vampire (rc)

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a/n: inspired by vampire by Olivia Rodrigo🧛‍♀️ this is kinda short but I'm honestly obsessed with it lmk what y'all think!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼

You were at a party with your friends, drowning your sorrows in alcohol and the stares from other boys. If you just pretended to be fine, you would be eventually. Or so you thought, this proved to be harder than you anticipated.

You were dancing with your group of girlfriends, spilled beer and seltzers made the floor sticky but nobody seemed to care.

You were sweating a little bit but you were just so happy to be with your friends that nothing else mattered. 

Until you were interrupted and caught by complete surprise. "Hey." You whipped you head around to see the one and only Rafe Cameron.

You blink a few times, stunned by his presence. "Hi." You shortly respond, not sure how you're supposed to react.

What were you supposed to say? You didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of asking how he's doing now.
You hadn't seem him in nearly two months. He broke your heart and left you to pick up the pieces alone.

You hated him for it... but you loved him. You always have and probably always will. There was no way for you to dance around that fact. You could see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when you closed your eyes.

You loved him truly, you gotta laugh at the stupidity. Even his own sister Sarah told you not to mess with him. You were stubborn though and didn't listen.

He made you feel exciting and different in a way you never felt before. He was charming and sweet, you had no idea he could be so awful underneath all of the exterior. You gave him the benefit of the doubt, you thought he could be different.

You thought you could make him different, thought you could 'fix him'. You could love him back to his normal self. But nobody could, and it pissed you off.

Even though you made some real big mistakes, he made the worst one look fine. You should've know it was strange, he only wanted to hang out at night.

You ruined your friendships for him, you ruined your whole life for him. You used to think you were smart but he made you look so naive.

Now here you were, standing in some random kooks backyard, screaming at each other. "Every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad news!" You yelled pointing your finger at him.

An angry laugh left your lips, "you called them crazy god I hate the way I called them crazy too." He rolled his eyes, trying to look anywhere besides directly at you.

His past hook ups and girlfriends tried to warn you but you thought there was no way. Your Rafe Cameron could never be so diabolical, so horrible. He loved you didn't he?

"I mean how do you lie without flinching?!" Your words were slowly breaking down his tough guy facade.

Being with Rafe was a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill. He made you feel important and different. You never figured out how he did it, and god knows you never will.

"I mean why me Rafe?" You yelled as you stepped closer, tears filling your eyes. He looked down at you sadly, he knew why he went for you and not someone else. "Cause girls my age know better."

His honestly shocked you and you took in a sharp breath. Tears finally fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. He ached to reach forward and wipe them away.

"It was true love." He whispered trying to get you to forgive him. "Wouldn't that be hard?" You asked sarcastically, "you can't love anyone cause that would mean you had a heart." You spat the words out harshly.

"Please don't say that." He was growing more and more desperate, realizing this time you were ready to leave him and not come back

"I tried to help you out Rafe." It was true, you were doing everything in your power to heal him, sometimes people don't want to be helped.

"Now I know that I can't. Cause how you thinks the kind of thing I'll never understand." You shrugged your shoulders both defeated yet at peace with your decision.

"I can't do this anymore, I won't let you bleed me dry like a god damn vampire."

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