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A.N. Hey! just a heads up that the next few chapters are things that happened in seasons 1 & 2. I just wanted to add more of JJ's POV from the show and tie that into this story.

The goal is to get this book to when the pogues are on the island. Who knows? Maybe JJ will find a way to open that door with Kie again.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

Kiara's POV:

We got up, got ready, and got in my car. I drove to John B's place and grabbed JJ's board. I had texted the boys that I was taking today off as I had bad cramps. Neither of them questioned it which is exactly what I wanted.

JJ and I spent the whole morning in the water and then I ran and snuck food from the Wreck. We sat on the beach eating.

"Are we going to talk about what happened the night of the hurricane?" JJ asked me

I totally wasn't expecting him to bring that up.

"We can if you want to. I don't really know what to say."

"Neither do I. So we're still good?"

"Yeah.." I said stealing one of his fries

"You have your own fries.." He said laughing at me

"I know, but that one looked really good.."

He grabbed three on mine and shoved them in his mouth.

After we were done eating, and school was ending and JJ said, "I should probably head to John B's and let him and Pope know that I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I mean they know my father. I just won't go into detail.." He replied

"Okay, I'll come over later tonight. Promise me that you won't go home. You can stay here anytime or with John B."

"He's my dad, Kie and that's my house. I'll have to go back eventually."

"Just be careful.." I said giving him a hug

"I promise." He said

JJ left and started walking towards John B's and I said, "Let me at least drop you off closer.."

I dropped him off at John B's with his board and I left and went to work. After, I drove to John B's. I arrived and saw the three boys sitting around the fire.

"JJ, where the hell were you?" I asked paying dumb

I walked up to him and he said, "Dad came home so I took off for a few days. I left my phone at home. Sorry.."

I gave him a quick hug and sat down next to him and he handed me a beer while we talked about our plan to get the gold.

A few days later, the cops showed up to arrest Pope. JJ jumped and took the blame. I was crying because this was going to destroy his life. He got into the back of the police car and was taken to jail.


I talked to Peterkin and then my dad showed up. I would much rather spend years in jail than take the beating I was about to get.

He was pissed about the restitution. He talked about it the whole walk to the car. At that moment, the only thing I wanted was Kie. I wanted her there to hold my hand and tell me everything was going to be okay.

The second I got in the car, my dad attacked me. Blood splattered on the window and I was hit over and over again. I just sat there and took it. The minute we got home, I went to my room and started blasting music. It helped to drown out my dad's voice.

"You're a worthless piece of shit" He screamed

"Your mama knew!" He screamed again

I was banging on my door telling him to shut up. I was having a complete panic attack or mental breakdown. I didn't know how to stop so I started throwing things and kicking things. I just stayed in my room wishing Kie would come and knock on my window and hug me and tell me that she loved me because right now, I felt worthless.

After about an hour, the yelling stopped. It must have meant my dad had passed out. I was being stupid and I put the gun to his head. I wanted to kill him. I was shaking and crying but I couldn't do it.

I took off on my bike and went to go talk to John B. I told him about how much I owed in restitution. He was so caught up in the royal merchant. We got into a heated argument, just what I needed right now. Someone else pissed at me.

Tonight was Midsummers and John B had this big plan. The only reason I went was because I knew Kie would be there and she would look amazing.

It was a complete mess. Rafe and his gang chased me all the way to the bathroom. I was panicking when they caught me. Great, another fight but it was five against one. I should have taken the gun and not let John B talk me out of it.

I was saved by the security guard and he was escorting me out, which guaranteed my safety. Until Rafe opened his fucking mouth and said, "Tell Kiara she looks pretty hot for a pogue"

That made my blood boil. Her history with Rafe and just because he was Rafe in general. I lost it and I broke free from the guard and charged toward Rafe. No one was going to talk about Kie like that, especially not him.

I made it back outside with the guard and he was jerking me around as we passed Kie. She looked at what was going on and all of a sudden I heard, "Let go of him. You can't just boot him!"

I looked back at Kie, surprised she was standing up for me in front of all these people. I'm some screwed-up kid from the cut and she stood up for me. In front of her parents, in front of her kook friends, in front of everyone.

"I invited him here. I'm a member of this club." Kiara continued as her parents practically begged her to stop

I pushed the guards and we made an exit. Her parents were pissed and trying to keep her there, but she took off running towards us pogues. She ran right into my arms. I picked her up and spun her around. I wanted to kiss her, but I knew I wasn't allowed to do that anymore.

We were having a fire and talking about the gold. I couldn't help but look at Kie in her dress and flower crown. She started freaking out about Sarah.

"What did she do to you exactly?" I asked her in a concerned voice

She was pissed and freaked out more. I made a mental note to ask her about Sarah when we were alone.

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