I hung the dress up in my closet as it looked really expensive. I covered her with a blanket and I grabbed an extra pillow and blanket and I laid down on my floor.

I would have slept on the couch but my dad was home and if he knew that Kiara was here then he would murder me. He wasn't big on letting me have friends over, especially not girls. To be honest, I hated having people over because he was so unpredictable.

I couldn't believe that Rafe had drugged Kiara. I got offered to help work the stupid kook prom and I agreed as I could always use the extra money. I'm just so thankful I caught Rafe trying to leave with a drugged Kiara.

I woke up when I heard Kiara get up. I looked at her and whispered, "Please be quiet.."

She looked at the shirt she was wearing and then at me. I was still half under my blanket on the floor, but I was shirtless.

"Did we have sex?" She whispered as she held her head

"No.." I said getting up

I had basketball shorts on and I sat next to her on the bed and I gave her some Advil and water.

"I'll tell you everything later, but we should get out of here before my dad wakes up.." I said nervously

Kie got out of my bed and I tossed her a pair of my shorts as I knew she wasn't going to put her prom dress back on.

We snuck out my window to my bike and she got on the back of it. She held onto her dress and I went to her house and she said, "Thank you for last night, JJ. I still want to know everything that happened. Can you meet me at The Wreck for lunch today so we can talk about it?"

I couldn't turn her down because she deserved to know. I also didn't want to have to go hang out at her family restaurant.

"Yeah, see you there at 12:30..." I said as she went inside

I went back home and took a shower and changed clothes. I was almost out the door when my dad came into my room.

"Why was your door locked?" He demanded

"I don't know.. I came home late and just shut it. I must have accidentally hit the lock." I lied

"Bullshit.. What little slut did you have in your room last night?"

"She's just a friend who needed me to take care of her last night.." I said praying he wouldn't hit me

I was wrong. I got a punch in my ribs and he said, "Go on and get outta here boy! Nothing but a disappointment.."

I happily left the house and it was still early so I went to John B's and hung out with him for a few hours.

I left his place on my bike and I went to The Wreck. I walked inside and the place was packed. I saw Kie was waitressing.

She came up to me and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

I decided on food and she got the same thing. She brought out two to-to boxes and said, "Let's get out of tourist and kook land.."

We got on my bike and I took her to our little private spot on the beach. We sat down and started eating.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked

"Consider it a thank you for last night.." She smiled

"Oh yeah, so I got asked to work the stupid kook prom and I agreed because you know me. I need all the money I can get. I saw Rafe pulling you out and it didn't look right, so we got in a fight and he left. I brought you back to my place and you passed out as soon as you laid down on my bed. I didn't want you to sleep in your dress so I just put one of my t-shirts on you and put a blanket over you. I slept on the floor as my dad was on the couch. I swear I would never do anything perverted.."

She laughed and said, "I trust you.. Thank you for that."

We made small talk and finished eating and I asked, "Why do you hang out with me? Couldn't this ruin your kooksville reputation?"

She laughed and said, "I hate being a kook. I have nothing in common with anyone. Last night, all Rafe's friends let me leave like that. You don't even know me and you knew it was wrong. I'd give anything to be a Pogue."

"I'd trade lives with you any day of the week" I spoke wishing I had her life

We sat there for another hour talking and we exchanged numbers.

"Did you tell Pope and John B that we're hanging out?" She asked

"No, they'd give me shit for hanging with a kook. Did you tell Sarah?"

"Hell no, she'd never let me live it down."

"So we'll stay secret friends then.." I said

"Secret friends.." She smiled back at me

A.N. -

So any thoughts so far? Hope it's starting off okay :)

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