Miss country club (rc)

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WARNINGS: idk if these are even worth mentioning but teeny tiny drug mention, sleazy boys

"Do we really have to go to Barry's right now babe?" You whined to Rafe as he stopped at the red light. You had your feet up on the dashboard and your hand out the window, feeling the air against your skin.

You didn't have to see him to know he was rolling his eyes. He kept his left hand on the steering wheel and moved his right hand to rest on your thigh. "It's my turn to buy and the guys have been nagging me all week."

You let out a dramatic sigh, trying to piss him off at this point. "You'll survive." He smirked at you and squeezed your thigh. You were never good at being mad at Rafe, you placed your hand over his and intertwined your fingers.

You drove down the dirt road to Barry's place. You pulled your sunglasses down from you head and over your eyes, jumping down from the truck. You followed Rafe inside and tried to ignore the mess of a place.

You were being full on kook right now but really, would it kill him to clean? "Aye, there he is!" Barry came into the living room, his arms raised up seeing Rafe walk in. His eyes landed on you and he immediately let out a chuckle.

"If it isn't miss country club! Haven't seen you in a while!" You couldn't hide the small smile on your face at his nickname for you, Barry had always been nothing but nice to you. "Hey Barry how are you?" You walked over and pulled him into a quick hug.

Rafe rolled his eyes at the exchange, "alright man you got the stuff?" He asked clearly annoyed. "Alright big boy calm down, follow me." Barry waved him off. You stepped forward wrapping your hand around Rafe's bicep, feeling him relax under your touch.

"Why don't you go wait in the truck baby?" He leaned down placing a kiss on your head as you took the keys from his hand. You nodded, "Good to see you Barry!" You called to him in the other room as you walked out the front door.

As you stepped down from the porch you heard a car door slam shut causing you to snap your head up. A group of boys were walking up towards the house, and you thought you recognized them from school but weren't positive.

"Is that the kook princess I see?" The dirty blonde boy in front asked. You gave an awkward smile, unsure how to respond. You put your head down and continued your path towards the truck.

All of a sudden another one of the boys was standing in front of you trying to stop you, "Woah woah we're just trynna say hi to the pretty girl." He smelled like booze and cigarettes.

"I'm just leaving." You said sternly growing annoyed and turning your body to walk past him. He stopped your movement by placing his hands on your shoulders. The other boys just watching you get cornered.

"Still with that psychopath of a boyfriend?" The first boy asked coming up behind you and placing his hands on your hips. "Get off of me you creep." You tried to shove his hands off of you but he wasn't budging.

"You know I'm way better than him baby." He spoke in your ear causing your face to turn up in disgust. You swiftly shoved your arm up, elbowing him in the face. He stumbled back grabbing onto his nose, "bitch!"

"What the fuck is going on out here?" Rafe was rushing down the stairs, eyes wild as he darted towards you. The other guy close to you quickly backed away upon seeing him. "Did he touch you?" Rafe gently grabbed your hands in his checking over you.

"Y- yeah but I'm fine Rafe." You could see his breathing pick up as he tensed his jaw. "Your little slut just hit me." The boy spit blood out onto the ground and you were surprised to see how much damage you had made.

Without a second thought Rafe turned around. He grabbed the boys shoulders leaning him down as he rammed his knee up into his body. Once the boy doubled over, Rafe punched him square in the face, knocking him down again. Rafe bent down on his knees, running his thumb over his bottom lip. "Don't make her do it again."

"Damn country club!" Barry yelled finally coming outside to see the commotion. Rafe stood back up giving the other boy an absolute death glare, and he immediately cowered back.

He placed his hand on the small of your back leading you to the passenger side and opening the door. He helped you hop in before slamming the door and making his way to the drivers side. You could see Barry yelling at the other boys before you pulled your focus back to Rafe.

You weren't sure what to say, you've seen him fight before but never get as angry as he did. "You sure you're okay?" He leaned over the console looking at you. You grabbed his hands with yours, rubbing your thumbs across his palms.

"Yes really I'm fine." You nodded and tried to smile. He let out a sigh, relieved to hear you say those words. "You really hit him huh?" Rafe raised his eyebrow, slightly smirked at you. You let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah I guess I did."

He leaned over closer to you and placed a searing kiss on your lips. "That's hot babe." You smiled against his lips. "Of course you would find that hot." He nodded up and down.

He pulled away and put the car into reverse, quickly driving back towards figure eight. "I mean I'll kill anyone who touches you, but I like to know you can protect yourself just fine." He winked at you as you gave him a daring look.

"I know country club." You laughed using Barry's nickname for your boyfriend. He grabbed your hand, placing a kiss on your knuckles. "Yeah yeah whatever sweetheart."

a/n: idk how I feel about this one but I'm just a sucker for the 'did he touch you' trope 😌

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