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I sat on my couch trying to process what just happened. I ran to my bedroom and found the one baby picture I had with my parents and I sat back on the couch and lost it.

I have never remembered my dad being so loving towards me. I know it's only because of the cash and when he loses it all, he will come back and beat me.

Kie walked in frantically and she sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me. She lightly rubbed my back and laid her on my shoulder.

"What happened?" She whispered

"It's nothing like that.. My dad told me that he's proud of me and that he loves me. He gave me a thousand dollars. He stocked the house with food... He was my dad I remember from the beach.." I said trying to calm my tears

I haven't felt loved by him in years and I know it was going to change but for now, it felt good knowing my dad loved me but that was all going to change.

Kie held me even tighter and said, "It's okay, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.."

"He wanted me to go with him to Vegas. I wanted to go so bad. I've never left North Carolina and to go on a plane to freaking Vegas with loads of cash.. More cash than I will probably ever see in my life. But I couldn't because he's going to lose every single penny of that cash and when he does, my face will be the first thing he punches. Kie, he's going to come back and kill me.."

She kissed my neck and said, "I won't let that happen. I will take you on a trip, our own trip, together. No Luke involved.."

"Kie, I literally have one grand and like twenty bucks to my name. I can't afford to go anywhere.." I said embarrassed that I literally had nothing

She grabbed my hand and said, "I know that JJ and I don't care. I love you for exactly who you are.. You are my boyfriend and the man I love. I love you, Jackson James Maybank."

She froze and said, "Fuck, I'm sorry... It's just, I love you so much and I didn't mean to say it. It just came out because I love the way it sounds.."

"Kie, you can say it whenever we're alone. I love you and I haven't felt this loved or safe since my mom was here..."

She started bawling, not in a sad type of way, but in an emotional way. She hugged me and held me so tight.

"It's okay, Kie.." I said rubbing her back and I kissed the top of her head

"I know.." She said kissing my cheek

She stayed next to me and clung to me all day while we talked about our dreams.

"So instead of a trip because my parents would kill me. How about me and you go to the mainland and have a day of going full kook?"

I laughed as I hated kooks and so did she.

"Deal.." I said agreeing as it would at least be entertaining

She smiled and said, "Well then, let's shower and get ready."

We showered and put our clothes back on and took the ferry to the mainland. We went shopping and Kie was putting me in Topper and Rafe outfits. She was enjoying it and I loved to tease her.

We finally agreed on one that wasn't awful.

"Leave it on.." She smiled

"Now, I'm picking something out for you." I said

"I'm scared.." She said laughing

"You should be.." I replied smirking as I searched the store

I found the ugliest dress and I brought it back to Kie pretending I loved it. She fake smiled and tried it on anyway. She opened the door and I burst out laughing. She laughed and said, "Fuck you, JJ.."

I smiled and handed her a dress. She came out in it smiling and I smiled at her.

"Bingo, see I told you I was good at this" I said bragging about shopping

Kie paid for our outfits and we left the store. Next, she took me into a spa.

"Kie, this is so not a place where I belong" I said rolling my eyes

"Relax, you're not here to get your nails done. We are getting massages, dumbass." Kie said walking to the desk

Before I knew it, we were both laying on a massage table. I was so relaxed and I think I might have fallen asleep. After, we went and ate dinner at a really fancy dinner.

"Kie, the cheapest thing on this menu is a side of carrots for twenty-five dollars" I said overwhelmed by the cost of the food

"I know, order whatever the hell you want. We're kooks for tonight." She said grabbing my hand under the table

She forced me to order the steak, not that I was mad about it. I just didn't want her to have to pay for such an expensive meal.

The food was incredible and after, we went for a walk on the beach and I said, "Thank you Kie, for a night of full kook.."

"Anytime, Mr. Maybank.." She said laughing

Her laugh was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I could listen to it forever. I looked into her eyes and I kissed her. Our lips touched and I could feel her smiling. My stomach was doing flips. I was so in love with this girl and I knew I never wanted to lose her.

We took the ferry back home to the Outer Banks and I drove her car to my house. We had the place to ourselves because my dad took off.

Kie was laying in bed with me and she was asleep on my chest and I couldn't help but watch her sleep so peacefully. I wish I could freeze time because I knew things wouldn't always be like this, our own little bubble where everything was perfect.

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