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Kiara's POV

A few days had passed since my prom night and today I told Sarah about what Rafe did. She was pissed at him. She freaked out making sure I was okay. However, as school ended we just stopped hanging out. She threw a huge party and didn't invite me so I called the cops. She turned into the bitchy kook princess.

I was all alone now. I texted JJ and asked him to hang out. He agreed and we met up at the beach and we went surfing together. JJ and I started to spend almost every single day together.

We grew pretty close. Our days mainly consisted of surfing and just hanging out.

It was late and we were on the beach laying on a blanket. We were looking at the stars and it was super late.

"Can we just sleep here?" I asked

JJ laughed and said, "Hell yeah.. I'd rather not go home."

"Why don't you tell someone about your dad?" I asked rolling over and looking at him

"He's my dad.." He said simply

I understood because he loves him but at the same time, he hates him.

"Why do you hate your kook life?" JJ questioned

"I hate that my parents expect me to love the kook life. My dad was a pogue so he should understand why I hate the kooks. I just want my parents to love me for me and not be so focused on getting me into all this kook shit."

"So basically, your parents would hate the fact that you're hanging with me"

"Yeah.." I whispered

"Why do you?" He asked me looking at me

"Because I have fun when I'm with you. You make me feel like I'm not a kook."

"You should come hang with me, John B, and Pope" JJ said

"Yeah, they hate me.."I said

"No, they don't. We were all hammered the night we talked to you"

We talked all night long and I woke up cuddled up to JJ and the sun rising. It was a perfect morning.

"JJ.." I whispered trying to wake him up

He slowly opened his eyes and I said, "Look at the sun.."

"It's beautiful! Just like you, Kie." He said looking at me

"Shut up.." I said laughing

JJ sat up and he said, "I have to get to work.."

"Have fun.." I said as he left on his bike to go back home

I laid back down and watched the sunrise. I then went home and my parents said they were leaving for a long weekend trip to South Carolina to visit my great aunt.

I worked at the restaurant all day and that night, I drove over to JJ's. When I got there I heard screaming and fighting. I ran to the front door and I walked into Luke and JJ fighting.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't you little slut.." Luke said looking at me

"Don't fucking look at her." JJ said hitting his dad

His dad then punched him in the stomach over and over and ramed JJ into the wall. I walked over to them I stepped in and said, "Get the hell off of him!"

Luke stopped and said, "Why the hell would I listen to you?"

"Because I took a video and I will call the cops" I threatened

Luke let go of JJ and he grabbed my arm and brought me outside. He got in my car and I drove away. JJ's hands were cracked, bruised, and bloody. His face didn't look much better.

I drove back to my parent's house and JJ said, "Fuck no, Kie.."

"Relax, they are in South Carolina for the weekend."

We walked inside and JJ sat down and I started cleaning the blood and icing his knuckles. His shirt was full of blood. I lifted it off him and I started crying.

His whole body was covered in bruises. He pulled me into a hug and I said, "JJ.."

"I'm okay, Kie.."

"I'm sorry, you're the one who is hurt and I'm the one crying.." I said feeling guilty

JJ pulled me onto his lap and he said, "Thank you for everything... Don't feel guilty, Kie. I'm used to this. It's been happening for years."

I hugged him and cried and said, "I don't want you to ever go back to him.."

"I have to because if I don't, it makes it all worse." He replied

"Then stay here tonight. Please.." I whispered

"Okay.." JJ agreed

I got up and finished cleaning his wounds and we went and laid on the couch and watched movies all day. It occurred to me that JJ has never had a day like this.

It was getting late and JJ was showering and I was all ready for bed. He got out of the shower and he said, "I'll just stay in the guest room.."

"Stay here.." I said not wanting him to leave

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes.." I said as I moved over and he came and laid next to me in my bed


I had gotten in a huge fight with my dad because he found Kiara's heels from prom in my room. He freaked out that I was bringing girls home. The fight escalated from there and thank God that Kie showed up.

I also hated that she had to see that. It broke me to see how upset she was over my bruised body. We spent the day watching movies on the couch. I never had a day where I laid on the couch and did nothing. It was the best day. Now, I am laying in bed with Kie.

I've never felt safer or loved in my entire life. Kie was laying next to me and she was still upset. I pulled her into my arms and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm okay, Kie..I promise you that I will never let anything happen to you. I can handle my dad."

She gently kissed each bruise on my stomach and that sent shivers down my spine. My stomach was in knots feeling her lips on my skin.

She lightly moved her finger around on my upper pec muscle. I kissed the top of her head and I said, "Thank you for always being there for me..

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