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Sarah held Kie's other hand and Pope ran after John B and Cleo.

"You really love her, don't you?" Sarah asked

"More than you'll ever know.." I replied looking at Kie

"You know before I met you, I thought you were someone like your dad. Then Kie started crushing on you way before the Rafe thing. I thought she was crazy for liking a pogue, especially you. Sorry.." She said looking at me

She continued, "I couldn't believe she wouldn't want a guy like Topper. She saw the real me, the pogue side of me before I even knew I was a pogue. Then the whole saw Rafe situation happened and I've never seen Kiara happier than when she was with you. I freaked out and I bailed on her. She finally got back to her pogues and I was jealous. I've always known there was something between the two of you, even when you were broken up. I wanted what you and Kie had. Then I met John B and I realized Kie was right. I understand why she hates the kooks so much. There isn't anyone else that I would want Kie to be with."

I wasn't going to cry, I mean I totally could have but I didn't.

"Wow, a compliment from Sarah Cameron the former kook bitch." I said joking

She laughed and said, "Hey, thank John B for getting me out of the bubble wrap."

I laughed and we looked at Kie and I asked, "What if she doesn't wake up?"

"She will.." Sarah said confidently

"Kiara, you bitch! You can't die right now. You have a boy who is in love with you and you can't leave him here without you. Wake up, pogue princess.." Sarah said laying next to Kie

We both laid there next to Kiara. I had no intention of leaving her side. About twenty minutes later, Cleo, John B, and Pope all came back.

"Did you guys get him?" I asked

"No, but he took off on a boat." Cleo said

"What are we supposed to do if he comes back?"

"I don't know, but we need to get the hell off this island!" Sarah said

Pope came and sat by Kie and asked, "How is she?"

"The same.." I whispered

It was dark out and everyone was going to bed. I laid next to Kie and everyone got up through the night to check on us. She still had a pulse, but it was weak.

"Kie, you are the strongest person I know. I know an arrow in the leg isn't enough to kill you. You are fearless. You jumped off the ship into the ocean to save me. You can't leave me here, alone because, without you, I am truly alone. You are all I have. We have so much that we still have to do together. We need to get the gold and the cross. We need to get Ward and Rafe. We have to go on our surf trip, just you and me. I want to take you to Yucatan. Damn it, Kie, I want to marry you and have a baby with you. I want to live together and get old with you. I want forever with you. Please stop being so stubborn and wake up.." I whispered to her

I fell asleep and I woke up and Sarah was there.

"She's still out.." Sarah said

"Fuck.." I said worried that this was it

"JJ, true loves kiss." She said

"I'm not going to kiss her. She didn't even want to date me. We've talked.." I said

"JJ, just do it. NOW.." She said

I moved Kie's hair and I gently touched my lips to hers. The second they touched her, I felt her smile which turned into a laugh. I pulled back and Sarah said, "She woke up about an hour ago."

I looked at Kie and I started crying. I hugged her and said, "I don't know how you kept a straight face."

Thankfully, no one else saw me lean down to kiss Kie. I wouldn't even call it a kiss. Our lips touched for less than a millisecond. They might not have even touched because she started laughing.

"Kiara!" Pope called running over

He hugged Kie and said, "I'm so sorry for everything. I am so happy you are okay."

"Dude, you ruined the moment" Sarah said referring to mine and Kie's moment

"I saved her life!" Pope said

Kie let go of Pope and then Cleo and John B came over. I moved out of the way and let the others in to see her.

I needed a minute alone, anyway. I walked to the water and looked back at everyone around her. I was just so thankful that Kie was okay. I didn't even see the arrow coming, if I did, I would have stepped in front of her so it hit me instead.

"Hey, you okay?" Sarah asked coming over

"Yeah, I just am so happy she's okay." I said looking at Sarah who was smiling

"She woke up and the first thing she asked was if you were okay. Then I told her to do the kiss thing."

"Please don't tell Pope anything I said to her."

"Relax, JJ. Your soft side is safe with me." Sarah teased me

"Go get our girl" She said motioning to go back to Kie

I walked back over and I sat next to her and she hugged me.

"I wanna go surfing" Kie said smiling at me

"You can't get saltwater in your wound.." Pope said shooting the idea down

"You're no fun, I almost died and now I can't even surf.." Kie said

"You aren't going anywhere near the water." Pope said

"Sarah, grab one of the boards and go out knee-deep." I instructed

I took my clothes off and had my swimsuit on. Kie had her swimsuit on and I picked her up and she asked, "What are you doing?"

"Taking you surfing." I said

I brought her into the water and laid her on the surfboard that was homemade and I pushed her out and there were small waves.

"Closest I can get you to surfing." I said as she sat on the surfboard

"It's perfect, JJ.." She said smiling

The other pogues came in the water with us. I held onto her the whole time as I didn't want her in the water with the arrow wound.

It had healed really well. It only went about an inch into her leg.

"Are you hungry?" I asked

"Starving.." She smiled

I brought her back to shore and I carried her to the fire. I went and got her some berries and she ate and said, "JJ, thank you for taking care of me."

I sat there with her and I was exhausted after staying up all night with her.

"Sleep, I promise to stay right here." She said

I laid down on her non-injured leg and she played with my hair and I fell asleep.

Closed Door • JIARA •Where stories live. Discover now