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Kie and I spent the entire next day surfing and at the beach. We watched the sunset and then we went to her parent's restaurant after it was closed. She unlocked the place and went in the back and got us some free food. 

We were sitting in a booth looking at each other as we shared a plate of fries.

"You're beautiful.." I said smiling at Kie

She laughed and said, "You've not too ugly either.. In fact, you're very handsome and sexy.."

I looked into her eyes and she leaned over the table and kissed me. It was almost one in the morning and we have been sitting here talking for hours.

"Hey, anytime you want food or just a place to hang away from your dad, here is the key.." Kie spoke soothingly as she handed me the key to The Wreck

"Kie, I can't take this... If I get caught in here, I'm going to jail."

"You aren't breaking in if you have a key. You are keeping it. You can't always get to your island, but this isn't so far away.."

JJ got up and he came over to sit next to me. He kissed me and said, "Thank you, Kie... I've never had anyone care about me like this before.."

"I love you, JJ.." She whispered

"I love you, Kie.." I whispered back

I put the key in my pocket and I said, "I promise to let you know whenever I'm here.."

"Let's carve out initials into this table.." She said smiling

I laughed and we both sat under the table and I took out my pocket knife and scratched our initials into the bottom of the table just like I did with the tree on the island.

"JJ, what do the J's in your name stand for?" She asked out of nowhere

I laughed and said, "Jackson James Maybank.. If you ever call me that, I might kill you"

"Jackson James Maybank..." She said smirking

I picked her up and said, "Fuck you"

I was laughing as I said it and she knew I was joking.

"What are you going to do about it, Jackson James?" She asked threatening me with a smile

"Bend you over and slap your ass.." I said

She bit her lip and I hit her ass. Not hard at all, it was pretty light - like a light tap.

"Uhhh, Jackson James.." She said fake moaning

I started laughing and so did she. I picked her up and put her on the counter where the bar was and we started making out. I lifted her shirt off and she took mine off and her hands went to my abs.

I took a few body shots off Kie and then we had sex in our booth. She laid there, on top of me, on the small seat.

Her body weight was resting on top of me.

She kissed me and asked, "Everyone calls you JJ, when did you stop going by Jackson?"

I got quiet and said, "From the time that I was born, my dad called me JJ... My mom was the only one who ever called me Jackson.."

She kissed my cheek and said, "Your secret is safe with me, JJ.."

"I know.. Thanks, Kie.. John B doesn't even know what JJ stands for and I really don't want anyone to know.."

We laid there for a few more minutes and then she got up and said, "I feel like I'm suffocating you.."

"You weren't.." I said putting my sweatshirt over her head. I put on the rest of my clothes and she was just wearing my sweatshirt and underwear. She looked insanely hot.

We were walking out to her car and she got in the driver's seat and threw the rest of her clothes in the back.

She started the car and she drove slowly back to my house.

"Home sweet home.." I said looking out the window at the small house

Kie grabbed my hand said, "I hate that you have to go back to him every night.."

"So do I, but he's my dad and I love him. I know it's wrong and I shouldn't, but I do."

"I get it, I'm here if you need me.. I love you, JJ.." She said

"I love you, Kie.. Thank you.." I said kissing her goodnight

I walked into my house and saw my dad was passed out on the couch, like always. I looked at him and knew I never wanted to be like him.

I went to my room and I laid in bed thinking about Kiara. I don't know how I got so lucky. Part of me couldn't believe that she could ever love someone like me. I was damaged, fragile, and a mess. She knows that and she loves me anyway and sees me as funny, strong, and handsome.

I fell asleep thinking about my girlfriend and I woke up to my drunk father coming into my room.

"Good morning, son.." He said in a calm voice which I haven't heard in so long

I sat up, still half asleep, and said, "Good morning, dad."

He left my room and he seemed like the dad I used to know. I got dressed and walked to the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the kitchen table.

He was holding a pile of cash and there was food in the house for the first time in a long time.

"I won it big, boy..." My dad grinned

Fuck. He was going to lose it all and make my life a living hell.

"That's great! Maybe you should pay off your debts and.."

I was cut off and he said, "I'm heading out of town for a few weeks. I got you some food, beer, and condoms. You have that pretty girl of yours over to celebrate. Us Maybank men are finally getting outta the cut.."

My dad patted my shoulder as he grabbed a duffle bag full of clothes and a bag full of cash.

I went outside with my dad and he put two bags in his truck. My dad gave me a hug and said, "I know I'm hard on you, boy but I'm just building a tough man. I'm proud of you and the man you are. I love you, son.."

"Love you too, dad.." I said fighting back tears

He stopped and looked at me and said, "Hell, son pack a bag and come to Vegas with me."

"That's okay, you go.." I said not wanting to be there when he lost it all

"You sure?" He asked

"Yeah.." I said fighting back tears

"Hold down the fort here, I'll be back soon.." My dad said getting in his truck and driving away

I immediately called Kie and told her to get over here ASAP with no explanation. I sat on the couch crying.

Kie came running into my house and asked, "What the hell happened?"

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