the grudge (rc)

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Rafe Cameron was your greatest love and biggest downfall. Loving him was like finding yourself only to realize everything you thought you knew was a lie.

Loosing him hurt like hell, but knowing what he did hurt even more. Him being with another girl felt like a punch in the face.

When he called you that Friday in May your entire world was changed. "What do you mean you slept with her?"

When you spoke it didn't even sound like your own voice. Those words felt foreign and completely wrong coming out of your mouth.

"It was a mistake y/n/n." You could hear your own heart beating fast. He betrayed your trust, and confusion clouded your thoughts.

He took everything you loved and crushed it in between his fingers. "I hate you." You spit out as you ended the call.

He seemed so unaffected by everything. Your friends told you he was having a blast at the most recent kook party, acting like he didn't just break your heart.

You doubt he ever thought about the damage that he caused. Yet your love was undying. You couldn't just turn off all of the feelings you had for him, they were so big.

You could remember every detail of your first kiss, your first date, all of it. And now that he broke your heart, you held it like a grudge.

Why would he cheat on you? Was the other girl prettier? Was she skinnier? You hear his voice every-time you think you're not enough. You hear those words again 'I slept with her'.

You were bound to see him again, it was inevitable. "Hey y/n/n." You heard his voice behind you and your blood ran cold.

You almost didn't turn around, if you pretended he wasn't there maybe he wouldn't be. But your friends faces said otherwise.

You looked over your shoulder, his blue eyes instantly captivating you. "Hey." You responded coldly, though he could probably see right through your tough facade.

"Can we talk?" You swallowed heavily, this was probably a bad idea. After a moment you responded, "sure."

Without a thought he grabbed your hand and lead you outside. His touch gave you butterflies. He simply looked at you, it seemed he was gathering his thoughts.

"I don't really know what to say." You tried to be tough, but you wanted to scream. You let out an angry laugh, "you don't know what to say? How about you tell me how the hell you did what you did so easily?"

When he didn't say anything you continued. "I tell everyone that I don't care and that I'm fine but I can't let it go... I've tried." You confessed, hating how small you felt in the moment.

Ever since he betrayed you, you planned out this exact argument. In the shower, in the car, and in the mirror before bed. You fantasized about a time he would feel sorry.

"I just don't understand why you would do this to me? Are you insecure? Are you unhappy?" You were now yelling, throwing your hands around furiously.

You knew he wasn't perfect, and hurt people hurt people. You just never thought it would be you. Sure you had been through your moments together but why would he throw it all away?

"I'm so fucking sorry, I mean it." He grabbed both of your hands and held them up to his chest. "I don't know what I was thinking!"

Yet you couldn't stop your words now. "I know things can be rough with your family but you have everything! And you still want more?"

You tried to be tough, you tried to be mean, but even after all this he's still everything to you. "I love you Rafe. I won't deny that no matter how mad I am."

He looked at you sadly, "and I love you y/n." You felt a tear fall down your cheek and hit your hands. "It takes strength to forgive but... I'm not quite sure I'm there yet."

Your voice cracked as you spoke, hating the words that came out of your mouth. You knew it was the right choice though. "I'll wait as long as I need to, you're it for me y/n y/l/n."

You can't help but smash your lips against his, worried it might be the last chance you have to truly feel him against you.

You somehow found the strength to pull away from him. You wipe the tears that stream down your cheek and do your best to rid yourself of Rafe Cameron.

A/N: I know this is kinda short but I've been gone so long I wanted to post something!!! Someone had requested I write an imagine using this song so I hope you enjoy it! I hope you're all doing well and just remember I love you MWAH 😘😘😘

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