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Kiara's POV:

JJ and I have been okay, but we still haven't talked about the breakup. There was a huge hurricane heading towards OBX, hurricane Agatha. It was still a few days away but the whole island was preparing for it.

I still haven't gotten the chance to talk to JJ about the breakup. I think we were both avoiding it.

However, today we were all the John B's, and JJ made some comment about his shitty life and stormed out of the house.

I looked at Pope and John B and they put their hands up in their air.

"What?" I asked super confused

"You're way better at dealing with him and his emotions than we are. That is all you.." John B said

"Fine.." I said taking a deep breath and following JJ

He was down by the marsh and I walked down there and he was really upset.

"J.." I whispered as I was a few feet away from him

"Leave me the fuck alone, Kie. You're the last person I want to talk to." He spoke keeping his back to me

"Well, John B and Pope sent me out here. Put all our problems aside, why did you say that?"

"Because it's true.." JJ spoke and I could tell he was crying

I knew John B and Pope were watching us from the porch and I knew he hated people seeing him in pain.

"Come on.." I said grabbing his hand and bringing him to my car

He got in without arguing and the second we started driving, he broke down. I grabbed his hand and said, "It's okay.."

I drove a few minutes to his house and I parked the car and JJ didn't move.

"What's going on?" I asked

"I was in town and everywhere I go, people say 'that poor kid turned out just like his father', 'bastard child', 'keep a close eye on the store. things go missing when he's around... Kie, no one loves me. I have no one. My mom left, she didn't want me. My dad hates me. He'd be happy to come home to see me dead on the floor."

"Don't ever say that again. Your dad cares about you in his own way. I hate him for everything he's done to you, but I know part of him cares. Look how he acts when he's sober. You've had your good moments with him. Your mom has no idea what she is missing. She has no clue how incredible her son is. I know your home life fucking sucks, but you know what's so special about you is that you turned into an amazing man. You could have very easily turned into your father or worse, but you didn't. And you aren't alone. You have John B and Pope and you have me. You'll always have us..." I said crying seeing JJ in that much pain

"No, I won't always fucking have you, Kie. You broke up with me.. Remember?"

"JJ, you cheated on me.. You literally slept with Kylie and then made out with her in front of me."

"I never slept with her.. I mean she slept on the couch, but I passed out next to her because I was blackout drunk but nothing happened. I was wasted all day.. I have no good excuse for it."

"It's for the best, but we are still friends and we always will be.."

"I don't want to be friends, Kie.. It's too hard."

"Well then what do you suggest? We tell John B and Pope?"

"Fuck no.." He said slamming his hand on the window

"JJ, calm down.." I said as his temper was growing

"What does Adam have that I don't? Money?" He asked

"I told you, there never has been anything between me and Adam. He is just a friend. Stop being so insecure.. I told Adam I was dating you. He was jealous that I found true love.. He knew I was with you and no boundaries were crossed. Grow up and stop acting like a child." I screamed in tears

JJ and I were arguing back and forth and things got heated. We both said so many things we shouldn't have. But it was too late to take them back. We both screamed and cried while we argued and I was glad no one was around to see it.

JJ got out of the car and he said, "Fuck you, Kiara. Go back to your kook life and leave me and the pogues alone. Clearly, we aren't good enough for you and never will be.."

He slammed the door and I opened the window and said, "Fuck you, JJ. Fuck you!! Go back to drinking your life away and sleeping with random sluts. See where that gets you."

I gave him the middle finger as I drove off. I didn't go back to John B's, I was too pissed off. Instead, I drove to Adam's and I walked up to his house. I rang the doorbell and he opened it. I pulled him and I kissed him. He pulled back and asked, "I thought you had a boyfriend?"

"I did, as in past tense.." I said kissing him again

He kissed me back this time, but after a few seconds, he stopped.

"Kiara, I've wanted to kiss you forever but we can't do this. I know JJ is a pogue and someone everyone would tell you to stay away from, but I saw the way you looked at him." Adam said

"Shit, I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be here.." I said totally embarrassed

He hugged me and said, "Thanks for stopping over and making sure I was preparing for the hurricane. Nothing else ever happened."

I smiled and said, "Thank you, Adam."

I left his house and I went back to John B's.

"Where the hell were you?" Pope asked

"At JJ's trying to talk to him, but he stormed off. I'm sorry guys."

"It's okay, it's a thing JJ does when he gets upset. He'll come back." John B said reassuringly

I started crying and they both hugged me and asked, "What did he say?"

"Just stupid things from my kook year." I said wiping my tears

"Don't let him get to you, Kiara. He just needs to blow off his steam.."

"I just hope he comes back before the hurricane." I said worried about him

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