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Today was the first day of school. I spent the night at John B's place. He basically forced me out of bed and Pope came over and rushed us out the door.

We stopped at Kiara's to pick her up and damn, she looked perfect.

"Are you excited?" Pope asked Kie

"Not to start school but yeah that I get to school with you guys." She smiled at him

Pope wouldn't shut up about school the whole drive there.

The first day was boring, at least there was no homework. However, tonight was the worst night of John B's life. The sheriff showed up and said that since it had been six months since Big John went missing, he was presumed dead.

"He's not dead, he's still out there. Please don't stop looking!!" John B called out

"I'm sorry, we've done everything we can" Peterkin said leaving

John B was pissed off and he went to the fridge and grabbed another beer.

"I'm going to finish what my old man started" He said determined

"Dude, I'm all in." I said wanting the gold

"Me too.." Kie said smiling at him

"Guys, it's very unlikely that you'd find the gold. We're just a couple of teenagers." Pope said

"Come on, Pope. It will be like a real-life treasure hunt." Kie encouraged him

"Fine." He said giving in

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me." John B said looking at all of us

John B told us all he knew about the Royal Merchanant and how there was 400 million worth of gold to be found.

Kie and Pope went home and I spent the night at John B's on the pullout couch where I normally slept.

The next thing I knew, John B was trying to get me up for school. I hated getting up for school. I hated school. I just wanted to live on my own little island where nothing mattered.

John B drove me to school and we were in our second period and I was bored. Pope came over and hung out with us after school. Kie was bust working at the Wreck. She invited us all over for a free meal after they closed at 8 pm.

We showed up and the place was closing. We sat down at our normal table and Kie brought out a bunch of food. She sat down with us and we talked about the gold and school.

Kie's dad seemed annoyed that we were here.

"Dad, these are my friends. That's John B, Pope, and JJ."

The guys all said hi and my dad said, "Enjoy the food."

"Mr. Carrera, thank you for letting Kiara go to school with us." I said trying to make a good impression as I was dating his daughter

He smiled and said, "Of course, she seems much happier there. I'll be sure to tell my wife."

He left and we were alone there. Kie looked at me from across the table and she smiled. She moved her foot to touch mine and then our hands touched under the table where we also carved our initials.

Kiara refilled our drinks and John B said, "Kook food tastes so much better than pogue food"

"Free food tastes better." Pope corrected him and they all laughed

"Thank you, Kie." The boys all said

"Anytime you want to eat, come late. We just throw this all away at the end of the night." Kie said

"I'm sorry to leave, but my parents are going to kill me if I'm not home soon." Pope said checking the time

"I guess, I'm driving him. JJ, can you get a ride with Kie?"

"Yeah." Kie said

Pope and John B left and JJ helped me clean up.

"So, what was that?" Kie asked me smirking

"What was what?"

"You trying to impress my dad"

I laughed and scratched the back of my neck.

"Just trying to make a good impression" I replied nervously

"My dad isn't the one you need to impress. It's my kook mom you should be worried about." She said

"Hey, at least you don't have to worry about meeting my parents.." I tried to play it off as a joke but Kie looked at me and I could feel the pain that she was feeling. She hated everything about my father and what he's done to me.

Funny thing is, I never let John B or Pope see that side of me. For years, I would tell them I got into a fight, a surfing accident, I fell, I went through every excuse in the book. I eventually told them that my dad and I got into arguments. They just didn't know bad it could get. They've never been inside my house. I won't let them in. I didn't want them to see my dad passed out on the couch or how trashed he left the house.

So I don't know why on earth I let Kie in. I let her see that side of my life I never showed to anyone before. I have no idea why I felt so comfortable with her. It scared me to be so vulnerable and show my weak spots.

"I would love to actually meet your father and tell him how incrdible his son is. That even with a father who is always high and drunk and is abusive, you still turned out to be the most amazing man. I'd tell him how kind you are and how loyal you are. How you never fail to make us all smile and laugh."

"You'd really do that?" I asked shocked as I knew Kie hated my father

"Yes, I hate him and everything he's done to you. But he's still your dad and I understand that you still love him."

I stopped helping Kie clean and I just looked at her and asked, "Really? The guys think I'm crazy for still caring about him."

"My mom and I really don't get along and we fight all the time, as you've seen. She wants me to be a kook and I'm not and that drives her crazy. But no matter what, I still love her. She's my mom. I get it. Luke is your dad and just because he's a shitty father doen't mean he isn't your dad. I get it.. You don't ever have to explain it to me." She said hugging me

"I wish you could meet my mom.." I whispered

"Me too because I would tell her she's crazy for leaving you with your dad." She said back to me

I laughed and said, "Hey, it's okay. It's done. I don't even remeber her. I just know that I felt so loved by her and she was the only one who called me Jackson."

She kissed me and said, "I love you, Jackson James."

I laughed and said, "Seriously, you better never tell anyone my real name."

"I promise." She said kissing me again

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